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南齐书 Nan Qi Shu英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-26 20:42:44


南齐书 Nan Qi Shu英语短句 例句大全

南齐书,Nan Qi Shu

1)Nan Qi Shu南齐书

1.A Probe into Collation of theNan Qi Shu Published by the Zhonghua Book Bureau;中华书局本《南齐书》点读商榷

2.Ten Exempla on Discussing an Addendum of Collate ofNan Qi Shu Edited by Zhonghua Shuju;中华书局本《南齐书》校勘商榷、补遗十例


1.Ten Exempla on Discussing an Addendum of Collate of Nan Qi Shu Edited by Zhonghua Shuju中华书局本《南齐书》校勘商榷、补遗十例

2.At Southern Dynasties,calligrapher Wang Seng-qian also was a calligrphic theorist.王僧虔,南朝齐书法家,也是书法理论家。

3.I hope that scholars on the internet who are interested in Vietnamese ancient books improve Vietnamese altogether.希望网路上有兴趣研究越南古书的学者们一齐来改进越南语。

4.Jinling calligraphy in the Six Dynasties reflected in the unearthed tablet stones;百花齐放 争奇斗艳──由南京出土的碑石看六朝时期金陵书风

5.Flush cover: A cover trimmed flush with the pages of the text of the book.齐边封面:书皮和内文书页一起切齐。

6.Cut flush: Binding style with the cover cut flush with the pages.齐旁装:装订的款式。书籍的书皮和书页一起切齐。

7.The books were all neatly in place, carefully arranged.书都放得整整齐齐,井井有条。

8.He placed his books in a neat stack.他把书整整齐齐放成一堆。

9.a tidy room, desk, garden整整齐齐的房间、 书桌、 花园

10.His books are always exactly so.他的书总是排得整整齐齐。

11.I always keep my books in order我总是把我的书放得整整齐齐。

12.a neat, messy, etc writer书写整齐、 潦草...的人.

13.There is an irregularity in your application.你的申请书不齐全。

14.well-outfitted expedition to the South Pole.设备齐全的南极探险队。

15.Qi Baishi was a native of Xiangtan, Hunan Province.齐白石是湖南湘潭人,

16.The Prince Hui of Qi in the Southern Dynasties composed the "Fayue "Fayue Fanwu".南齐惠太子制"法乐梵舞"。

17.The Books are in orderly rows on shelves.书籍整齐地排列在书架上。

18.Those books are shipshape on the shelf.书整齐有序地摆在书架上。


Southern Qi南齐

1.Emperor ofSouthern Qi,Xiao Daocheng"s Family Education and His Descendants" Love for Confucianism and Literature——Witnessing the Scholarly Tendency of Xiao"Royal Family南齐萧道成之家教及其子孙之崇儒尚文——从一个侧面看萧齐皇族之“士族化”趋向

3)at the initial stages of Nanqi南齐初期

4)emperors of Qi南齐帝王

5)North-Qi Dynasty Book《北齐书》

1.His essays,such as On Feudalism and Zandaofu,and his compilation ofNorth-Qi Dynasty Book have made major contributions towards Chinese historical science.当过中书舍人、散骑常侍等职,撰写了《封建论》、《赞道赋》等重要文章,编撰了《北齐书》,为中国史学的发展做出了贡献。

6)a Book cut flush切齐的书


