100字范文 > 性别二元差异 binary difference of genders英语短句 例句大全

性别二元差异 binary difference of genders英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-22 21:51:23


性别二元差异 binary difference of genders英语短句 例句大全

性别二元差异,binary difference of genders

1)binary difference of genders性别二元差异

2)duel difference二元差异

3)gender difference性别差异

1.Gender difference in preventive consciousness and behavior against AIDS;艾滋病防范意识和行为的性别差异

2.Kinetic differences in nonverbal communication andgender differences;非语言交际中体式语的性别差异

3.Changing ways ofgender difference in the participation of social sports;中国社会体育参与中性别差异变迁路径的选择


1.Woman Psychology女性心理与性别差异

2.Names from the gender differences can change gender status;从人名的性别差异看性别地位的变化

3.Respecting Gender Differences and Improving Cross Gender Cultural Communication尊重性别差异 促进跨性别文化交际

4.Working Group on Basic Education, with Special Attention to Gender Disparities特别注意性别差异的基础教育工作组

5.Research on differences of achievement motivation for college students with different sexes and grades;大学生成就动机的性别差异和年级差异

6.Gender and Event Difference of Self concept of College Physical Education Students;体育系大学生自我概念的性别差异与项目差异

7.the total score of maltreat hadn"t showed difference on gender; that of dissociative showed difference on gender.虐待在性别上没显示出显著性差异,但分离有性别差异。

8.An Experimental Research on the Relationship Between the Character of Stimulus and the Implicit Aggression of Sexes;刺激物属性与内隐攻击性的性别差异

9.Research on Gender Difference in Executive Function for 4~6 Years Old Children;4~6岁幼儿执行功能性别差异性研究

10.A Study of Gender Differences in Senior Schools;高中生恋爱与性心理的性别差异研究

11.Research of Gender Difference of Performance Evaluation in Scientific Exploration;科学探究表现性评价的性别差异研究

12.Clinical research of sex difference in patients with AMI after PCI treatmentPCI治疗急性心肌梗死的性别差异分析

13.Studies on Sex Determination of Crania Ⅰ.The Arc, Chord and Circumference颅骨的性别判定研究 Ⅰ.弧弦周长的性别差异和性别判别分析

14.On Gender Difference and Sexism in English Slang;透析英语俚语中的性别差异与性别歧视

15.Gender Difference and Gender Equality in Job-hunting of Female Graduate Students;女大学生就业中的性别差异与性别平等

16.The Influence of Gender Difference in Language Use on Mixed-sex Communication;语言的性别差异及其对跨性别交际的影响

17.The Sexual Phenomena in Language and the Sexual Differences in Communication;语言中的性别现象与交际中的性别差异

18.Serving to distinguish; distinctive"形成差异的,区别性的"


duel difference二元差异

3)gender difference性别差异

1.Gender difference in preventive consciousness and behavior against AIDS;艾滋病防范意识和行为的性别差异

2.Kinetic differences in nonverbal communication andgender differences;非语言交际中体式语的性别差异

3.Changing ways ofgender difference in the participation of social sports;中国社会体育参与中性别差异变迁路径的选择

4)sexual difference性别差异

1.Sexual Difference in Pathological Internet Use among College Students;大学生病理性互联网使用的性别差异

2.Influence ofsexual difference on expression of Toll - like receptor 4 and myeloid differential protein - 2 mRNA in the lung in septic rats;性别差异对脓毒症大鼠肺组织Toll样受体4及髓样分化蛋白-2基因表达的影响

parative Studies of Effects of Two Novel Marine Drug 911,971 on CYP 450 Subtype Enzymes and Their Sexual Differences;海洋药物911、971对CYP450不同亚型代谢酶的影响及其性别差异的研究

5)sex differences性别差异

1.Sex differences in self-estimated intelligence;自我估计智力的性别差异研究

2.Sex differences in mental rotation affected by working memory load;工作记忆的负荷影响心理旋转任务中的性别差异

3.Study of Sex Differences and Functional Connectivity during Orthography and Imagery Tasks;字形和表象有关任务的脑功能连通和性别差异研究

6)Gender differences性别差异

1.Research progress on species and gender differences of drug metabolism;药物代谢的种属和性别差异研究

2.Gender Differences in Personality Traits of Middle School Students;中学生人格特质的性别差异研究

3.Study of gender differences in schizophrenic siblings;精神分裂症患病同胞的性别差异研究


二元二次方程二元二次方程组求解的基本思想是“转化”,即通过“降次”、“消元”,将方程组转化为一元二次方程或二元一次方程组。由于这类方程组形式庞杂,解题方法灵活多样,具有较强的技巧性,因而在解这类方程组时,要认真分析题中各个方程的结构特征,选择较恰当的方法。(1)有两组相等的实数解。(2)有两组不相等的实数解;(3)没有实数解。解:将②代入①,整理得。二次方程③的判别式(1)当,即a<2时,方程③有两个不相等的实数根,则原方程有不同的两组实数解。(2)当,即a=2时,方程③有两个相等的实数根,则原方程有相同的两组实数解。(3)当,即a>2时,方程③没有实数根,因而原方程没有实数解。评析 由一个二元一次方程和一个二元二次方程组成的方程组,一般用代入法求解,即将方程组中的二元一次方程用含有一个未知数的代数式表示另一个未知数,然后代入二元二次方程中,从而化“二元”为“一元”,如此便得到一个一元二次方程。此时,方程组解的情况由此一元二次方程根的情况确定。比如,当时,由于一元二次方程有两个相等的实根,则此方程组有相同的两组实数解……诸如此类。
