100字范文 > 古蜀 ancient Shu英语短句 例句大全

古蜀 ancient Shu英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-23 21:35:05


古蜀 ancient Shu英语短句 例句大全

古蜀,ancient Shu

1)ancient Shu古蜀

1.Theancient Shu has its own history and culture connotation.古蜀文化有自己独具特色的历史文化内涵。


1."Shu was Called Qiong":A Discussion on the Qiong People in the Ancient State of Shu and Relevant Issues;“蜀曰邛”:古蜀国的邛人及相关问题探讨

2.On Regional Environment and Culture of Ancient Sichuan;古蜀区域环境演变与古蜀文化关系研究

3.The Southern Silk Road and the Outward Economic and Cultural Interaction of the Ancient Shu Before the Qin;南丝路与先秦古蜀对外经济文化交流

4.The golden badge Sun God Birds can be taken as a carrier of ancient Ba-Shu culture.“太阳神鸟”金徽可以看成古蜀文化的载体。

5.An Idea of Conservancy and Exhibition of the Ancient Shu Culture Relics in Maoxian Yingpanshan;对茂县营盘山古蜀文化遗址保护与展示的构想

6.Significant Branches of Yanhuang Culture:Ancient Shu and Yi古蜀文化与古彝文化都是炎黄文脉上的重要分支

7.Environmetal-Climatic Changes of Chengdu Plain from 4ka and It s Influence on Ancient Shu Civilization;成都地区4ka以来环境—气候变化与其对古蜀文明的影响

8.The archeological discovery of Sanxingdui has encyclopedic cultural meanings, representing the inland agro cultural refulgence of Ancient Shu and thus draws the attention of the world.三星堆考古发现以百科全书式的文化内涵 ,展示了古蜀内陆农业文明的辉煌。

9.Scholar normally deemed that ancient Shu civilization was subject to the influence of the Central Plains civilization mainly through the middle reaches area of the Yangtse River and South Shaanxi area.学者们通常认为,古蜀文明接受中原文明的影响,主要是通过长江中游地区和陕南等途径。

10.It shows that sun worship was part of the religious culture of the ancient Shu State.器身上的小孔可能用来将器物固定在某种物体上,供人膜拜,显示太阳崇拜是古蜀国的宗教文化。

11.The Tung Trees Are Blossoming Alongside theLong Long Red Mountain Path --A Short Comment on Bashu and Its Ancient Proses;桐花万里丹山路——简论巴蜀与巴蜀古代散文

12.Sichuan Province in southwest China is renowned for its many fascinating natural wonders which have attracted millions of travelers over the centuries.蜀中山水,不知迷醉了多少古人和今人……

13.The Research of Fuzzy Space of Traditional Chinese Residence in Shushan Ancient South Street宜兴蜀山古南街民居的模糊空间研究

14.The Regional Protection to the Historic Towns in Bashu Based on the Concept of "Fit"基于“拟合”理念的巴蜀古镇区域保护

15.Paleo-Environmental Information Study of Loess on Islands in East China Sea and Xiashu Loess东海岛屿黄土与下蜀黄土古环境信息研究

16.Some Ideas about the Capital of the Ancient State of 夜郎 and Its Relationship with the States of 荆楚 and 巴蜀;浅论古夜郎都邑及其与荆楚、巴蜀之关系

17.A Supplementary Proof for “Yu ’s Thriving in Xiqiang” -- Viewing the Relations between Xia and Shu from New Discoveries of Archeology;“禹兴于西羌”补证——从考古新发现看夏蜀关系

18.The Research of Residential Space Shape Pillowing Mountain and River in Yixing Ancient Shushan South Street宜兴蜀山古南街枕山临水型民居空间形态研究


the ancient Shu Road古蜀道

3)the ancient Shu period古蜀时期

4)Ancient Shu Country古蜀国

5)Guqin of ancient Sichuan巴蜀古琴

6)culture of ancient Shu古蜀文化

1.And he thought that theculture of ancient Shu(Sichuan) had developed independently before the period of Spring and Autumn and Warring States when Shu got in touch with central China,and that after Shu is conquered by Qin,which waw recorded in Yugong as Liangzhou.《禹贡》梁州为各种九州说所仅见,过去顾颉刚先生以此推断《禹贡》必是战国时代的著作,认为古蜀文化是独立发展的,直至春秋战国间蜀国始与中原发生关系,待秦灭蜀后《禹贡》才得以蜀境为梁州。




时代:战国早期发掘单位:成都市文物考古研究所简介:这是一处古蜀开明王朝晚期约相当战国早期的大型多棺合葬的土坑竖穴墓,墓向为东北-西南向,墓坑长约30米,宽约20米,面积达600平方米,局部在汉代曾被破坏,墓坑现存船棺、独木棺等葬具17具,其中大型葬具4具,最大的一具长达18.8米,直径1.7米,堪称中国的“船棺王”。13具小型葬具中有一些为殉人或专置随葬品的小型木棺。所有棺木均用贵重的楠木整木刳凿而成,葬具下垫有纵横交错的众多枕木。各木棺周围满填青膏泥,因青膏泥有密不透氧的性质,木棺及随葬的漆木器和竹席均保存较好。在墓坑东南侧还发现一个巨大的以独木舟端作成的柱础,更为重要的是,在该墓葬南边发现有带榫头的条形方木,方木呈长方形分布,东西长约 15米,南北宽约7.5米,推测应是建筑的基础,在其东西两侧还有各长约15米,宽约7.5米的边厢。这种条形方木在墓坑上部沿东侧一线也有发现,估计也是建筑的基础部分。这说明当时在该墓葬之上还应有地面建筑,这跟古代文献中记载当时的宗庙及陵寝制度中的“前朝后寝”的建筑形式是相吻合的,而这在以前国内考古发掘中从未见过。 从已知的墓葬情况可以确定,这应是一处极其罕见的古蜀国开明王朝王族甚或蜀王本人的家族墓地。
