100字范文 > 殖民遗产 colonial legacy英语短句 例句大全

殖民遗产 colonial legacy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-06 12:10:55


殖民遗产 colonial legacy英语短句 例句大全

殖民遗产,colonial legacy

1)colonial legacy殖民遗产

2)colonial relics殖民遗迹

1.Now a lot ofcolonial relics have been left because of Russia and Japan\"s imperialist aggression.我国东北地区由于在近代饱受日俄帝国主义侵略,所以遗留了很多的殖民遗迹。

3)national art language民族遗产


1.These ancient buildings are part of the national heritage.这些古建 是民族遗产的一部分.

2.We must take care to preserve our national heritage.我们必须注意保护自己的民族遗产。

3.These beautiful old palaces are part of our national heritage.这些美丽的古老宫殿是我们民族遗产的一部分。

4.To treat with national heritage Puritanism, his attitude is criticism,and retrospect.对待民族遗产清教主义,他的态度是:批判、反思。

5.Preservation of the Cultural Heritage of Ethnic Minorities保护少数民族文化遗产

6.Ethnic Township and National Non-Material Cultural Heritage Protection民族乡建设与民族非物质文化遗产保护

7.Chinese literature is a rich inheritance of the Chinese race.中国文学是中华民族的宝贵遗产。

8.Study on Tourism Development of National Industrial and Commerical Heritage in Wuxi City;无锡市民族工商业遗产旅游开发研究

9.Traditional Festivals: An Important Heritage of National Culture;传统节日:一宗重大的民族文化遗产

10.On the Protection of the Traditional Cultural and Art Legacies of Minority Nationalities;保护少数民族传统文化艺术遗产断想

11.The Protection of National Cultural Heritage from Erjiaxian"s Changing从二夹弦兴衰看民族文化遗产的保护

12.Bai heritage protection and ethnic tourism development;白族遗产保护与民族旅游开发——以大理为个案

13.The Definition and the Theoretical System of the National Folk Culture Heritage--Taking Liaoning folk cultural heritage study as an example民族民间文化遗产的界定与理论体系——以辽宁民族民间文化遗产的研究为例

14.Probing into the Legal Protection for National-and-folk Intangible Culture Heritage in China;我国民族民间无形文化遗产的法律保护

15.Thoughts on the Legislation in Protecting the Traditional Folk Culture Legacy of Inner Mongolia;对内蒙古民族民间文化遗产保护的立法思考

16.Saving the National Folk Cultural Heritage in HeiLongJiang Province is a Task which Brooks No Delay;抢救黑龙江省民族民间文化遗产工作刻不容缓

17.Saving National Folk Cultural Legacy Enlarging Hei Long River Valley Culture;抢救民族民间文化遗产 弘扬黑龙江流域文明

18.Summarize Historiographic Legacy and Promote Historiographic Creation--Summary Comments on Symposium of "Historiographic Legacy and National Spirit";总结史学遗产 促进史学创新——“史学遗产与民族精神”学术研讨会综述


colonial relics殖民遗迹

1.Now a lot ofcolonial relics have been left because of Russia and Japan\"s imperialist aggression.我国东北地区由于在近代饱受日俄帝国主义侵略,所以遗留了很多的殖民遗迹。

3)national art language民族遗产

4)genetics of aquaculture水产养殖遗传学

5)national culture heritage民族文化遗产

1.On the aspect of culture anthropology Visual field,we must study the protection ofnational culture heritage with the close and scientific atlitude.在文化人类学视野中,民族文化遗产保护必须用严谨、科学的态度去进行研究,民族文化遗产保护的起点是对现存民族文化遗产的挖掘、归纳、整理,以走出当前民族文化遗产保护的困境为初衷和目的,在认识和解决民族文化遗产保护中这些矛盾和冲突的同时提升文化遗产的开发价值。

6)folk cultural heritage民间文化遗产

1.On Protection of IPR and Commercial Exploitation of Folk Cultural Heritage论民间文化遗产的知识产权保护与商业开发

2.The reasons are determined by the following: first,by the nature and function offolk cultural heritage;second,by the transmission method and protection goals of folk culture;third,by the development trend of democratization and autonomy of the world.目前许多保护和弘扬中国各民族丰富的优秀民间文化遗产的政策、意见和建议基本上没有站在民众的立场来考虑。


