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认识论信念 epistemological beliefs英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-11 18:52:32


认识论信念 epistemological beliefs英语短句 例句大全

认识论信念,epistemological beliefs

1)epistemological beliefs认识论信念

1.Studentsepistemological beliefs may influence the learning process and learning outcome, and is also related to lifelong learning.认识论信念是学习者进行学习活动的内在背景,是一套相互独立的信念系统,其中学生的知识观也即学生对知识本质和知识获得的信念是其核心内容,其理论的外延还涉及到学生对学习、教学及能力等所持有的信念。


1.Learning Burnout among College Students and Its Correlation with Epistemological Beliefs;大学生的学习倦怠与认识论信念的关系

2.Science Textbook Design based on the Development of Epistemology Beliefs;基于认识论信念发展的理科教科书设计

3.Empirical Study on the Influence of Postgraduates" Epistemological Beliefs upon Learning Behavior研究生认识论信念对学习行为影响的实证研究

4.Structure and Characteristics of Epistemological Belief of Science in Elementary School Students小学高年级学生科学认识论信念的结构与特点

5.The Belief of Epistemology and It s Relationship with Self-regulated Learning of College Students;大学生的认识论信念及其与自主学习能力的关系

6.Ideal and Faith and Their Epistemic Functions: Study on the Irrational Factors in Epistemic Structure of the Subject;论理想和信念及其在认识中的功能——主体认识结构中的非理性要素研究

7.Cause of Indeterminacy of Legal Concept and Its Remedy;论法认识论中不确定法律概念与类型

8.Review of Models and Instruments in Epistemological Beliefs Studies;认识信念研究模型及其测量工具述评

9.Mathematical Model of Scale on Epistemic Beliefs about Mathematics for Junior Middle School Students;初中生数学认识信念量表的数学模型

10.Cognitive consonance is a consistency between the knowledge, ideas and beliefs.认识一致是知识、思想和信念之间的一致。

11.The Construction of the Concept of Absolute Value from the Episte mological Perspective;建构绝对价值观念:从认识论视角看

12.Information Technology and Cognition Mode--On the Epistemology Informationalism in the Cognitive Science信息技术与认识方式——兼论认知科学中的认识论信息主义

13.Lukacs s Totality Concept:From Epistemology to Ontology;卢卡契:从认识论到本体论的总体性概念

14.The Epistemology Meaning of the Innovation Concept s Entry into the Field of Scientific Philosophy;创新概念进入科学哲学论域的认识论意义

15.A Study on the Teaching Strategies of Improving the Senior Students Mathematics Epistemic Beliefs;改善高中生数学认识信念的教学策略研究

16.Further Study on Model of Epistemic Beliefs about Mathematics for Junior Middle School Students;初中生数学认识信念量表模型的进一步研究

17.Teacher′s Epistemic Beliefs System and Its Impact on Teaching;教师的认识信念系统及其对教学的影响

18.Current Situation of High-school Student’s Epistemic Beliefs about Mathematics and its Influence on Learning;高中生数学认识信念的现状及对学习的影响


epistemological belief of science科学认识论信念

1.We considered science inquiry as a problem-solving activity that uses the same information-processing mechanisms identified in other problem-solving contexts; The cognitive strategies are the core of inquiry; Science inquiry is an active knowledge construction activity; Individualepistemological belief of science, attitudes toward scien本研究首先对学生科学探究的实质作了深入的理论分析,认为科学探究是一种高级的问题解决活动,具有和问题解决相同的认知机制;其中认知策略是探究的核心;科学探究是一种积极的知识建构活动,建构过程中个体的科学认识论信念、对科学的态度、推理能力等起重要的作用。

3)epistemic beliefs认识信念

1.Student’sepistemic beliefs about mathematics had become critical components of understanding student’s mathematics learning.学生数学认识信念是理解学生数学学习过程的关键成分之一。

2.Mathematicsepistemic beliefs refer to the students’simple view to mathematics knowledge and the understanding process of mathematics knowledge.数学认识信念是指学生对数学知识和数学知识认识过程的朴素看法或观点。

3.Student’sepistemic beliefs about mathematics has been researched in western education nearly thirty yeas, and in our country we begin to study it just now.学生数学认识信念是西方国家关注了近三十年的研究课题,而我国在该领域的研究刚起步,尽管诸如“数学观”的相关研究较多,但从研究理论与方法的取向上,仍有待进一步拓展。

4)epistemological conception认识论观念

5)information epistemology信息认识论

6)epistemological beliefs system认识信念系统


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