100字范文 > 演变历程 Evolution英语短句 例句大全

演变历程 Evolution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-01 07:48:02


演变历程 Evolution英语短句 例句大全



1.This paper reviews the evolution of English phonetics and spelling in English history,discusses the homophonic words which are different from the traditional English language in Network Communication,and finds that English phonetics is trying to consistent to the spelling in network communication.回顾英语语音和拼写的演变历程,探讨英语交际网语中不同于传统英语变化的谐音造词现象,发现了在交际网语中英语的书写形式和语音形式正力图保持一致的新趋势。



2.Evolvement and Development of Figure Skating Rules;花样滑冰规则的演变历程与发展趋势

3.Reflection on the Evolution of Oversea Schooling in Modern China;中国近代留学教育的演变历程及反思

4.On the Evolution of the Relationship Between Qing and Korea before Qing s Entry into the Central Plains;试论入关前清与朝鲜关系的演变历程

5.Study on the Historical Development and Current Situation of Curriculum Structure of College English;大学英语课程结构的演变历程及现状分析

6.On the Factors Influencing the Changing of American Indian Literature论美国印第安文学演变历程中的内外因素

7.The Relevant Study between Evolvement of Villa in Shanghai and Social Culture;上海别墅演变历程同社会文化的关联性研究

8.A Comprehensive Analysis of the Evolvement of Yoga--Establishing the Thought Foundation of Yoga Education;全析瑜伽演变历程——创建瑜伽教育的思想基础

9.American Evolvement of the Carnegie Higher Education Sorting;美国卡内基高等教育机构分类的演变历程探索

10.A Study on the Ethnic Policies Formulated by the First Route Army of the Red Army During the Long March;长征期间红一方面军民族政策演变历程探讨

11.The Evolution Course and Features of Sex Education in Modern China;近代中国“性教育”思想的演变历程及其特色

12.Analysis on Domestic Civil Aviation Price Reforms Based on Price Evolution;从价格的演变历程浅析国内民航运输价格改革

13.On the Innovation Process of Wushu Spear from the Ancient Weapon Lance;试论从兵器枪到武术器械枪的演变历程

14.Evolutional Course of Chinese Farmers Image since the Establishment of PRC and View on Their Future;建国以来中国农民形象的演变历程及未来观

15.System Innovation and the Development Process of Chinese Television Industry System;制度创新与我国电视产业体制的演变历程

16.Historycal Progression and Style Evolving of Chinese Reportage;中国报告文学的历史进程与文体演变

17.On the History of P.E in Middle School and the Enlightenment;中学思想政治课程的历史演变与启示

18.On the National Model of Social Evaluation;社会评价历史演变过程中的民族特色


evolution of category范畴演变历程

3)evolution course演进历程


1.Research of Evolution from Deng City to Fan City;邓城——樊城演进历程考

2.From margin to center:evolutions of the career training for the undergraduates从边缘到中心:大学生就业指导的演进历程及重要转变

5)historical evolvement历史演变

1.This paper introduces the general situation and thehistorical evolvement of Qilihai lagune in the Changli gold coast.本文介绍了昌黎黄金海岸七里海泻湖的概况和历史演变,指出:滦河迁徙、气候变化、海平面变迁以及人类活动是影响七里海泻湖演变的主要因素;拆除七里海防潮闸堤、恢复七里海泻湖水面、加强保护区的建设、发展旅游观光业和新型农业是七里海泻湖生态修复的重要措施。

2.Ningxia,located in the transitional place from half wetness place to half drought and drought place,is the hypersensitive area in man-land relationship for a long time,this paper discusses thehistorical evolvement and the character of man-land relationship in Ningxia from the interactional leading factor,spatio-temporal distribution and functionary mode in man-land relationship etc.从人地关系相互作用的主导因素、时空分布和作用方式等探讨了宁夏人地关系的历史演变及其表现特征,并对划分3个大演变阶段进行了分析,总结了宁夏人地关系演变中的敏感性、多民族的碰撞与融合,以及二元化地域结构等基本特点。

3.The whole article has analyzed thehistorical evolvement of the general gym textbooks since the establishment of PRC,analyzed and compared the contents and characteristics of various edition gym textbooks,on which we discovered the development trend of our gym textbooks.以我国普通高校体育教育专业体操普修教材为研究内容,以文献研究方法为主,辅以案例分析、访谈、问卷调查、统计、比较分析等研究方法,分析了建国以来普通高校体育教育专业体操普修教材的历史演变历程,并对各版本体操教材的内容、特点进行了分析比较,在此基础上探讨了体操教材的发展趋势。

6)historical evolution历史演变

1.The evaluation of research and the scientometric research program:historical evolution and redefinitions of the relationship;科研评价和科学计量学的研究纲领——二者关系的历史演变与重新定义

2.A Discussion on the Historical Evolution of the Well-off Society s Economic Connotation;论小康社会经济内涵的历史演变


