100字范文 > 形态演变 morphology evolution英语短句 例句大全

形态演变 morphology evolution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-02 02:02:59


形态演变 morphology evolution英语短句 例句大全

形态演变,morphology evolution

1)morphology evolution形态演变

1.By comparing the effects of different screw configurations in the initial stages on themorphology evolution of PC/PE blend,it is found that the melting and breaking up of the dispersed phase are obviously influenced in th.研究了聚碳酸酯/聚乙烯(PC/PE)共混物在双螺杆挤出初期过程中的形态演变规律。


1.Study on the Morphology Evolution of Chinese Cities Since 1990s;90年代以来中国城市形态演变研究

2.The Evolvement of Office Environment after 1980 s;80年代后办公室空间环境形态演变

3.The Primary Study about the Evolution Settlement Pattern Structure in Chenggu County Shangyuanguan;城固县上元观古镇聚落形态演变初探

4.Study on Traffic Corridor Affecting on Town Form s Evolution;交通走廊对城镇形态演变的影响研究

5.The Evolvement of Artificial Nature and Social Progress;人工自然的形态演变过程和社会进步

6.The Analysis of the Development of the Social Ideology of Peasants in China;对中国农民社会意识形态演变的分析

7.Evolution of the Spatial Form of Beijing City(1900-1949)近代北京城市空间形态演变研究(1900-1949)

8.Quantitative Study on the Urban Spatial Morphological Evolution of Chongqing重庆市城市空间形态演变定量化研究

9.RESEARCH OF THE CHANGE ?OF THE FORM OF RIVER COASTAL PORT CITIES ?--A Case Study of Ningbo City河口港城市形态演变的分析研究——兼论宁波城市形态的历史演变及发展

10.Early Human Activities in Urumqi and City Form Evolution乌鲁木齐早期人类活动与城市形态演变

11.Quantitative study of morphological evolution of remnant kidney in CRF rats慢性肾衰大鼠残肾形态演变的计量研究

12.Evolution and Renewal Study on the Rural Residential Buildings of Jiaozuo Area;焦作地区农村居住建筑形态演变与更新研究

13.Research on Evolvement of Urban Morphology of the Seaport Cities in Jing-Jin-Ji Region;京津冀沿海港口城市空间形态演变研究

14.Spatial-Temporal Changes of Fractal Dimensions of Urban Spatial Morphology in China;中国城市空间形态分形维及时空演变

15.Microstructure evolution of Ti14 alloy during semi-solid deformationTi14合金半固态变形的组织演变特征

16.The Morphology Evolution and Rheological Behavior of HDPE/PA Blends;HDPE/PA共混体系形态演化与流变行为

17.Peasants and Cluster:the Evolution and the Meanings of Gaoyang Rural Textile Industry;农户与集群:高阳纺织业形态及其演变

18.Research on the Forms and Their Evolution of Chinese Wushu Culture;关于中国武术文化形态及演变的研究


morphological evolution形态演变

3)Ming and Qing Dynasty / development and condition演变及形态

4)the changing of urban structure城市形态演变

5)region evolution rule地域形态演变

6)economic form evolution经济形态演变


