100字范文 > 海河二道闸水闸 Haihe river two floodgate dams英语短句 例句大全

海河二道闸水闸 Haihe river two floodgate dams英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-01 19:51:25


海河二道闸水闸 Haihe river two floodgate dams英语短句 例句大全

海河二道闸水闸,Haihe river two floodgate dams

1)Haihe river two floodgate dams海河二道闸水闸

2)river and sluice河道水闸

1.Preliminary research on industry information and construction ofriver and sluice of Shanghai;上海市河道水闸行业信息化规划与建设初探


1.Preliminary research on industry information and construction of river and sluice of Shanghai;上海市河道水闸行业信息化规划与建设初探

2.Application of Automatic Monitoring System in Flood Control and Drainage of River Channel & Water Sluice自动监控系统在河道水闸防洪排涝中的应用

3.One who is in charge of a lock on a waterway.闸门管理员管理河道上一个水闸的人

4.Research on Energy Dissipation of Several Barrages with Downstream River Water-level Degradating and their Rebuilding若干拦河闸下游河道水位降低的消能问题及改造研究

5.a worker in charge of a lock (on a canal).一个负责运河水闸的人。

6.There are several dams across the Huai River.淮河上有几座水闸。

7.Hilly countries can be canalized by the construction of locks,tunnels,and bridge aqueducts.可以通过修筑闸门、隧道及高架引水道在丘陵地区开通运河。

8.Piers and Bottom Board Temperature Control Design of Gate Piers and Bottom Board of Spillway Water Gates for Yanshan Reservoir燕山水库溢洪道水闸闸墩和闸底板温控设计

9.To equip(a waterway) with locks.(在水道上)装上水闸

10.Dynamic Analysis of Arresting Net of Suzhou River Estuarine Sluice苏州河河口水闸水上拦阻网动力分析

11.Research on the Impact of Dams and Floodgates on Riverine Runoff and Water Quality in Wenyu River Basin温榆河流域闸坝群对河流水量水质影响分析

12.A sluice gate for regulating the amount of water in a millrace or a canal or for emptying a lock.水闸门用来调整磨坊引水槽或运河的水流量或用来排空水闸的一种水闸门

13.Arrangement of lock bottom long-culvert filling & emptying system of Guiping Second-lane lock桂平二线船闸闸底长廊道输水系统布置研究

14.Study on Discharge Capacity of Water Gate in Tidal Plain Water Network Area平原感潮河网地区水闸泄流能力探讨

15.There are differents ways to maintain normal navigation in navigable channel during channel enclosure for building hydropower plant.如何使通航河道在水电站截流至船闸正式通航期间维持正常的航运,其做法不一。

16.Abstract: There are differents ways to maintain normal navigation in navigable channel during channel enclosure for building hydropower plant.文摘:如何使通航河道在水电站截流至船闸正式通航期间维持正常的航运,其做法不一。

17.Abstract: The outflow through gate controlled multi-opening spillway of Yinhe Reservoir was analyzed. The analysis results were checked by the site observed data.文摘:分析了音河水库多孔有闸门控制的溢洪道出流,并用出流的实测资料进行了检验。

18.The outflow through gate controlled multi-opening spillway of Yinhe Reservoir was analyzed.The analysis results were checked by the site observed data.分析了音河水库多孔有闸门控制的溢洪道出流,并用出流的实测资料进行了检验。


river and sluice河道水闸

1.Preliminary research on industry information and construction ofriver and sluice of Shanghai;上海市河道水闸行业信息化规划与建设初探

3)riverway at gate闸上河道

4)riverway in front of gates闸前河道

5)Erhe River Sluice二河闸

1.Feasibility Analysis on Discharge Auto-measurement onErhe River Sluice based on H-ADCP;利用H-ADCP实现二河闸流量自动监测的可行性分析

6)canal lock运河水闸


河道洪水演进(见河道洪水演算法)河道洪水演进(见河道洪水演算法)neaao non郎hUi河道洪水演进yanJ县n见河道洪水演算法。
