100字范文 > 海河 Haihe River英语短句 例句大全

海河 Haihe River英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-15 01:07:24


海河 Haihe River英语短句 例句大全

海河,Haihe River

1)Haihe River海河

1.Changes of water contaminative indexes and its reasons in Tanggu Reach ofHaihe River;海河塘沽段水污染指数变化及其原因分析

2.Occurrence of Dissolved Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Organic Chlorinated Pesticides in the Surface Water ofHaihe River and Bohai Bay,China;海河与渤海湾水体中溶解态多氯联苯和有机氯农药污染状况调查


1.Research into the river-sea delimitations of some key estuaries in China我国重要入海河口河海界线划分探讨

2.Overview of the rivers into the sea in Zhejiang Province and suggestions on the management of the river-sea region and river-sea delimitation浙江省入海河流概况和河海区域管理及河海划界相关问题的建议

3.Percentages of the Water Quality Grades of the Hai River System海河水系水质类别比例

4.wind its way to the sea(河)蜿蜒流入大海

5.surface of a lake,river,sea,etc(湖、河、海等的)水面

6.The river Lea flows into the Thames which flows into the North Sea.利河流入泰晤士河,泰晤士河流入北海。

7.The Dee estuary: A small sea ( in Irish Sea) where the Dee River enters.迪河河口:是迪河流入的一个小海。

8.is thrown into a river or into the sea,被人们扔进河中或海里,

9.a canal large enough for sea-going vessels.可供海船航行的运河。

10.As it approaches the sea, the river begins to widen.在近海处,河流开始变宽。

11.The Nile empties into the Mediterranean Sea.尼罗河流入地中海。

12.Low coastal land drained by tidal streams.有潮河流过的海边低地

13.The Rhone empties into the Mediterranean.罗讷河流入地中海.

14.The Nile discharges into the Mediterranean.尼罗河流入地中海.

15.Stretch of rough water in a river or the sea(河流或海洋的)激流,激浪

16.sandy shore of a lake,sea or river(多沙的)湖滨, 海滨,河岸.

17.They ride on the turtle and cross the river.他们骑上海龟,过河去了。

18.a stream in which the effects of the tide extend far upstream.水位受海潮影响的河流。


Hai River海河

1.Water allocation of province-boundary rivers in theHai River Basin;海河流域跨省河流水量分配的基本思路

2.Characteristics of microbial community metabolism in sediments of theHai River-Bohai Bay area;海河-渤海湾沿线地区沉积物中微生物群落代谢特征

3.Hai River is the symbol of Tianjin.海河是天津的象征,代表着天津的城市形象,它横穿天津市区,这在国内乃至世界上都是少有的,是一大优势,是非常宝贵的城市资源。

3)the Haihe River海河

1.According to the general planning requirement from the view of meeting the need of function,landscape,area historical culture the bridges are designed with a new design idea to create the modernization urban atmosphere and develop the Haihe culture so thatthe Haihe River becomes a famous river in the world with own characteristics.主要介绍了天津市海河综合开发工程中的桥梁建设情况。

2.The removal effects of turbidity and COD from raw water ofthe Haihe River in low temperature by using poly- aluminum chloride (PAC), poly-ferric sulfate (PFS)and cationic poly-acrylamide (PAM) are studied .选择聚合氯化铝(PAC)和聚合硫酸铁(PFS)作为混凝剂,聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)作为助凝剂,对海河水在低温条件下的浊度去除及CODMn去除进行研究。


1.Scientific and legal basis ofriver-sea and land-sea delimitation河海、陆海分界的科学、法律依据

5)Haihe estuary海河河口

1.Based on the pollution condition of nutrients and phthalic acid esters (PAEs), the fate of dibutyl phthalate (DBP) and diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP), listed as priority pollutants by US EPA and suspected to be environmental hormone, inHaihe estuary was carried out.本课题选择美国环保局和我国优先控制污染物、内分泌干扰素邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)和邻苯二甲酸二异辛酯(DEHP)作为研究对象,针对渤海湾富营养化以及邻苯二甲酸酯类化合物(PAEs)的污染现状,采用现场采样调查、实验室模拟以及数学模型等手段对这两种PAEs污染物在海河河口水环境中归趋进行了研究。

2.Levels and distribution of organochlorine pesticides(OCPs)were investigated in soils along Haihe River and in Haihe Estuary area.以海河干流沿岸及海河河口周边地区为研究区域,采集了31个表层土壤样品,利用加速溶剂萃取(ASE)技术,使用气相色谱-电子捕获检测器(GC-ECD)分析方法测定了样品中的六六六(HCHs)和滴滴涕(DDTs)的含量。

6)Fluctuation Trend of Qionghai Lake邛海海河口

1.Study on the Water QualityFluctuation Trend of Qionghai Lake邛海海河口水质变化趋势研究


