100字范文 > 显微组织演变 Microstructural evolution英语短句 例句大全

显微组织演变 Microstructural evolution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-05 06:30:35


显微组织演变 Microstructural evolution英语短句 例句大全

显微组织演变,Microstructural evolution

1)Microstructural evolution显微组织演变

1.In order to investigate the microstructural evolution of Ni3Al intermetallic from Al and Ni powders during self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS), a combustion front quenching method (CFQM) was used for extinguishing the propagating combustion wave.为了研究用Ni粉和Al粉自蔓延高温合成(SHS)Ni3Al过程中的显微组织演变,用燃烧波淬熄法使蔓延的燃烧波自行熄灭,用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)及能谱仪(EDS)观察和分析了淬熄试样中的显微组织,测试了燃烧温度,并用X射线衍射(XRD)分析了合成产物的相组成。

2.The microstructural evolution pattern of Al/Mg2Si composite during self-propagating high-temperature synthesis(SHS) was studied by means of combustion front quenching.采用燃烧波前沿淬熄法研究Al/Mg2Si复合材料在自蔓延高温合成(SHS)过程中的显微组织演变规律。


1.Effect of Fine Particles on the Flow Behavior of Polycrystalline Ice(Ⅱ):Microstructural Evolutions微粒对多晶冰流变行为的影响(Ⅱ):显微组织演变

2.Microstructural Evolution of As-cast and Homogenized 2D70 Aluminum Alloy2D70铝合金铸态及均匀化态的显微组织演变

3.Process Parameters on the Microstructure Evolution of a Low Carbon Microalloyed High Strength Dual Phase Steel;工艺参数对低碳微合金高强度双相钢显微组织演变的影响

4.Superplasticity,microstructural evolution and deformation mechanism of super-light two-phase Mg-Li alloys超轻双相镁锂合金的超塑性、显微组织演变与变形机理

5.Microstructure and Texture Evolution of Cold-drawn Pure Iron Wires during Annealing Process冷拉拔纯铁丝在退火过程中的显微组织与织构演变

6.Researches on Microstructure Formation and Rheology during Semi Solid Processing Through in Situ Observation Technique;半固态显微组织形成演化与流变性的实时观察研究

7.Equal channel angular pressing process (ECAP) of pure Al(Ⅰ) --microstructure evolution纯铝等径角挤技术(Ⅰ)——显微组织演化

8.Study on the Microstructure and Texture of the Cold-rolled Eutectoid Steel冷变形共析钢的显微组织与织构探讨

9.Analysis of the Microstructure and Microtexture Evolution of Grain-oriented Silicon Steel晶粒取向硅钢微组织和微织构演变过程的研究

10.The initial microstructure was found to be fine duplex microstructure.蠕变前合金的显微组织为均匀细小的双态组织。

11.High-temperature Deformation Process and Microstructural Characteristics of TC4 AlloyTC4合金高温形变工艺与显微组织特征

12.Study on Microstructure and Hot-deformation Behavior of AZ31 Magnesium AlloyAZ31镁合金热变形行为及显微组织研究

13.Fractal on hot deformed microstructure of Ti-15-3 alloyTi-15-3合金热变形显微组织的分形


15.Simulation of Microstructure Evolution of 58SiMn Steel during Hot Deformation58SiMn钢热成形过程的微观组织演变模拟

16.Microstructural evolution of adiabatic shear bands in TA2工业纯钛TA2剪切带中微观组织的演变

17.Microstructure evolution of spray-formed Mg-9Al-xZn alloys喷射成形Mg-9Al-xZn合金的微观组织演变

18.Microstructure transition of hydrogenated Ti6Al4V alloy置氢Ti6Al4V合金的微观组织演变规律


Microstructure Evolution显微组织演变

1.Effect of electrolytic copper powder and atomizing copper powder to microstructure evolution during SPS;电解铜粉和雾化铜粉对SPS过程中显微组织演变的影响

3)microstructure evolution显微组织演化

1.Effect of temperature onmicrostructure evolution of 7075 alloy during hot deformation;温度对7075铝合金热变形显微组织演化的影响

4)microstructural evolution显微组织演化

1.Research situation of the effect of different process routes on themicrostructural evolution of materials in ECAP;等径角挤压法工艺路线影响材料显微组织演化的研究概况

2.The authors reviewed thepresent state of technology in this field, including the current status of researeh and development on theprinciple, deformation behaviour andmicrostructural evolution during ECAP, structural charaterizationand .综述了等径角挤压制备超细晶材料领域的最新研究进展,包括等径角挤压的工艺原理、显微组织演化规律、等径角挤压材料微机组织特征和力学性能等。

3.The experimental results show that themicrostructural evolution is divided into three stages according to different evolution mechanisms: the mechanical splitting mechanism with the grain size fined from 45 μm to 12 μm;the deformation-induced dynamic recrystallization .通过金相组织观察、显微硬度测试、扫描电镜分析和应变速率为5×10-5/s的室温拉伸力学性能实验,分别探讨多向锻造中ME20M镁合金的显微组织演化机制和力学性能变化规律。

5)microstructure evolution微观组织演变

1.A physical metallurgical model was made to predictmicrostructure evolution and mechanical properties of C-Mn steel plate during control rolling and control cooling process, which consists of four modules: reheating, recrystallization, phase transformation and mechanical properties.本文建立了C-Mn钢在控制轧制和控制冷却生产中微观组织演变和力学性能预测的物理冶金模型。

2.Experimental method and parameters of liquidus forging are given in this paper to prepare the bellit for semi-solid process,andmicrostructure evolution of magnesium alloy ZK60-RE during semi-solid isothermal heat treatment is researched as well.给出了液相线模锻法制备ZK60-RE镁合金半固态坯料的实验方法和工艺参数,并研究了该方法制备的ZK60-RE镁合金在半固态等温热处理过程中的微观组织演变。

3.In order to study the effect of process parameters onmicrostructure evolution during multi-step forging,recrystallization and grain growth models were implemented into a finite element code,then coupling between thermo-mechanical andmicrostructure evolution was realized.为研究多步锻造过程中工艺参数对大锻件微观组织演变的影响,将再结晶模型和晶粒长大模型加入到模拟软件中,实现了金属高温塑性变形-传热-微观组织演变的耦合。

6)microstructural evolution微观组织演变

1.One of important simulation models ofmicrostructural evolution is Monte Carlo Potts Model.蒙特卡洛波茨模型是实现材料微观组织演变过程仿真的一种重要方法。

2.A physical metallurgy model based on Thermo-Calc of thermodynamics software and kinetics theory has been developed to predictmicrostructural evolution of low carbon steel after controlled rolling and controlled cooling,and a corresponding regression mechanical properties model has been put forward.基于热力学软件Thermo-Calc和动力学理论,建立了低碳钢在控制轧制和控制冷却生产中的微观组织演变物理冶金模型,回归了相应的力学性能模型。

3.The computer simulation ofmicrostructural evolution in hot rolling and the research of the relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties have been one of the hot topics in recent years .热加工过程中的微观组织演变的计算机模拟以及微观组织与力学性能的研究是近年来本学科研究领域的热点之一。


