100字范文 > 疏风散寒益气固表法 the method of Shu Feng San Han Yi Qi Gu Biao英语短句 例句大全

疏风散寒益气固表法 the method of Shu Feng San Han Yi Qi Gu Biao英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-28 05:32:20


疏风散寒益气固表法 the method of Shu Feng San Han Yi Qi Gu Biao英语短句 例句大全

疏风散寒益气固表法,the method of Shu Feng San Han Yi Qi Gu Biao

1)the method of Shu Feng San Han Yi Qi Gu Biao疏风散寒益气固表法

1.Objective To observe the clinical efficacy ofthe method of Shu Feng San Han Yi Qi Gu Biao in the treatment of cold urticaria.目的探讨疏风散寒益气固表法治疗寒冷性荨麻疹的临床疗效。


1.The Clinical Observation on Efficacy about the Method of Shu Feng San Han Yi Qi Gu Biao in the Treatment of Cold Urticaria疏风散寒益气固表法治疗寒冷性荨麻疹的临床观察

2.She will be all right after a couple of doses of medicine to relieve the congestion."不过偶感风寒,吃一两剂药疏散疏散就好了."

3.Clinical Research on Asthma of Relieving Period by Therapy of Invigorating Qi and Consolidating the Superficial and Clearing Heat and Normalizing the Stomach;益气固表、清热和胃法治疗小儿哮喘缓解期的临床研究

4.relieve rheumatism, chills and pains除涩散寒,祛风定痛

5.The Method of the Evacuation Simulation and Training about Hazardous Chemical Accidents Based on Gas Dispersion Software基于大气扩散模型的危险化学品事故疏散模拟训练方法

6.The Clinical Study on Acupuncture of "Shu Gan Li Qi" in Treatment of the Post-Stoke Depression疏肝理气针刺法治疗中风后抑郁的临床研究

7.Clinical Observation of Jing Fang Bai Du San on Upper Respiratory Tract Infection荆防败毒散加减治疗上呼吸道感染(感冒风寒表证)的临床观察

8.The chilly wind had a taste of rain in it.那寒风带着雨的气息。

9.The weather has turned cold and windy.天气变得寒冷而多风.

10.The Clinical and Theory Study of the Rule of Reinforcing Kidney and Regulating Liver Qi Method on Post-Stroke Depression;益肾疏肝法治疗中风后抑郁证的临床研究和理论探讨

11.The key to the treatment of all kinds of rheumatism is to dispel wind and remove dampness from the Body.各种风湿病的治疗关键是祛风散寒。

12.Clinical Study on Preventing and Treatment of Osteoporosis of Postmenopausal Women with "Suppot Kidvey Fortify Qi and Invigorate the Circulation of Blood Stasis Dredge Collaterals";“补肾益气活血通络”法防治绝经后妇女骨质疏松症的临床研究

13.A Clinical Study of the Way of Benefiting Vital Energy for Strengthening Superficies to Improve Immune Functions of Patients with CVA during Remission Stage;益气固表法对咳嗽变异性哮喘缓解期患者免疫系统调节作用的临床研究

14.The fog has threatened to close several highways. China"s weather service expects winds from a cold front, forecast for Wednesday night, will sweep the fog away.大雾还威胁到几条高速公路。中国的气象预报预计,星期三晚上寒冷气流带来的风,会把大雾驱散。

15.The Influence on Clinical Effects and Serum IL-4-with the Therapy of Benefiting Qi Against Allergy for Allergic Rhinitis of Lung-Deficiency Related Cold Type益气脱敏法对肺虚感寒型变应性鼻炎临床疗效及血清IL-4的影响

16.Clinical Study on YiQiWenYang Decoction in the Treatment of Deficient Cold of Spleen and Lung of Allergic Rhinitis益气温阳法治疗肺脾虚寒型变应性鼻炎的临床研究

17.A Clinical Study on Treating Cerebral Ischemic Stroke with Syndrome of Deficiency of Qi with Activities of Daily Living with Combination of Strenthen Qi Therapy and Rehabilitation益气法合康复对气虚型缺血中风患者ADL的影响

18.This is called a rarefaction and is represented by widely spaced dots.这个区域称为稀疏区,并用疏散的小点表示。


the way of benefiting vital energy for strengthening superficies益气固表法

1.Objective: to determinethe way of benefiting vital energy for strengthening superficies (yu-ping-feng) to improve immune functions of patients with cough variance asthma during remission stage, in order to treat and improve CVA effectively.目的随机对照探讨用益气固表法(玉屏风颗粒)能否提高咳嗽变异性哮喘缓解期患者的免疫功能,为更有效地治疗该病、改善该病奠定理论基础。


1.TheYiQiGuBiao method can strengthen the body surface resistance by improving the qi in spleen and lung.益气固表法通过补益脾肺之气而达固表御邪之功,体现了“正气存内,邪不可干”的原理,临床常用于脾肺气虚,表卫不固证。

4)Chinese medicine on Wenyang Yiqi Sanhan Huayu温阳益气散寒化瘀中药

1.Methods: The 110 cases of endometriosis were randomly divided into two groups, Treatment group (57 cases) usedChinese medicine on Wenyang Yiqi Sanhan Huayu orally, and with Gestrinone oral treatment.方法:将110例子宫内膜异位症患者,随机分为两组,治疗组57例,采用内服温阳益气散寒化瘀中药,配合口服孕三烯酮治疗,对照组53例单纯口服孕三烯酮治疗,疗程均为3个月。

5)expelling wind and cold祛风散寒

6)Sanhanjiebiao(dispelling cold and relieving exterior)散寒解表


疏风疏风 疏风 治法之一。指用祛风解表药疏散风邪的治法。风为外感病证的先导,故解表必须疏风。临床常见有风寒、风热、风湿三种挟有风邪的表证。风寒表证用防风、桂枝、藁本等;风热表证用薄荷、牛蒡子等;风湿表证用羌活、白芷等。
