100字范文 > 增量数据 incremental data英语短句 例句大全

增量数据 incremental data英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-25 01:13:36


增量数据 incremental data英语短句 例句大全

增量数据,incremental data

1)incremental data增量数据

1.A Method of Getting Incremental Data Based On DB2;在DB2中提取增量数据的一种方法

2.In order to ensure structure of neural network to fit with continuousincremental data set, a method for dealing withincremental data is presented, which is app.为了保证网络结构能适应不断扩大的数据集 ,提出了增量数据处理方法 ,对原有网络参数进行修正 ,这样就有利于连续生产操作 。

3.The key technology of this model-meta data and its management,the capture forincremental data—is explained.重点分析了此系统中的:元数据及其管理;基于ECA规则的增量数据的捕获。


1.Determination of Optimal Oxygen Content Based on Incremental Updating Data Mining基于增量数据挖掘的氧量最优值确定

2.Research on Improved Incremental Algorithm for Data Mining Based on HORAFA Algorithm基于HORAFA算法的改进增量数据挖掘算法

3.Research and Application on the Incremental Data Processing Technology in Network Audit联网审计中增量数据处理技术的研究与应用

4.According to these numbers, there was a spike in use of electricity in July.根据数据显示,七月份用电量剧增。

5.The number of data is growing day by day, so a great deal of data is described as "data abundance, but information indigence ".数据量与日俱增,大量的数据被描述为“数据丰富,但信息贫乏”。

6.Closed-ended questions are used in greater number, tying up loose ends in the data.封闭型问题大量增加,对数据进行收尾。

7.The police reported an increase in theft.据警方报道,偷窃案件的数量有所增加。

8.Research on Incremental Materialized View Maintenance in Data Warehouse;数据仓库中物化视图的增量维护研究

9.Incremental and Decremental Maintenance of Frequent Patterns in Dynamic Databases;动态数据库中频繁模式的增减量维护

10.Management Designation for GPRS Service Increment Prediction Based on Data Mining基于数据挖掘的GPRS业务增量预测设计

11.Solution of Database Increment Revision for the Second Land Investigation第二次土地调查数据库增量更新研究

12.Incremental association rules mining for large data set大规模数据集的增量式关联规则挖掘

13.Incremental Detection of Data Race for Java ProgramsJava程序数据竞争的增量式检测

14.Discussion for Navigation Electronic Map Data Increment Updating Mode导航电子地图数据增量更新模式探讨

15.they are used for backing up large amounts of data or for additional storage capacity.它的用处是备份大量的数据或增加存储容量。

16.The Data Processing System of the Building Final Surveying Based on Incremental Update;基于增量更新的竣工测量数据处理系统

17.According to recent statistics from the Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau, the number of intercultural marriages of Shanghai is rising steadily.据上海民政局的最新统计数据,上海的涉外婚姻数量正在稳定增长。

18.Use this wizard to incrementally update your partition with new data from a relational data source.使用本向导,可用来自关系数据源的新数据增量地更新分区。


data augmentat ion数据增量法

3)XML incremental da-taXML增量数据

4)incremental data source增量数据源

5)data increment detection数据增量探测

1.Then presents the relationship betweendata increment detection and data updating technology.文章介绍了地图数据更新的目的和方法,以及数据增量探测与数据更新技术的关系。

6)Incremental data transmit增量式数据传输


数据通信网(见数据通信)数据通信网(见数据通信)data communication networkshu)u tongxinwang数据通信网(datac。mmunicati。nne饰ork)见数据通信。
