100字范文 > 武术史 History of Wushu英语短句 例句大全

武术史 History of Wushu英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-10 13:39:30


武术史 History of Wushu英语短句 例句大全

武术史,History of Wushu

1)History of Wushu武术史


1.On the Role of Wushu Files in the Research of Wushu Hishory;浅析武术档案在武术史研究中的作用

2.The New Development of Chinese Wushu History Research;中国武术史研究的新开拓——评《中国武术史专论》

3.Research and development of History of Chinese Martial Arts courseware;《中国武术史》教学课件的研究与制作

4.The Historical Status of Wushu Culture in Ye City and Its Spreading and Developing;邺都武术文化在武术史上的地位及其传播和发展

5.Prom the course of the history of Wushu to see the trend of Wushu in the new period从武术历史的发展进程观新时期武术发展趋势

6.Influence of Shaolin Wushu history on Wushu development;少林武术文化的历史流变对武术发展的影响

7.Discussion on the Combination of the Warrior Spirit Custom and MultinationalCulture in the History of Ye Capital;论邺都历史上尚武风习与民族武术文化的融合

8.Cultural misreading and Wushu studies;“文化误读”与武术研究的历史反思

9.On the History, Current Situations and the Future of Wushu s International Development;武术在国际传播中的历史、现状与未来

10.The Investigation of the History,Current Status and Tactics of Wushu Communion in Fujian and Taiwan Areas;闽台武术交流的历史、现状及对策研究

11.On Culture Shape and Development of Traditional Wushu;传统武术历史文化形态及其发展对策

12.Evolution of Wushu value function in different historical periods;武术价值功能在不同历史时期的演变

13.History and Present Conditions of Vocational School Education in Wuling Region;武陵地区职业技术教育的历史与现状

14.Perspectives on the Development of Wushu Sanda;从武术散打的发展史探讨其发展趋势

15.Past,present and future of the international popularization of Wushu;武术在国际传播的历史、现状与未来

16.Historical and Cultural Argument over Whether Wushu and Olympics Can Be Compatible武术与奥运可否兼容的历史文化辨析

17.Discussion on Historic Formation of Harmonization Style Between Fighting and Practice of Traditional WuShu论传统武术“打练合一”风格的历史形成

18.On the Academic Significance of "Confucian Classics Is Neo-Confucianism" Put forward by Gu Yanwu论顾炎武“经学即理学”的学术史意义


historical materials of Wushu武术史料

1.It is noteworthy for researchers in Wushu history that in the book there are so many and specifichistorical materials of Wushu that you can hardly see in any book of its kind in ordinary writings in the Ming .令武术史研究者值得注意的是,《书钞》的三部古佚书中记有大量的武术史料,其内容之多,其记载之具体,在一般的明人笔记中是极为少见的,不少内容事关目前武术史研究中的重要问题。

3)history of Chinese martial arts中国武术史

4)Wudang Wushu武当武术

1.Wudang Mountains Residents" Recognition to and Attitudes towardsWudang Wushu武当山特区居民对武当武术影响的感知和态度

5)Martial arts武术

1.The precaution and analysis about the injury parts of young martial arts players in Shandong province;青少年武术运动员易损伤部位的损伤分析与预防措施

2.Construction of ethics for contemporary martial arts;当代武术道德规范体系的构建

3.Analyse Ordinary Universities Tae Kwon Do And Martial Arts Present Situation;普通高校跆拳道与武术开展现状分析


1.About Sugar Supplement in Wushu Training;武术运动员训练中糖营养素的补充

2.The study on The Wushu Player’s Psychological Relaxation Techniques;武术运动员心理放松的练习方法


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