100字范文 > 总分馆制 Main and branch library system英语短句 例句大全

总分馆制 Main and branch library system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-23 05:52:19


总分馆制 Main and branch library system英语短句 例句大全

总分馆制,Main and branch library system

1)Main and branch library system总分馆制

1.Main and branch library system becomes more and more popular these years.近年来图书馆总分馆制受到越来越多的关注,这是由于总分馆制和单馆制相比较,是网状的图书馆形态,具有因地制宜的灵活性,能够根据当地需要配置资源,解决公共图书馆承担多重任务统一管理的矛盾。


1.Some Conceptions on Implementing Main-branch Library System in Panzhihua Library攀枝花市图书馆实施总分馆制的构想

2.Research on the Branch-library System of National Science Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences中国科学院国家科学图书馆总分馆制研究

3.Analysis on the Present Situation of the Construction and Modes of the Main-branch Public Library System总分馆制公共图书馆建设的现状及模式探析

4.Viewing the Inevitability of General-branch Library Systems from Government Purchase从政府购买看实行总分馆制的必然性

5.A Brief Introduction On the Construction and Development of the Branch Libraries in Villages and Towns Under the Central Library and Its Sub-branches Managerial Mode浅述总分馆制管理模式下乡镇分馆的建设与发展

6.The Service Format from Centralized to Distributed--Analysis of library"s central-branch model service origin从集中式服务到分布式服务——公共图书馆总分馆制模式探析

7.Ideas on the Management of College Reference Room with "Chief-Branch Library System" under Network Environment网络环境下院系资料室实行“总分馆制”的构想

8.The Cooperation between Suzhou Library and Xujiang Shiyan Middle School Library胥江实验中学图书馆建设的探索与实践——苏州图书馆总分馆制的延伸与发展

9.Connecting with the Reality,Suiting Measures to Local Conditions to Develop General-branch Library Construction:Taking Wenzhou as an Example结合实际 因地制宜开展图书馆总分馆建设——以温州市为例

10.Study on the Construction of Central-branch System of Public Library in China我国公共图书馆总分馆体系建设研究

11.The Development of the Branch System of Bao’an Pubic Library宝安区图书馆总分馆建设之路

12.The Research of Central-branch Service System of Public Library in the Harmonious Society;和谐社会公共图书馆总分馆服务体系建设研究

13.The Model and Problem of the Main-Branch Library Construction in Wenzhou Library and Its Thought温州市图书馆总分馆建设模式、问题及其思考

14.Using the DeviceNET Bus to Control the Library Central Air-Conditioning System采用DeviceNET总线控制图书馆中央空调系统

15.Group Construction of Young Librarians in the Credit System;谈学分制下图书馆青年馆员队伍建设

parative Analysis of Operating Modes of Branch Library System by Libraries in Universities in China我国高校图书馆分馆制运行模式的比较分析

17.The Legitimacy of Central and Branch Library System in China: Defining the Public Library Service Provider in the Forthcoming Library Law;公共图书馆总分馆建设的法律保障:法定建设主体及相关问题

18.Carrying out Reader Services Jointly in the Head-branch Library System:Taking Dongguan Library as an Example总分馆联合开展读者活动的探索——以东莞图书馆为例


general/branch library system总分馆制

1.The paper introduces the present development situation of grass-root public library in China,then puts forward the suggestion of constructing the county-town(village) library service network based on thegeneral/branch library system,and discusses the feasibility and several questions.介绍当前我国基层公共图书馆的发展状况,提出构建基于总分馆制的"县—乡镇(村)图书馆服务网络"的构思,并对这一构思的可行性和应思考的几个问题进行论述。

3)branch library system总分馆制

1.There are three main resources sharing patterns in China recently,which arebranch library system,the construction of digital local special resources based on respective library s local collection and public lectures resources sharing.阐述了在当今中国政府倡导"构建和谐社会"这个新的环境变革及创建"全国文化信息资源共享工程"的背景下,中国图书馆界兴起的三个主要的资源共享模式——总分馆制、地方特色资源数字化的共建共享及图书馆讲座。

4)general library and sub-library managerial mode总分馆制

1.According to the development of this system,the paper has focused on the necessity,urgency of implementing thegeneral library and sub-library managerial mode and points for attention.介绍了图书馆"总分馆制"及其优点,并结合我国目前实行总分馆制的情况,着重分析了我国推行总分馆制的必要性、紧迫性和推行总分馆制应当注意的几点事项;同时,指出了"总分馆制"是一个适合图书馆发展和方向的主流体制模式。

2.This paper gives diagnoses of the situation of the Futian District library after carrying out thegeneral library and sub-library managerial mode, finds out some universal problems, and puts forward some concrete ways for solving these problems.详细调查、分析了深圳市福田区社区图书馆实行总分馆制管理模式后的运行情况,发现了一些具有普遍性的问题,同时提出了一些具体的解决方案。

5)main-branch library system总分馆制

1.This paper introduces the concept ofmain-branch library system and the implementation situation in our country, and in the light of the actual situation of Panzhihua City, advances two modes ofmain-branch library system, and sums up the difficulties occurring in the implementation ofmain-branch library system, and puts forward some solutions.介绍了总分馆制的概念及其在全国实施情况,针对攀枝花市的实际情况,提出了实行总分馆制的两种模式,总结了实施总分馆制遇到的困难,并给出了解决办法。

6)The model of "central + branch library"总馆-分馆制


