100字范文 > 合理控制 reasonable control英语短句 例句大全

合理控制 reasonable control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-21 18:38:23


合理控制 reasonable control英语短句 例句大全

合理控制,reasonable control

1)reasonable control合理控制

1.Mathematical model ofreasonable controlling waterflooding is built by statistic al analysis method and based on production effect evaluation.在开发效果评价基础上 ,应用统计分析方法 ,建立了注水开发合理控制的数学摸型 ,为寻求开发过程的最优控制、提高开发效果进行了探索性研究。

2.To practice the population model considered different directions,this paper establishes the different model that be applicable to the different environment, explains the necessary ofreasonable control ty of mathematics model.数学模型的合理控制就是在建立模型时 ,对影响模型的各种因素进行合理的简化和修改 ,在模型精度和简化之间寻求平衡。


1.Strengthen the Contract Management of the Project Control the Fabrication cost of the Project Rationally加强工程合同管理合理控制工程造价

2.The Legal Control and Using of Surrogacy Generation代孕生育合理控制与使用的法律规制

3.Intensifying project cost management,reasonable controlling project cost;加强工程造价管理,合理控制工程造价

4.Discussion on the Cg`s Control in Badminton Sport;析羽毛球运动中身体重心的合理控制

5.A Probe into the Free Adjudication in the Punishment Power of Teachers and Rational Control;论教师惩戒自由裁量权及其合理控制

6.microprocessor controlled clutch离合器的微处理机控制

7.Study on the Wet-Clutch Control for CVT Based on Fuzzy Control Theory;基于模糊控制理论的CVT湿式离合器控制研究

8.Contract & budget management and cost control in item management department;项目经理部合同预算管理与成本控制

parison of Accounting Treatment on the Day of Share Merging under the Same and Different Control;同一控制下和非同一控制下控股合并发生日的会计处理

10.The Risk of Limited Partnership Agency and the Controlling System有限合伙制代理风险及其控制制度安排

11.Integrated Flight/Propulsion Control Simulation Test Platform and Its Monitoring System Design;飞/推综合控制半物理仿真平台及监控系统设计

12.It is adopted with Micro-computer control auto.本机采用微机控制自动分切,结构合理。

13.Determining of Reasonable Design States and Construction Controlling of Cable-Stayed Bridges斜拉桥合理设计状态确定与施工控制

14.Study on Controlling Surrounding Rock of Roadway in Fully-mechanized Cave Face;综合放工作面空巷围岩控制理论研究

15.Research on the Integrated Optimization of Inventory Control and Transportation Management;库存控制与运输管理的整合优化研究

16.Rational Choice of Enterprise,s Control Budget Model and its Matching;企业预算控制模式的合理选择与匹配

17.A Survey on the Present Integration of the Management Control in Xinjiang s Enterprises;新疆企业管理控制整合现状调查研究

18.Effective Measures of the Rational Determination and Control of the Construction Cost;合理确定与控制工程造价的有效措施


integrated control theory综合控制理论

1.Based on the analysis of developmental characters of modern EAF technology in the past forty years, it is pointed out that modern EAF technology has developed around the goal of shortening tap-to-tap time to meet the rapid continuous casting rhythm and theintegrated control theory of modern EAF melting tap-to-tap time is proposed.在分析40年来国内外现代电弧炉炼钢技术发展特点的基础上,指出现代电弧炉炼钢技术是围绕缩短冶炼周期以满足高效连铸节奏要求这一核心发展起来的,提出了现代电弧炉冶炼周期的综合控制理论。

3)reasonable request & control合理要求和控制

4)comprehensive management and control综合管理及控制

5)reasonable private benefits of control合理控制权收益

6)integration of management control整合管理控制


反馈控制(见控制系统)反馈控制(见控制系统)feedback control于。。伙。]伙ongZ片}反馈控制(几edbaekcontrol)见拉制系统。
