100字范文 > 乡土建筑与技术 vernacular architecture and technology英语短句 例句大全

乡土建筑与技术 vernacular architecture and technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-10 07:13:29


乡土建筑与技术 vernacular architecture and technology英语短句 例句大全

乡土建筑与技术,vernacular architecture and technology

1)vernacular architecture and technology乡土建筑与技术


1.Local eco-construction and technical practice under modern conditions现代条件下乡土建筑与技术的生态实践

2.An Analysis of Vernacular Architecture of Architectural Design and Contemporary Native浅析乡土建筑与当代乡土性建筑设计

3.Interpreting Vernacular Culture with IT---Accordant Resonance of Protecting Historic Cultural Cities and Architectural Education;用信息技术诠释乡土文化——历史文化名城保护与建筑教育的和谐共振(英文)

4.The Development and Rejuvenation of Local Architectural Art乡土建筑艺术的发展与复兴——惠州“村落文化景观”保护对策与批评

5.Thoughts on the Unanimity of the Local Architecture andthe Architecture Culture;对乡土建筑与建筑文化趋同的一点思考

6.1934-:The review and outlook of research of vernacular architecture in Northwest China1934—:西北乡土建筑研究回顾与展望

7.The pouring techniques of the large volume concrete construction建筑施工中的大体积混凝土浇筑技术

8.Corrosion and Protection Technique of the Reinforced Concrete in the Industrial Building工业建筑中钢筋混凝土的腐蚀与防护技术

9.Architectural art glory reflected by" The Songs of Chu" has arousing meanings on exploring theory and ereation of contemporary local architecture.“楚辞”中透射出的建筑艺术光辉,对于探索当代乡土建筑的理论与创作皆甚具启迪意义。

10.Structural Technology & Architectural Expression of Tall Steel Buildings;高层钢构建筑的结构技术与建筑表现

11.The Regionalization of Modern Architecture and the Modernization of Regional Architecture;现代建筑地区化 乡土建筑现代化

12.A Tentative Probe into Building Technology of Green Houses in Putaojia Township, Lankao County, Henan Province;河南省兰考县葡萄架乡绿色住宅建筑技术初探

munity Tourism and Feature Maintenance of Vernacular Building in the Remote Area偏远地区乡土建筑风貌维护与社区旅游

14.Study of"Heaven and Man"Concept and the Ecological Concept of the Chinese Vernacular Architecture“天人合一”观与中国乡土建筑生态观的研究

15.Standard for technical level of constructors土木建筑工人技术等级标准

16.Technical code for buildings in swelling soil zone膨胀土地区建筑技术规范

17.Technical specification for small-sized hollow concrete masonry building混凝土小型空心砌块建筑技术规程

18.Construction Technology of Multi-strength Grade Concrete for High-rise Building高层建筑多强度等级混凝土施工技术


regional architecture and vernacular architecture地域建筑与乡土建筑

3)Vernacular architecture乡土建筑

1.The Concinnity of Vernacular Architecture, the Source of Design——Discourse of the revelation the Vernacular Architecture for Modern Design;乡土之美,设计之源——浅谈乡土建筑的现代设计借鉴

2.The Connotation of Vernacular Architecture and Use for Design Reference;乡土建筑的内涵与设计借鉴

4)local architecture乡土建筑

1.The author sums up three characteristics of stonce artistry inlocal architecture of Hui′an——elegant decoration of architectural stone carving; ingenious contrast in quality and colour of material; and tenderize proccssing of the detail of stone member.特殊的自然环境与社会环境孕育惠安石文化 ,形成富有鲜明地方特色的惠安乡土建筑 。

2.The development oflocal architecture not only carries forward and absorbs the traditional architecture and the regional architecture,but also has the international architecture s traits of the times.乡土建筑的发展不仅是对传统建筑及地域建筑的继承与吸收 ,同时还应具备国际性建筑的时代特征。

3.As a carrier of history and culture, the development oflocal architecture can be traced back to ancient times.成都平原文化历史悠久,作为文化历史载体出现的乡土建筑的发展源远流长。

5)Architecture,Art and Technology建筑、艺术与技术

6)high-technicalization of the vernacular architecture乡土建筑的高技化


