100字范文 > 世俗音乐 secular music英语短句 例句大全

世俗音乐 secular music英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-13 04:38:12


世俗音乐 secular music英语短句 例句大全

世俗音乐,secular music

1)secular music世俗音乐

1.Since that the quanzhen Taoism rhyme music was based on the inheritance of traditional Taoism music, and assimilation of thesecular music, therefore, its structural level and the expression shape are presented two kinds: ya showed the content of Taoist cultivate his moral character, and su (secular) represented the religion of ghosts and gods, pray for blessings and to avert a misfortune.全真道经韵音乐包括全真正韵和地方韵两种 ,它是在承继道乐传统和吸收世俗音乐的基础上发展而成的 ,结构层次和表现形态自然呈现出两种 ,即以道士修身养性为内容的“雅” ,和以鬼神信仰、祈福禳灾为内容的“俗”。


1.Secular music was flatly prohibited.世俗音乐是绝对禁止的。

2.Secular Music To Be Taoism世俗音乐的道教化——关于全真道经韵音乐与世俗音乐关系的探讨

3.Lyrics and Melody Structure of Secularity Music in Middle Ages form Les Troubadours;从特劳巴多看中世纪世俗音乐的词乐结构

4.Conformity of Shu-miao Minority’s Nuo Tune and Custom music in the West of Hunan Provinece;湘西“熟苗区”傩腔与世俗音乐的整合

5.secular education, art, music世俗教育、 艺术、 音乐

6.Talk about the Reason and the Rationality for the Mundane Change of Pop Music;论流行音乐世俗转向的原因及合理性

7.American Black Gospel Music: Its Roots and Its Religious and Secular Characteristics美国黑人福音音乐发展渊源和宗教世俗双重性

8.sacred and profane music; children being brought up in an entirely profane environment.宗教和世俗的音乐;孩子们在一个完全世俗的环境长大。

9.The Civil Character and Historical Orientation of the Dynasty of Nan Song Music Culture;论南宋音乐文化的世俗化特征及其历史定位

10.The folk song showed music characteristic and the common custom characteristic of Chan faction.从俗曲可以窥探到禅宗的世俗性特征与音乐性特征。

11.The name of the game in pop music is originality.通俗音乐的本质是独创。

12.the idiom of modern popular music现代通俗音乐的风格

13.He is enthusiastic about folk music.他热中于民俗音乐。

14.On Refined Style and Popular Style of Music Thought on the Disagreement over RefinedMusic or Popular Music in History;论音乐中的雅与俗历史上雅乐与俗乐之争所感

15.worldly concerns, distractions, preoccupations, etc世俗的心思、 乐趣、 欲念等.

16.He is fond of worldly enjoyments.他喜爱世俗的享乐。

17.Bach provided the world with a genius" musical testimony of God"s glory that even the mundane world cannot deny.巴哈提供天才般的音乐,向世界见证神的荣耀,即使世俗的世界都无法否认这样的见证。

18.Classification of the Folk Music in the Han Dynasty and the Relationship Between Elegance and Popularity再论汉乐府音乐的分类及雅、俗关系


secularization of music音乐世俗化

3)sacred and profane music圣乐与世俗音乐

4)secular gospel music世俗福音音乐

5)Worldly enjoyment and affliction世俗苦乐

6)earthly delights世俗快乐


《察世俗每月统记传》19世纪西方传教士出版的第 1个中文刊物,历史上第1份中文近代报刊。月刊。188月创刊于马来半岛西部城市马六甲。英国基督教(新教)传教士马礼逊和米怜创办,米怜主编,麦都思参加编辑,中国刻工梁发担任雕版和撰写部分稿件。雕版印刷,中国线装书式。出版后在南洋华侨聚居地区发行,少数传入中国境内。全部赠阅。宣称"以阐发基督教义为唯一急务"。内容多以浅显中文诠释《圣经》,兼谈伦理道德和天文之类的科学知识,后期刊有少量评述政治时事的短文。宣传方式注意迎合中国人的传统思想与习惯,经常用附会儒学的方式阐述基督教义。文体多样,有论文、小品、对话、书信、诗、告帖等。近代中文报刊上的第 1条消息《月食》即刊于该刊第 2期。初印 500份,后增至2000份。18停刊,共出7卷。
