100字范文 > 渐进主义 incrementalism英语短句 例句大全

渐进主义 incrementalism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-20 03:25:48


渐进主义 incrementalism英语短句 例句大全



1.This article discussed about the evolution of the relationship between the local and central government in the three-generation leading colections,and found out thatincrementalism has been the main model of the evolution,though they havn t summarized this model.从纵向研究建国以来中央与地方关系的沿革史,我们可以发现三代中央领导集体表面上所作的是“收收放放”的工作,但在总体上却遵循着一个渐进主义的模式。

2.Both rationalism andincrementalism are major root models in policy making theory.理性主义和渐进主义都是决策理论中的主要的根源性模式。


1.Rationalism and Incrementalism in Policy-Making Theory:Features and Applicability;决策理论中的理性主义与渐进主义及其适用性

2.The belief in or the policy of advancing toward a goal by gradual, often slow stages.渐进主义通过渐进的,缓慢的步骤达到目的的主张或政策

3.The Route Choice of Chinese Public Budget Reform Based on Incrementalism;渐进主义视角下我国预算体制改革的路径选择

4.Analysis on the Transnational Management of China"s Electrical Appliances Enterprises based on the Evolutionism基于“渐进主义”的中国家电企业跨国经营分析

5.A Comparative Analysis on Rationalism and Gradualism: Assessing the Two Default Types of Policy Model;理性主义与渐进主义之比较分析——权衡我国两种不完善的政策模型

6.Incrementalism-the Main Model of the Evolution of the Relationship Between Central and Local Governments since the Founding of PRC;渐进主义——建国以来中央与地方关系沿革的主要模式

7.An Institutional Analysis of the Path towards a Market Economy in China;市场渐进主义——中国改革路径与制度演进的相关性分析

8.To Achieve Liberty Step by Step--On YAN Fu s Thoughts of Social Change;渐进主义:自由实现的方式——论严复的社会变革思想

9.Strategies for change: incrementalism--one analysis framework ba s ed on organizational learning;企业应付变化的战略:渐进主义——一种基于组织学习的分析框架

10.This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism.现在不是从容不迫悠然行事或服用渐进主义镇静剂的时候。 现在是实现民主诺言的时候。

11.a moderate evolutionary form of Marxism.马克思主义中温和的渐进的一种形式。

12.The Gradual Transformation of the Fundamental Value of Social Democracy at the Beginning of the New Century;世纪之交社会民主主义核心价值观的渐进转变

13.The holists reject the piecemeal approach as being too modest.整体主义者反对渐进方法,认为它太温和。

14.Some Views about Gradual Reform Strategy of Socinlism in China;论中国社会主义渐进式改革战略的几个关系

15.The reform of China"s economic structure is a gradual self-perfection of the socialist economic system中国的经济改革是社会主义经济体制自我完善的一个渐进过程

16.Trade Protectism Policy on China s Banking in Progressive Markets Open;我国银行业渐进式开放市场上的贸易保护主义政策

17.Gradual Shaping of the Character of "Chinesized Marxism" and Periodical Evolution of Its Internal and External Categorization“马克思主义中国化”内涵的渐次生成及其外生、内生形态的循环演进

18.socialism shading into communism逐渐向共产主义过渡的社会主义.



3)evolutionary gradualism渐进主义进化论

4)radicalism and gradualism激进主义与渐进主义


1.In this background,after introducing Incrementalism which is popular among public finance thories,and studying the current situation of Chinese public budget system,the author finally puts forward the analysis framework of Chinese public budget system.在此背景下,引入公共财政领域最具影响的渐进主义理论,结合中国预算体制的实际情况,提出渐进主义视角下我国预算体制的框架。

6)political gradualism政治渐进主义

1.The paper points out LIANG Qi chao s “Liberal Autocracy”embodied hispolitical gradualism through analysis.通过对梁启超“开明专制”思想的评析 ,指出这一思想是他政治渐进主义的体现。


