100字范文 > 合理界定 reasonable definition英语短句 例句大全

合理界定 reasonable definition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-14 20:40:00


合理界定 reasonable definition英语短句 例句大全

合理界定,reasonable definition

1)reasonable definition合理界定


1.How to Scientifically Ascertain Stop Border of First Mining Area in Guobei Coal Mine科学合理界定涡北煤矿首采区停采边界

2.On the rational differentiation and regulation of the private owners income;试论对私营企业主收入的合理界定及引导

3.On the Protection of Private Rights De Define the Public Interests论公共利益的合理界定对私权利的保护

4.Rational Boundary of Commenting on Common Definition;论公共利益之合理界定——以“中国最牛的钉子户”为视角

5.On Definition of the Fair Use of Copyright over Internet论“合理使用”在网络环境下的使用界定

6.How to Confirm the Use of Copyright in Reason under the Internet Environment;论网络环境下著作权合理使用的界定

7.Analysis and Determination of Rational Foreign Exchange Reserves Scale of China;我国外汇储备合理规模的分析与界定

8.Measurement and Definition of the Reasonable Pattern of the Governmental Benefit Structure政府利益结构合理形态的度量与界定

9.Concept and reasonable payment party of THC论THC概念之界定及其合理支付主体

10.Determination of the Rationalization of Exchange Reserves--based on the Analysis of International Balance of Payments;合理外汇储备的界定——基于国际收支账户的分析

11.The reasonalbe definition of township government s function in the period of post-agricultural tax;后农业税时代乡镇政府职能的合理化界定

12.Intermediary Transaction in the Process of Household Transaction;农户交易中介化——概念界定与经济合理性论证

13.Vision: a Fiction that Accords with the Theoretic Boundary of LAO She s Symbolism;《微神》:最符合老舍象征主义理论界定的范本

14.Family Business Definition, the Existing Reason and Evolution;家族企业的界定、存在的合理性及演变趋势

15.Analyses of the Standard Nature of the Scale of the Public Revenue and the Definition of Rational Public Revenue Scale of China;政府收入规模与我国合理政府收入规模的界定

16.Rational Defection of The Amount Limit and Support Limit of Finance;论财政承受度及其数量界限的合理确定

17.Analysis of the rationality of available definition method of resettlement population for hydropower projects现行水电工程移民人口界定方法的合理性分析

18.Both tests really contemplate a standard of "reasonableness," which no one can define with precision.两个标准均考虑"合情合理"的标准,可没人能够准确地作出界定。


uniform bound theorem有界定理

3)marginal theorem边界定理

1.Some estimations of inhomogeneous eigenvalues was researched on the basis of the method of matrix analysis,an new inclusion region andmarginal theorem of inhomogeneous eigenvalues were given,which provided a new method for stability analysis of linear differential dynamic system.用矩阵分析的方法,研究了矩阵的非齐次特征值的估计问题,给出了一个新的矩阵非齐次特征值的包含域和边界定理,为线性微分动力系统的稳定性分析提供了新的方法,改进了已有的相应结果。

2.In this paper,a k-type inclusion region and correspondingmarginal theorem of inhomoge- neous eigenvalues are given.本文得到了一个矩阵非齐次特征值的k-型包含区域以及相应的边界定理,运用它给出了非齐次特征值的若干估计及矩阵特征值的包含域。

4)bounded theorem界囿定理

1.In this paper,from the lemma of logarithmic derivatives of υ-value algebroid functions ω(z),we estimated the error terms in the second fundamental theorem and got abounded theorem of characteristic functions of ω(z).使用υ-值代数体函数的对数导数引理,通过估计代数体函数的第二基本定理中的余项,得到代数体函数不涉及导数的一个界囿定理。

5)least bound theorem确界定理

6)lower bound theorem下界定理

1.Two proof methods oflower bound theorem of least singular value of nonsingular Jordan matrix;非奇异Jordan矩阵最小奇异值的下界定理的两种证明方法


产权界定 产权界定——产权界定是指国家依法划分财产所有权和经营权等产权归属,明确各类产权形式权利的财产范围和管理权限的一种法律行为。
