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术 Shu英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-20 22:16:02


术 Shu英语短句 例句大全



1."Fa,Shu and Shi":From Xunzi to Hanfei;“法、术、势”:从荀子到韩非

2.Research on the Thoughts of Fa,Shu and Shi“法、术、势”思想新探

3.According to the explaination of《Shuo Wen Jie Zi》,the meaning of "Ru"is"Rou".秦汉时代称儒生为术士,术指道艺。


1.occult arts(炼金术、占星术等的)秘术

2.Terminology for vacuum technologyGB/T3163-1993真空技术术语

3.Surgical incision into the kidney.肾切开术肾切开手术

4.Information Technology Technical Committee信息技术技术委员会

5.The magician was doing magic tricks.魔术家正在变魔术。

6.technical,legal,scientific,etc terms技术、法律、科学等的术语.

7.Thesaurus of Scientific and Technic Terms《科学技术术语叙词表》

8.banding technique显带技术,分带技术

9.Art Department, Lu Xun Institute of Literaturs and Arts鲁迅艺术文学院美术系

10.abstract art and figural art抽象艺术与具象艺术

11.The act or art of conjuring.耍魔术的行为或艺术

12.Did you use magic and witchcraft?你使用了魔术和巫术吗?

13.The practice of sorcery or witchcraft.巫术魔法或巫术的实行

14.Terminology for film technologyGB/T15769-1995电影技术术语

15.the art of self-defence,ie boxing,judo,etc自卫术(如拳术、柔道等).

16.Performing arts performing arts centers.表演艺术 表演艺术中心。

17.associated with academia or an academy.与学术界或学术有关的。

18.Technical Service and Technical Training技术服务和技术培训



1.This essay,from the perspective of the image-number,discusses the relation between number and image,as well as the relation between number andtactics,and analyzes the prominent place of numbers in the study of the Book of Changes.从象数易学的角度,论述数与象、数与术的关系,可以揭示数在易学中的重要地位。

2.Pre-Qin legalists,who had emphasized law,changed to valuetactics.先秦法家从商鞅到韩非经历了从重"法"到重"术"的转变。


1.Based on the interactive relationship between three dimensions ofSkill,Learning and Dao,with reference to Daoism,this paper regards religion as a self-sufficient organization, which is characterized by independence,adaptability and opening.文章基于术、学、道的三维互动关系而以道教为例,把宗教视为一个在环境中生存的自组织体系,具有自立性、适应性和开放性。

2.Dao can realize but can t know only to realize and grasp line,control into real skill that Wushu practise naturally.道是创造性的根本智慧;武术之道,是人潜在的最为理想的有关武术实践的智慧。

3.Proceeding from different status of three religions in The Journey to the West it can be concluded that Buddhism and Taoism Symbolized reason and skill respectively while Confucianism exercised control over both of them.作为传统文化的自觉载体 ,《西游记》一书包含了中国文化中儒、释、道三教的不同思想 ,三教问题也成为历来研究者们关注的热点 ,从三教在《西游记》一书中的不同地位入手 ,可得出佛道分别象征理与术而儒学又统摄二者的结论。


1.On Ge Hong s philosophy based ontechniques;论葛洪以术为底蕴的哲学思想

2.The interactions among Tao, learning andtechnique are the internal essence and impetus of the transformation of Taoism, and the birth and development of Taoism, in which the relation between Tao and thetechnique is especially important.术、学和道的双向互动关系是道家演变和道教产生、发展的内在实质和动力,其中,术与道的双向互动关系更加重要。

5)operation mode手术术式

6)Operative technique手术技术


《华氏按摩术》《华氏按摩术》 《华氏按摩术》 按摩著作。一册。杨华亭编,黄竹斋校。本书将小儿推拿的一些手法作了深入浅出的说明,并附图解。其中记载的一些方法不见于其他同类著作中。因此具有较高的临床价值与文献价值。可供研究推拿按摩的参考。现存稿本。
