100字范文 > 林地宗地勾绘 delineating clan forestland英语短句 例句大全

林地宗地勾绘 delineating clan forestland英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-16 02:47:39


林地宗地勾绘 delineating clan forestland英语短句 例句大全

林地宗地勾绘,delineating clan forestland

1)delineating clan forestland林地宗地勾绘


1.Precision Comparison of Delineating Clan Forestland based on Quickbird Satellite Image and Topographic Map基于“QB”卫星影像和地形图的林地宗地勾绘精度比较

2.He looked at him with his eyes very flat.他眼睛直勾勾地盯着他。

3.The boy talks in an animated way about his trip to the jungle.那男孩绘声绘色地谈著他的热带丛林之行。

4.The boy talk in an animated way about his trip to the jungle那男孩绘声绘色地谈著他的热带丛林之行

5.The boy talked in an animated way about his trip to the jungle.那男孩绘声绘色地谈着他的热带丛林之行。

6.She gave a thrilling account of her life in the jungle.她绘声绘色地描述了自己在丛林中的生活。

7.Exploit and Application of Drawing Clan Map Quickly Based on ArcObjects;基于ArcObjects的快速绘制宗地图的开发与应用

8.She looked him full in the face, without a sign of recognition.她直勾勾地瞪着他的脸,好像不认识。

9.He looked Karkov squarely in the eye.他直勾勾地望着卡可夫的眼睛。

10.Pablo stared straight at the table.巴布罗直勾勾地望着桌子。

11.powder enamel yellow ground bowl with lid of lotus and van shou character design粉彩勾莲黄地万字盖碗

12.In this way, the subsurface sedimentary structures that trap oil, such as faults, folds, and domes are mapped by the reflected waves.靠着这种方法,地下沉积岩层中圈闭石油的断层、皱以及穹窿便可由反射波勾绘出来。

13.after the first world war, aeromagnetic surveys became an important tool for quick, big scale mapping of magnetic anomalies hidden in the underground.第一次世界大战之后,航磁调查便成为一种快速的、大规模的勾绘地下磁性异常区的重要工具。

14.Study on Forest Landscape Real-time Rendering Based on Technology of Occlusion Horizon;基于遮挡地平线技术的森林景观实时绘制研究

15.given to colourful romancing爱绘声绘色地夸张事实.

16.Primary study on digital aerial sketchmapping technique applied in forest pests survey航空电子勾绘技术在林业有害生物监测中的应用初报

17.Laughing again, he brought the mirror away from Stephen"s peering eyes.他又笑着,把斯蒂芬直勾勾地望着的镜子挪开了。

18.A description or map of a region.地志地区的描绘或地图


linking up geological boundary地质界线勾绘

1.The application of the auxiliary method of section onlinking up geological boundary in the process of geological mapping;结论该方法既准确快速又方便可行,保证了地质界线勾绘的质量。

3)Application List System for Land Auction勾地制度

4)Land parcel宗地

1.Tracing of land parcel history in cadastral management systems;地籍管理系统中的宗地历史回溯

2.A spatio-temporal data structure is presented to manage land parcel data and the method is used to manage and trace the historic land parcel based on the presented data structure and ArcGIS Engine.设计了一种管理宗地变更的时空数据结构,阐述了基于该数据结构和ArcGIS Engine进行宗地变更管理与历史回溯的实现方法。

3.This paper introduces the method suited to the separation of land parcel by means of analytic coordinate definition boundary point in the routine cadastral surveying and mapping.本文介绍了地籍测绘日常工作中宗地分割的方法。


1.Measuring and calculating the area ofland play an impontant part in investigating the present situation ofland utilization,and also are the key steps to obtain the quantitative data ofland .土地面积量算工作是土地利用现状调查的重要组成部分 ,是取得土地数量资料的关键步骤 本文根据在对廊坊市土地利用现状调查的工作中取得的经验 ,提出利用新的方法对四边形宗地面积进行量

2.The operations ofland evaluation have been transacted by handwork all long and rarely can be fulfilled effectively and accurately.各级地价评估事务所土地估价业务的办理长期以来依靠手工处理 ,业务办理周期长、效率低 ,很难准确、高效地完成宗地估价业务。

3.As the Property Law of People\"s Republic of China and Land Registration Rule are carrying out, this paper suggests theland use-right differentiation registration, based on theland transfer types and nature ofland transfer and the discussion of the problems of presentland registration.本文在《中华人民共和国物权法》和新的《土地登记办法》施行的大背景下,从目前宗地转让的形态和性质出发,探讨当前土地登记存在的问题,从而引出宗地使用权区分登记。


1.Estimation Method of Potentials for Intensive Use of Urban Parcels:A Case of Jinan City;城市宗地集约利用潜力评价方法研究——以济南市城区为例


林地林地forest land1 indi林地(肠卿tland)根据中国《土地利用现状调查技术规程》中土地利用分类的含义,林地指生长乔木、竹类、灌木、沿海红树林等林木的土地。包括有林地、疏林地、灌木林地、未成林造林地、苗圃地、采伐迹地、火烧迹地。有林地树木郁闭度大于30%的天然林和人工林地。林业部门通常称有林地为森林。据最近一次全国森林资源调查,中国有森林面积20.肠亿亩,森林援盖率13.92%(参见彩图插页第27页)。疏林地树木郁闭度10%~30%的林地。灌木林地灌木授盖度大于40%的林地。未成林造林地造林成活率大于或等于合理造林株数的41%,尚未郁闭但有成林可能的新造林地。一般指造林后不满3~5年,或飞机播种后不满5~7年的造林地(参见彩图插页第28页)。苗圃地固定育苗的土地。迹地(含采伐迹地和火烧迹地)森林采伐后或火烧后,5年内未更新的土地。林地不仅可以生产木材和薪材,而且是陆地生态系统的主体,起着改善环境和调节气候的功能,可以保持水土、涵养水源、防风固沙、调节地域小气候,吸收二氧化碳、净化空气、保持生物基因,是农、牧业生产的生态屏障。但中国属少林国家,为了适应经济建设和改善生态环境的需要,政府十分重视林业建设,20世纪so年代后期以来,全国每年以植树造林 80以)多万亩、封山育林55峨洲〕万亩、义务植树泌亿株的速度向前发展,全国人工造林保存面积累计已达5亿多亩,速度和规模均居世界第一。中国已进人森林面积和蓄积量双增长的新阶段。(梁佩谦)内蒙古鄂尔多斯退耕后新造的林地景观(《中国国土画册》)
