100字范文 > 世俗文化 secular culture英语短句 例句大全

世俗文化 secular culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-22 14:39:49


世俗文化 secular culture英语短句 例句大全

世俗文化,secular culture

1)secular culture世俗文化

1.The birth ofsecular culture,its characteristics and historical legality;世俗文化的成因、特征及历史合法性

2.Facing the confusion brought about by the advantages and disadvantages ofsecular culture,we must envisage the market-oriented economy,the scientific reasoning,and the language context in an evergrowing trend of globalization with the purpose of seeking the legal position of the value itself and the new growth-point of humanity utterance in the criticism ofsecular culture.面对世俗文化利弊俱生的现实困扰 ,我们必须正视市场经济、科技理性和日益全球化的当下语境 ,在对世俗文化的批判性阐释中寻找价值主体的合法性地位和人文话语新的增长点 ,并在理想的烛照下 ,为人们的生存架设一个超越性的价值坐


1.On the Secular Tang in the Nature Outlook in Chinese Landscape Painting;中国山水画自然观中的世俗文化情态

2.The birth of secular culture,its characteristics and historical legality;世俗文化的成因、特征及历史合法性

3.On Vulgarization Trend in Modem Literature-From the Vulgarization Tradition in Chinese Culture;从中国文化世俗化传统看当代文学的世俗化趋向

4.Secularized Rise and Aesthetic Existence of the Popular Culture;大众文化的世俗化崛起与审美化生存

5.Secularization of Buddhism in the Shanshan Kingdom Reflected in Kharosthi Documents;从佉卢文文书看鄯善国佛教的世俗化

6.Secularization is Tendency of Political Culture s Development of Contemporary China;世俗化:当代中国政治文化发展之趋向

7.Vulgar, Fawning Vulgar,and Popular --On the Literature at the Turn of the Century;世俗·媚俗·通俗——世纪之交文学纵横谈

8.Sanctified secularity and secularized sacredness--comments on historical background of John Calvin"s religious reformation神圣化的世俗 世俗化的神圣——兼评加尔文宗教改革的历史背景

9.Folk Cultural Resources Exploitation of "The Fairyland" in Guilin;桂林“世外桃源”景区民俗文化开发研究

10.Secularization of Literature and the Aesthetic Outlet in the Era of Consumption;文学的世俗化与消费时代的审美出路

11.Legendary World Intellectualized narration of the popular novels in 18th century;传奇的世界——18世纪通俗小说的文人化叙事

12.Too much concern for the good of one"s own section of the community, rather than that of everybody使(某事物)现世化,世俗化

13.The Civil Character and Historical Orientation of the Dynasty of Nan Song Music Culture;论南宋音乐文化的世俗化特征及其历史定位

14.The Mutual Relationship between Buddhism Culture and the Imitative Works of Huaben of Ming Dynasty;明代佛教文化的世俗化与晚明拟话本的互动

15.Almond s Theory of Political Developmen--A View of Cultural Secularization;阿尔蒙德论政治发展——从文化世俗化视角

16.The Signification of Arts Popular-Converting--On Benjamin s Critics of Popular Culture;艺术世俗化的意义——论本雅明的大众文化批评

17.The Dissimilation of Scholar s Legend--On JianDengXinHua s trend to common views;文人传奇小说的异化—论《剪灯新话》的世俗化倾向

18.Views from Four Scholars about the Third Revised Edition of Jin Yong s Novels;金庸小说再修改:通俗文学、大众传媒、世俗化社会的互动


cultural secularization文化世俗化

1.He takescultural secularization as the important presentation of political function development and an important means to improve the political functions in three layers,including system,process and policy.阿尔蒙德的政治发展理论,主张政治发展就是政治功能的发展,把文化世俗化当作实现功能发展的重要方面来达到政治体系的体系、过程和政策功能的完善,最终实现政治发展。

3)literature secularization文学世俗化

1.To eliminate the abuses ofliterature secularizations is not only the requirement of the times to purify the literary ecology and construct a harmonious culture,but also a reliable guarantee for sustainable development of literature.文学世俗化具有一定的积极意义;同时也存在着消解思想深度,放逐人文精神,缺少文化内涵,丧失美学品格,流于低俗、庸俗,道德失范等缺陷。

4)popularity of political culture政治文化世俗化

1.This paper tries to make a summary on theoretical achievements of political culture in China and in the West from three angles of definition,category andpopularity of political culture.本文主要从政治文化的定义、政治文化的研究范畴、政治文化世俗化三个角度对中西方学者政治文化研究的理论成果做一综

5)Social Customs and Culture社会世俗文化

6)world folk-custom culture世界民俗文化


《察世俗每月统记传》19世纪西方传教士出版的第 1个中文刊物,历史上第1份中文近代报刊。月刊。188月创刊于马来半岛西部城市马六甲。英国基督教(新教)传教士马礼逊和米怜创办,米怜主编,麦都思参加编辑,中国刻工梁发担任雕版和撰写部分稿件。雕版印刷,中国线装书式。出版后在南洋华侨聚居地区发行,少数传入中国境内。全部赠阅。宣称"以阐发基督教义为唯一急务"。内容多以浅显中文诠释《圣经》,兼谈伦理道德和天文之类的科学知识,后期刊有少量评述政治时事的短文。宣传方式注意迎合中国人的传统思想与习惯,经常用附会儒学的方式阐述基督教义。文体多样,有论文、小品、对话、书信、诗、告帖等。近代中文报刊上的第 1条消息《月食》即刊于该刊第 2期。初印 500份,后增至2000份。18停刊,共出7卷。
