100字范文 > 教育交易成本 educational transaction costs英语短句 例句大全

教育交易成本 educational transaction costs英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-31 10:54:13


教育交易成本 educational transaction costs英语短句 例句大全

教育交易成本,educational transaction costs

1)educational transaction costs教育交易成本

2)transaction cost交易成本

1.Mode analysis of port logistic alliance based ontransaction cost theory;基于交易成本理论的港口物流联盟模式分析

2.Discussion on the constitution and control method of insurance markettransaction cost;论保险市场交易成本的构成及控制方法

3.Impact oftransaction costs on water right market;交易成本对水权市场的影响分析


1.A Research on the Dynamic Relationship between Transaction Activity and Transaction Costs;交易活跃性与交易成本动态关系研究

2.It is also the one with the lowest transaction costs.它的交易成本也最低。

3.They slash the costs of transactions.网络削减交易成本。

4.Transaction Cost,Transaction interface and the Model of Agriculture S & T Achievements Transformation交易成本、交易界面与农业科技成果转化模式

5.The Costs Of Education And Cost Sharing In The View of Transaction Cost Theory;教育成本分担的交易成本经济学分析

6.Firm: the Total Costs of Productions and Transactions are Saved;企业:生产成本和交易成本总和的节约

7.Optimal Design of Emission Right Trading at Transaction Cost试析交易成本下的排污权交易的最优化设计


9.Research on Trading Strategies Based on Implicit Trading Costs on the Futures Markets基于隐性交易成本的期货市场交易策略研究

10.Innovation of construction business system based on transaction cost analysis基于交易成本分析的建设交易制度创新研究

11.Study on the Forest Carbon-Sink Trade Based on the Transaction Cost Theory基于交易成本理论的森林碳汇交易研究

12.Transport Cost,Transaction Cost and Transaction Efficiency--Rectification on The Analysis Framework of Newclassical Economics;运输成本、交易成本与交易效率——新古典经济学分析框架的矫正

13.Division of Labor and Specialization and Transaction Cost--A Empirical Estimate to China s Transaction Cost(1978-);专业化分工和交易成本——对中国交易成本的经验估计:1978~

14.Discussion on transaction cost based on characteristics of contacts and theories of transaction cost基于交易成本理论的工程合同类型与交易成本探讨

15.To be specific, the acquisition cost includes liability cost, transactioncost and rename cost;具体说来,买收成本包括债务成本、交易成本和更名成本等;

16.Analysis of the Impact of Industry Standardization on International Trade from the Perspective of Transaction Costs交易成本视角下产业标准化对国际贸易的影响

17.Research on the First Refusal of the Shareholder from Transaction Cost股权优先购买权研究:交易成本视角

18.A Comparative Analysis on Transaction Cost of Venture Investment in China and America中美两国风险投资交易成本比较分析


transaction cost交易成本

1.Mode analysis of port logistic alliance based ontransaction cost theory;基于交易成本理论的港口物流联盟模式分析

2.Discussion on the constitution and control method of insurance markettransaction cost;论保险市场交易成本的构成及控制方法

3.Impact oftransaction costs on water right market;交易成本对水权市场的影响分析

3)Trade cost交易成本

1.This paper analyzes the trade cost composing of construction project bidding on statutes, beforehand cost and forewords cost, credit system, information asymmetry aspects.本文从法规、事前费用和事后费用、信用机制、信息不对称几个角度对工程项目招标投标的交易成本构成进行了分析,指出了目前我国工程建设领域招标投标中存在的问题及其对交易成本的影响,并相应提出了降低交易成本的措施和思路。

2.This paper analyzes on the influence of the monopolizati on on the trade cost, social benefits and motivation innovation, and makes posit ioning for the monopolization, a kind of market structure mode.分析了垄断对交易成本、社会福利和激励创新等3个方面的影响,为垄断这种市场结构模式进行了定位。

3.This paper firstly educes agile enterprises through the fact of the speed economy,illustrates the connotation of agile enterprises,and conceives the organizational cost model and the trade cost model,offering theory for organizational structure choices.其次构建了企业组织选择的交易成本模型和组织成本模型,为企业组织选择进行理论铺垫。

4)transaction costs交易成本

1.A study of the specialization oftransaction costs and optimal portfolio of the superior asset;交易成本和优良资产最优证券组合专门化研究

2.Study of portfolio withtransaction costs;考虑有交易成本的证券组合的有效前沿研究

3.An Analysis of the Features of Natural Resources of Marine Fisheries and their Influences upon the Transaction Costs of Individual Transferable Quota System in China;论渔业自然资源特性对ITQ制度交易成本的影响

5)exchange cost交易成本

1.This paper gives a capital structure decision-making model with asymmetric information andexchange cost in(incomplete) market,and opens out mechanism of financing-selection base on adverse selection by Chinese public companies,in more we can explain well phenomena about equity over-financing of Chinese public companies.由此,提出在非完备市场下,存在信息不对称和交易成本的资本结构决策模型,以期揭示中国上市公司基于逆向选择的融资选择行为机理。

2.This paper introduces the constitution ofexchange cost, and attempts to establish a model of calculation,measurement and management in the process of investment in order to make the exchang cost minimum.证券投资过程中的交易成本包括佣金、税、费、执行成本和机会成本,其中执行成本和机会成本是无法直接测量的。

3.Consumerexchange cost affect their behavior of continuing transaction.消费者交易成本的大小决定了其参与市场的程度,运用实物期权的基本思想与方法,描述了消费者交易行为的实物期权特征,解释了其原因,构建了在市场竞争和信息不对称基础上的消费者单位交易成本的数学模型,并推导出了具体公式,进而分析了几种特殊状况下的消费者交易行为和策略,理论分析结果均与实际相符合。

6)trading cost交易成本

1.The Design and Implementation of Online Equity Trading Cost Analysis System;在线股票交易成本分析系统的设计与实现

2.According to the institutional analysis,it is expected that the proper institutional plan can cut down thetrading cost,promoting the economic achievements,which is against the conclusion of positive research that thetrading cost occupies a large proportion of the national economy in the countries with the better market system,thus triggering a series of theoretical puzzles.制度分析的理论预期是合理的制度设计能够节约交易成本,进而促进经济绩效,这与市场制度较为完善的国家,交易成本在国民经济中比重较高的实证研究结论相悖,并由此引发一系列理论困惑。


