100字范文 > 乡土建筑现代化 native architecture modernization英语短句 例句大全

乡土建筑现代化 native architecture modernization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-04 08:15:05


乡土建筑现代化 native architecture modernization英语短句 例句大全

乡土建筑现代化,native architecture modernization

1)native architecture modernization乡土建筑现代化


1.The Regionalization of Modern Architecture and the Modernization of Regional Architecture;现代建筑地区化乡土建筑现代化

2.An Analysis of Vernacular Architecture of Architectural Design and Contemporary Native浅析乡土建筑与当代乡土性建筑设计

3.The Organic Renovation from Vernacular Architecture to Modern Country Architecture;从乡土建筑到现代农村建筑的有机更新

4.Local eco-construction and technical practice under modern conditions现代条件下乡土建筑与技术的生态实践

5.Ecology of Sustainable Building life cycle--Modern Traditional and Agrestic Architecture as an example绿色建筑生命周期中的生态性——以现代乡土建筑为例

6.Local Community Culture--The Root of Modern Community Culture of China乡土社区文化——中国现代社区文化建设之根

7.Thoughts on the Unanimity of the Local Architecture andthe Architecture Culture;对乡土建筑与建筑文化趋同的一点思考

8.Study on the Architectural Forms and Architectural Culture of Zhang Guying"s Mansion张谷英大屋乡土建筑形式和建筑文化特色研究

9.Appropriate Design in the Localization of Modern Architecture in China;现代建筑在我国本土化过程中的适宜技术策略

10.A Case of Localization of Modernism--The Development and Evolution of Western Modern Architecture in China现代主义本土化——西方现代建筑在中国的发展、演绎

11.On Establishing the Protection Mechanism of Yunnan Local Culture of Architectural Heritages;云南乡土建筑文化遗产保护的机制构建

12.modern buildings made of concrete用混凝土建造的现代建筑物

13.A Study of the Preservation Strategy of Vernacular Architecture Heritage;乡土环境中的建筑文化遗产保存策略研究

14.Effects of Research in Regional History and Culture on Conservation of Vernacular Architecture地区历史文化研究在保护乡土建筑中的作用

15.On cultural meaning of local residential buildings in central and western part of Inner Mongolia浅析内蒙古中西部乡土民居建筑的文化涵义

16.Traditional Chinese Culture Reflected in Vernacular Architecture乡土建筑中的传统文化印记——以临沣寨为例

17.Modern architecture cannot be dissociated from town or community planning现代建筑学不能同城市或乡镇的规划截然隔绝。

18.On application of modern concrete composite structure in buildings现代混凝土叠合结构在建筑中的应用


Modern Vernacular Architecture现代乡土建筑

3)modern architecture现代化建筑

4)modernization of architecture建筑现代化

1.Based on sociology theories, the paper discussedessential meanings ofmodernization of architecture.提出应超越中西二元对立的思想模式,从现代化的景观来关注和探讨中国之现代性,并在此基础上论述了建筑现代化的根本指向和应有之义。

5)Vernacular architecture乡土建筑

1.The Concinnity of Vernacular Architecture, the Source of Design——Discourse of the revelation the Vernacular Architecture for Modern Design;乡土之美,设计之源——浅谈乡土建筑的现代设计借鉴

2.The Connotation of Vernacular Architecture and Use for Design Reference;乡土建筑的内涵与设计借鉴

6)local architecture乡土建筑

1.The author sums up three characteristics of stonce artistry inlocal architecture of Hui′an——elegant decoration of architectural stone carving; ingenious contrast in quality and colour of material; and tenderize proccssing of the detail of stone member.特殊的自然环境与社会环境孕育惠安石文化 ,形成富有鲜明地方特色的惠安乡土建筑 。

2.The development oflocal architecture not only carries forward and absorbs the traditional architecture and the regional architecture,but also has the international architecture s traits of the times.乡土建筑的发展不仅是对传统建筑及地域建筑的继承与吸收 ,同时还应具备国际性建筑的时代特征。

3.As a carrier of history and culture, the development oflocal architecture can be traced back to ancient times.成都平原文化历史悠久,作为文化历史载体出现的乡土建筑的发展源远流长。


