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交易费 transaction costs英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-15 21:59:06


交易费 transaction costs英语短句 例句大全

交易费,transaction costs

1)transaction costs交易费

1.European option pricing withtransaction costs and stochastic dividends;有交易费和随机分红时的欧式期权定价

2.Hedging price of no-arbitrage contingent claims undertransaction costs;有交易费的未定权益无套利套期保值定价

3.Expected discounted utility maximization from consumption and terminal wealth withtransaction costs;带交易费的终端资产和消费的期望贴现效用最大化


1."Transaction Cost" Should Be Translated into "交易费用(Transaction Expense)"Transaction-cost应译为“交易费用”

2.The Transaction Costs Measurement Based on Transaction Persons in Guangdong Province:1993-2002;基于交易人员的广东省交易费用测算:1993-2002

3.Research into agricultural product transaction efficiency from the transaction expense angle;交易费用视角下的农产品交易效率研究

4.An Analysis of the Transaction Cost of the Dealing Method in Chinese Building Industry;中国建筑业生产交易方式的交易费用分析

5.Optimize Expected Utility from Terminal Wealth and Consumption with Transaction Costs;带交易费终端资产和消费的期望效用最优化

6.A Commodity Price Model for the Options with Transaction Cost and Reposition Fare;一类带有储藏费和交易费的商品期权定价模型

7.Optimal Strategy of Consumption and Investment with Transaction Costs Charged;成比例交易费用下的投资消费最优策略

8.The Research on Changes in the Institution of International Technology Trade on the Basis of Transaction Cost基于交易费用的国际技术贸易制度的演进研究

9.instead, they only charged a nominal transaction fee.而只是收取很少的交易费。

10.You may also incur higher transaction costs as a result of such a strategy.此外,它的交易费用可能会较高。

11.Study of the Transaction Cost Theory and the Formation of Logistics Alliance交易费用理论与物流联盟形成的研究

12.Research on the Effect of Transaction Costs on Stock Index Future s Function;交易费用对股指期货功能的影响研究

13.Portfolio Problems with Transaction Costs Based on CVaR;基于CVaR的有交易费用的投资组合问题

14.Research on the Employee Leasing in the Perspective of Transaction Costs;交易费用视角下的企业劳务租赁研究

15.Transaction Costs,Agglomeration Economies and the Location of Multinational Corporations;交易费用、聚集经济与跨国公司区位

16.Multi-dimensional Analysis on the Transaction Cost of Public Goods Supply;公共物品供给的交易费用多维度分析

17.Part of the price of doing business.是上网交易的费用吧。

modities Trading (Contract Levy) Rules《商品交易(合约征费)规则》


transaction cost交易费

1.Pricing Formula of Geometry Average Asian Option with Transaction Costs;有交易费的几何平均亚式期权的定价公式

2.Optimal financing and dividend control of a corporation withtransaction costs;考虑交易费的融资与分红最优控制模型(英文)

3.A Commodity Price Model for the Options with Transaction Cost and Reposition Fare;一类带有储藏费和交易费的商品期权定价模型

3)Transaction Cost交易费用

1.Analysis of building energy efficiency service markets based on transaction costs;基于交易费用理论的建筑节能服务市场分析

2.Analysis on Efficiency Boundary of Virtual Logistics Enterprises Based onTransaction Cost Theory;基于交易费用理论的虚拟物流企业效率边界分析

3.Portfolio investment model regardless of transaction cost;不考虑交易费用的组合证券投资优化模型

4)Transaction costs交易费用

1.Establishment of some portfolio models including transaction costs;含交易费用投资组合模型的建立

2.A generalization of Black-Scholes model with parameter and transaction costs;一类带交易费用的含参数Black-Scholes模型

3.The optimal strategy of security investment with transaction costs;带有交易费用的证券投资最优策略

5)transaction expense交易费用

1.The Development Reseach of Industry Clusters Based on Transaction expense;基于交易费用的产业集聚发展研究

2.Research into agricultural product transaction efficiency from thetransaction expense angle;交易费用视角下的农产品交易效率研究

3.Production and development of the technical alliance based on thetransaction expense;基于交易费用的技术联盟的产生与发展

6)trade expenses交易费用

1.The article puts forward resolving the difficult problem of transfer of rural surplus labourf in china,we should lower thetrade expenses,and build up the unify labor market between the city and country.文章提出解决我国农村剩余劳动力转移困难问题应从降低交易费用下手,且指出当前重点要建立城乡统一的劳动力市场。

2.There were mainly 4 kinds oftrade expenses at the initial development stage of Chinese private enterprises,such as thetrade expenses between enterprises and governments,regulation expenses,thetrade expenses inside enterprises,and the constant expenses of enterprises.我国私营企业发展初期交易费用的类型主要有:企业与政府的交易费用(或称为准入费用);规制费用;企业内部的交易费用;企业的经常性费用。

3.The paper analyses the necessity of multinational mergers and acquisitions and their disadvantages theoretically according to the modern enterprise theory,thetrade expenses,the assets for a special use,the agent and so on.本文以现代企业理论为分析视角,从交易费用、资产专用性、代理等角度,对跨国并购存在的必然性及其缺点进行了理论分析。


