100字范文 > 分馆化 branching library英语短句 例句大全

分馆化 branching library英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-15 03:10:35


分馆化 branching library英语短句 例句大全

分馆化,branching library

1)branching library分馆化


1.Discussion on the Integration Reform of Reference Rooms in the New Era;电子时代高校资料室“分馆化”改革探析

2.Research on the Status of University Library Collection Structure of Last 5 Years:A Case Study of 18 Universities近5年国内高校图书馆馆藏结构变化研究——基于18所院校图书馆馆藏经费的分析

3.SLA Chemistry Division专业图书馆协会化学部分

4.Optimizing the structure of book collection in the library and making full use of periodical resorces;优化馆藏结构 充分利用期刊资源

5.SWOT Analysis of Marketization in Ningbo College Sports Venues宁波市高校体育场馆市场化的SWOT分析

6.On the Way to Optimize China"s Public Library Management优化我国公共图书馆管理的路径分析

7.Analysis on the Digitalized Construction Mode of Library"s Information Resources图书馆信息资源数字化建设模式分析

8.Optimizing design and energy efficiency analysis of air conditioning systems in gymnasiums体育馆空调系统优化设计与节能分析

9.An analysis of the Application Present State of Grid to Library Information Retrieval图书馆信息检索网格化应用现状分析

10.Analysis on the Errors in the Book Circulation under Library’s Automation图书馆自动化下的图书流通出错分析

11.Based on the analysis of the library science research object and the library socialization, the paper proposes the concept of library science socialization.通过对图书馆学研究对象及图书馆社会化进程的分析,提出了图书馆学的社会化。

12.Analysis of Impoverishment of Libraries--Concerns about the Sustainable Development of Libraries of the Universities in West China;图书馆贫困化分析——西部高校图书馆可持续发展的忧患

13.Survey and Analysis of the Library Collected Bibliographic Demand of Middle-aged and Aged Readers in Aging Society老龄化社会中老年读者对图书馆馆藏文献需求的调查与分析

14.Andalysis on Our Country University Sports Facility Marketability Situation Under Multiple Perspectives;多角度下我国高校体育场馆市场化的态势分析

15.On the Necessity and Strategies for Personalized Information Services in Libraries;图书馆开展个性化服务的必然性与策略分析

16.The Technique Analysis of Library Individuation Information Service System;图书馆个性化信息服务系统的技术分析

17.An Analysis of Adjusting Talents Resource Management in University Libraries Development;高校图书馆人才资源管理优化发展的分析

18.Analysis of periodical purchasing channels in the university libraries and optimization strategies;高校图书馆期刊采购渠道的分析与优化策略


Branch library分馆

1.On the Role of the Branch Library System to the Teaching and Research in Peking University;北京大学图书馆分馆工作对教学科研的保障作用

2.The transition of university\"s college department (institute)reference room into branch library is the practical demand for establishing and perfecting the integrated literature information system.高校院系(所)资料室向分馆转型是建立完善一体化文献信息体系的现实需求。


1.Possibly there are main library andsub-library in the same university.伴随着我国高等教育的迅猛发展,高等院校扩招、扩建成为一种潮流,在同一所院校可能会出现图书馆主馆、分馆的现象。

4)county library and sub-libraries system县馆分馆制

5)The model of "central + branch library"总馆-分馆制

6)central library and library branches总馆分馆制

1.This paper discusses the system and mechanism of literature resources sharing inside the university,and puts forwards an effective organization form ofcentral library and library branches.就普通高校校内如何建立文献信息资源共享体制与机制进行了探讨,提出了总馆分馆制是高校建立文献信息资源共享新体制的有效组织形式。


公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical methodgongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理
