100字范文 > 合理程度 Reasonable degree英语短句 例句大全

合理程度 Reasonable degree英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-02 21:48:27


合理程度 Reasonable degree英语短句 例句大全

合理程度,Reasonable degree

1)Reasonable degree合理程度


1.but in no event with less than reasonable care.但无论如何,谨慎不得低于合理程度。

2.At one level this is not surprising.从某种程度上来说,这合乎情理。

3.The Schedule and Cost Integrated Management in the Jiuhuang Airfield;“九黄”机场工程进度与费用联合管理

4.The close agreement suggests the adequacy of the preceding theoretical equations.由于吻合程度好,说明上述理论方程式是适用的。

5.Schedule the Merge Agents using individual schedules.使用单独的调度来调度各个合并代理程序。

6.The reasonable care exacted of a manufacturer or seller must be commensurate with the risk of harm involved.合理注意义务严格要求制造者和销售者合理注意的程度须与发生损害的风险程度相适应。

7.The Melt Temperature Treatment of Al-Si Alloy and Its Solidification Process;Al-Si系合金的熔体温度处理及其凝固过程研究

8.An Meso-scale Ensemble Forecasting Research Based on Perturbation of Physics Progress;基于物理过程扰动的中尺度集合预报研究

9.Research on Construction Project Schedule Management Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation;基于模糊综合评价的工程项目进度管理研究

10.The System Changes is the Protection of Fair and Reasonable Land Expropriation Process;制度变革是土地征用过程公平合理的保障

11.Study on financial and accounting management system for multi-purpose water control project;水利综合类工程财务会计管理制度研究

12.The Sensible Considration on "The Three Accord" in the Process of Appraising and Assessment of Colleges and Universities;高校评建过程中“三个符合度”的理性思考

13.The Evaluation on the Reasonableness of the Town - residents Housing Consummation in China;中国城镇居民住房消费水平合理化程度评析

14.Engineering Contract Guarantee System Promotes the Popularization of Rational Lowest Bidding Price;工程担保制度促进合理低价法全面推广

15.Discussion on Integrated Control of Quality, Pace & Investment for Hydropower Project;水电工程建设质量、进度、投资联合管理探讨

16.Degree Adverbs Modifying Nouns is a ReasonableLinguistic Phenomenon;程度副词修饰名词是一种非常合理的语言现象

17.Studies on Copyright Ownership and Fair Use in Modern Distance Education现代远程教育中的著作权归属与合理使用制度

18.On building project construction contract and its records management system谈建筑工程施工合同及其备案管理制度


rational perforating level合理打开程度

1.Therational perforating level should be less than 50% and at this value the well spacing is l.研究认为:该类油藏的合理打开程度不宜超过50%,且在打开程度为50%时合理井距最大。

3)reasonable degree of difference合理差别程度

4)rational degree of belief置信的合理程度

5)control degree管理程度

1.Analyses the factors affecting the degree of traffic control, and establishes a model for its evaluation by fuzzy comprehensive assessment which has been applied to the Harbour of Xiamen whose trafficcontrol degree is classified as “for traffic consultation”.分析了影响船舶交通管理程度的因素,采用模糊综合评判方法建立了交通管理程度的评价模型,并用于厦门港交通管理程度的评价,得出其等级为“交通咨询服务

6)carding intensity梳理程度

1.By means of an investigation on the number of carded teeth during immigration of fibre as well as the redividing of fibre loading, a formula reflecting thecarding intensity and a new concept of recycling carding load and the number of recycling carding teeth which is a distinctive performance of roller card have been proposed.在考察了纤维转移和负荷重新分配过程中纤维受到的梳理齿数的基础上,提出了梳理程度的表达方法和表达式。


