100字范文 > 分馆 Branch library英语短句 例句大全

分馆 Branch library英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-11 04:55:07


分馆 Branch library英语短句 例句大全

分馆,Branch library

1)Branch library分馆

1.On the Role of the Branch Library System to the Teaching and Research in Peking University;北京大学图书馆分馆工作对教学科研的保障作用

2.The transition of university\"s college department (institute)reference room into branch library is the practical demand for establishing and perfecting the integrated literature information system.高校院系(所)资料室向分馆转型是建立完善一体化文献信息体系的现实需求。


1.a branch of a library(shop,post office)图书馆分馆(分店、邮局分局)

2.How to Improve the Collection Development at the Branch Library in the Institutions of Higher Education加强高校图书馆分馆馆藏建设的思考——以北大外国语学院分馆为例

3.Subject Librarian:An Orientation of the Role of the Department Librarian in the University学科馆员:高校院系分馆馆员的角色定位

4.Parts of the Incorporate Library Link Each Other by Using VPN Technology利用VPN技术实现合并图书馆分馆互联

5.Tentative ideas of setting up branch libraries of corresponding specialties in colleges and universities;关于高校设立图书馆专业分馆的设想

6.Study on the Construction of Central-branch System of Public Library in China我国公共图书馆总分馆体系建设研究

7.Some Conceptions on Implementing Main-branch Library System in Panzhihua Library攀枝花市图书馆实施总分馆制的构想

8.The Development of the Branch System of Bao’an Pubic Library宝安区图书馆总分馆建设之路

9.Simple Discussion about the Construction of University Libraries and Their Branches浅谈高校图书馆与学院图书分馆建设

10.On the Characteristic Information Services of the Professional Branch of University Library高校图书馆专业分馆的特色信息服务

parative Analysis of Operating Modes of Branch Library System by Libraries in Universities in China我国高校图书馆分馆制运行模式的比较分析

12.Necessity of Changing Reference Rooms into Sub-libraries高校资料室转为图书馆分馆的必要性分析

13.A Study of Guggenheim Museum s Global Expansion-Analyses of Guggenheim Museum Bilbao and Guggenheim s Tai-Chun Project;以毕尔包分馆案例与台中分馆筹建案例解析古根海姆美术馆的国际分馆扩张模式

14.This museum is made up of three parts.这个博物馆分三个部分。

15.It is by the sea world hall, the porpoise performance hall,Shi Guan and the root carving handicraft art center four major part iscomposed.它是由海洋世界馆、海豚表演馆、石馆和根雕艺术馆四大部分组成。

16.Analysis of literature collecting feature in Min Christian university s library;闽教会大学图书馆馆藏文献特色分析

17.Group Construction of Young Librarians in the Credit System;谈学分制下图书馆青年馆员队伍建设

18.Analysis of the Present Situation of the Characteristic Collection Construction of University Libraries高校图书馆特色馆藏建设的现状分析



1.Possibly there are main library andsub-library in the same university.伴随着我国高等教育的迅猛发展,高等院校扩招、扩建成为一种潮流,在同一所院校可能会出现图书馆主馆、分馆的现象。

3)county library and sub-libraries system县馆分馆制

4)The model of "central + branch library"总馆-分馆制

5)central library and library branches总馆分馆制

1.This paper discusses the system and mechanism of literature resources sharing inside the university,and puts forwards an effective organization form ofcentral library and library branches.就普通高校校内如何建立文献信息资源共享体制与机制进行了探讨,提出了总馆分馆制是高校建立文献信息资源共享新体制的有效组织形式。

6)branch libraries图书馆分馆

1.The mode ofbranch libraries is widely applied in the construction of university libraries.分馆模式被广泛应用于高校图书馆建设之中,如何推动分馆服务创新,开创分馆服务的新局面成为当前高校图书馆分馆工作的重点。


