100字范文 > 性别工资差异 gender wage differentials英语短句 例句大全

性别工资差异 gender wage differentials英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-11 19:49:48


性别工资差异 gender wage differentials英语短句 例句大全

性别工资差异,gender wage differentials

1)gender wage differentials性别工资差异

1.Study on the Gender Wage Differentials in China"s Urban and Town Labor Market中国城镇劳动力市场性别工资差异研究

2.This paper describes the industrial distribution and the level of wage gap between male and female workers in Jilin s urban labor market,and applies the micro-econometrics models to decompose thegender wage differentials.针对吉林省城镇劳动力市场中男性和女性劳动力的行业分布和工资水平差异,应用微观经济计量方法对性别工资差异进行分解分析的研究结果表明,吉林省城镇劳动力市场中存在着明显的性别工资差异,行业内部性别工资歧视是造成性别工资差异的主要原因,而性别行业分割是造成性别工资差异的次要原因。


1.Quantile Regression Analysis of Gender Wage Gap in China中国性别工资差异的分位数回归分析

2.Gender Wage Differentials in Jilin s Urban Labor Market;吉林省城镇劳动力市场中的性别工资差异

3.Gender Wage Differentials in China s Urban Labor Market;中国城市劳动力市场上的性别工资差异

4.Influential Factors on Gender Wage Differentials of Rural Migrant Labors农村转移劳动力性别工资差异的影响因素分析

5.Study on the Gender Wage Differentials in China"s Urban and Town Labor Market中国城镇劳动力市场性别工资差异研究

6.Empirical Study on Gender Wage Differentials and Occupation Segmentation for Urban Workers in China;中国城镇职工的性别工资差异与职业分割的经验分析

7.Occupational Segregation and Its Effect on Estimates of the Gender Wage Differential:Evidence from 2002 UHS Data;职业分割及其对性别工资差异的影响——基于2002年中国城镇调查队数据

8."Glass Ceiling" or "Sticky Floor":To Investigate the Distribution and Cause of Gender Wage Gap among State and Non-state Sector“天花板效应”还是“地板效应”——探讨国有与非国有部门性别工资差异的分布与成因

pensating differentials补偿性(工资)差异

10.Differentials on Gender Wage and Employment Opportunities in China s Urban Labor Market;中国城市工资收入和就业机会的性别差异

11.Working Group on Basic Education, with Special Attention to Gender Disparities特别注意性别差异的基础教育工作组

12.The Return of Education Investment ,Occupation and the Gender Wage Rate Differentials:Evidence From the Three Western Cities China;教育收益率、行业与工资的性别差异:基于西部三个城市的经验研究

13.Sexual Difference in Factors Affecting the Wage Earnings of the Floating Population--A Case Study of the Migrant Women in Xiamen City;流动人口工资收入影响因素中的性别差异——以厦门市流动妇女为例

14.Experimental Studies on Gender Differences in Information Processing to Advertisement;广告信息加工中性别差异的实验研究

15.A Study on Gender Difference of Influencing Factors of Work-family Fit;工作家庭匹配影响因素性别差异研究

16.Exclusiveness and Uncertainty: the Cause of Wage Difference;工资差别的原因:专用性与不确定性

17.A Brief Analysis:How the Traditional Gender Ideas Affect the Differences of Human Capital Investment between Men and Women;简析传统性别观念对人力资本投资性别差异的影响

18.Market Potential,Externalities and Regional Wage Inequality of China;市场潜力、外部性与中国地区工资差异


gender wage gap性别工资差异

1."Glass Ceiling" or "Sticky Floor":To Investigate the Distribution and Cause of Gender Wage Gap among State and Non-state Sector“天花板效应”还是“地板效应”——探讨国有与非国有部门性别工资差异的分布与成因

3)gender wage differential性别工资差别

4)institutional wage differential制度性工资差别

5)gender human capital investment difference性别人力资本投资差异

6)salary differential工资差别


成就动机性别差异成就动机性别差异sex differences in achievement motivation成就动机性别差异(se、differenees inachievemeflt motlvati、)n)两性在完成有价值的活动时的内在动力方面的差异。通常认为,男性的成就动机水平高于女性。但麦克莱兰德在研究中发现了如下儿点:(l)在中性条件下,女性的成就动机高于男性。(2)在竞争条件卜,男性的成就动机高于女性。(3)在同一方式进行的测验中,男女的成就动机水平是相同的。显然成就动机还有赖一于具体的情境,以及人对情境的认知。有的研究认为,男性对于成就有比女性更大的欲求,更倾向于为了成就本身而努力,女性则更倾向于为了获得他人赞赏而努力。男性的动机多指向于事业,女性的动机多指向于人际关系。(茜香嘉撰高玉祥审)
