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勾绘 division英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-20 16:56:03


勾绘 division英语短句 例句大全



1.Accuracy inspection of subcompartmentdivision based on hi-resolution remote sensing imagery;基于高分辨率卫星图像的小班勾绘精度检验


1.Solving Scheme of Accurately Plotting and Modifying Contour in South CASS利用南方CASS软件准确勾绘与修饰等高线的方法

2.Study on the Computer-based Colors Merging and Outline Drawing in Colorful Images;彩色图像的颜色归并与边界勾绘的计算机化研究

3.Primary study on digital aerial sketchmapping technique applied in forest pests survey航空电子勾绘技术在林业有害生物监测中的应用初报

4.Precision Comparison of Delineating Clan Forestland based on Quickbird Satellite Image and Topographic Map基于“QB”卫星影像和地形图的林地宗地勾绘精度比较

5.In this way, the subsurface sedimentary structures that trap oil, such as faults, folds, and domes are mapped by the reflected waves.靠着这种方法,地下沉积岩层中圈闭石油的断层、皱以及穹窿便可由反射波勾绘出来。

6.after the first world war, aeromagnetic surveys became an important tool for quick, big scale mapping of magnetic anomalies hidden in the underground.第一次世界大战之后,航磁调查便成为一种快速的、大规模的勾绘地下磁性异常区的重要工具。

7.Built-up letter: Graphic term for a letter which is first drawn and filled in after.绘描字体:美术设计名词。指先勾描字体轮廓,然后填色。

8.a genre of French painting that pictured appearances by strokes of unmixed colors to give the impression of reflected light.通过线条的一笔一画勾勒出事物外表、给人一种曲折的反映的法国绘画流派。

9.He looked at him with his eyes very flat.他眼睛直勾勾地盯着他。

10.point a wall, chimney, etc勾墙、 烟囱等的缝.

11.She looked him full in the face, without a sign of recognition.她直勾勾地瞪着他的脸,好像不认识。

12.that fellow works hand in glove with speculators.那家伙跟投机倒把分子勾勾搭搭。

13.He looked Karkov squarely in the eye.他直勾勾地望着卡可夫的眼睛。

14.Pablo stared straight at the table.巴布罗直勾勾地望着桌子。

15.(of an event or thing) give a vivid and lifelike description绘影(声)绘声(色)

16.Hoof Pick/ Brush: The hoofpick/ brush combo can be found a most tack stores.蹄勾/:一侧为蹄勾另一侧为蹄刷,也有勾刷分开的款型。

17.Hoof Pick/Brush: The hoofpick/brush combo can be found a most tack stores.蹄勾/刷:一侧为蹄勾另一侧为蹄刷,也有勾刷分开的款型。

18.Please tick appropriate boxes请在适当的方框中打勾


Image photointerpretation判读勾绘

3)drawing map spot图斑勾绘

4)linking up geological boundary地质界线勾绘

1.The application of the auxiliary method of section onlinking up geological boundary in the process of geological mapping;结论该方法既准确快速又方便可行,保证了地质界线勾绘的质量。

5)hook-out carved lacquer article彩绘勾刀漆器

6)delineating clan forestland林地宗地勾绘


