100字范文 > 分野 division英语短句 例句大全

分野 division英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-16 11:29:59


分野 division英语短句 例句大全



1.On the Historical and Realistic Reasons for the Division of Science and Arts;浅析科学与人文分野的历史及现实原因

2.Various factors have resulted in thedivision between the schools of Historical Materials and Conception of History,besides different political reasons and academic interests.史料派与史观派的分野不单单是政治上、治学旨趣方面的原因,它是多元因素互动的结果,是中西文化交流、碰撞、竞争下的中国社会的特定产物。

3.Thedivision between fine culture and popular culture is measured by the scope of culture pattern s influence on its receivers and by the distance from the main ideology.精英文化和大众文化的分野 ,是以文化样式对接收者发生作用的范围大小、离主流意识形态的距离远近来衡量的。


1.However, boxing was very crude,不过,拳击是十分野蛮的,

2.Research and Explication of "Da Ming Dynasty Qing Lei Tianwen Fenye Zhi Shu" and the Vicissitude of "Xing Ye" for Each Dynasty;《大明清类天文分野之书》考释与历代“星野”变迁

3.Crossing the Divide:Studies of Sino-African Relationship from an Open Perspective of Social Sciences;跨越分野:开放社会科学视野下的中非关系研究

4.It was an integral part of the political sorting out.它是政治分野的不可分割的一部分。

5.Survival Investigation of Wild Litchi Population Grown in Bobai County and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Part Litchi Resources from Wild, Semi-wild and Culture in Guangxi Province of China;广西部分野生、半野生、栽培荔枝遗传多样性SSR分析及博白野生荔枝种群生存研究

6.Discourse Mode Analysis of Ye Cao from Narratological Perspective;叙事学视野下《野草》的话语模式分析

7.Theory of three parts scope and determination of zero scope of optical rotation meter;旋光仪三分视野原理和零度视野确定

8.Let"s split the cost of the picnic.野餐费用咱们分摊吧。

9.In accordance with their locations, the field armies were designated the Northwest Field Army, Central Plains Field Army, Eastern China Field Army, Northeast field Army and Northern China Field Army of the Chinese People"s Liberation Army.各野战军以其所在地区分为中国人民解放军西北野战军、中原野战军、华东野战军、东北野战军。

10.To the red country and part of the gray country of Oklahoma俄克拉荷马的红色原野和一部分灰色原野上,

parative Analysis of Genomes of O. Meyeriana and O. Officinalis疣粒野生稻和药用野生稻的比较基因组分析

12.The polymorphic analysis on CAPN3 in wild boar,swine and hybrid swine野猪、家猪及野家杂种猪calpain3基因的多态性分析

13.A Study on Nutrition Content of Several Wild Vegetables in Qingyang City;庆阳市产几种野生蔬菜营养成分分析

14.Analysis of Flavor Components of Essential Oil from the Wild Edible Greenstuffs of Acacia pennata by GC/MS;野生食用蔬菜——臭菜风味成分分析

15.Analysis of Essential Oil of the Uncultivated Mentha Haplocalyx Briq Picked in Spring;春季采野生薄荷挥发油化学成分分析

16.An analytical study of roles of theuniversity teachers by academic responsibilities;学术分工视野中的大学教师角色分析

17.Analysis of Law Responsibility in the Perspective of Normative Analysis of Law规范分析法学视野下的法律责任分析

18.Measurement and analysis of nutrition components in the muscle of wild Bagarius yarrelli野生巨(鱼丕)肌肉营养成分测定和分析



1.Though the ideal of priority of procedures had been expressed in the Regulation on Evidence for Civil Procedurals decreed by Superme People s Court ,the ideal is in non-root condition in China ,which leads to theseparation between the legal logic and living logic of civil procedure.由于最高人民法院关于民事诉讼证据的规定体现的程序本位理念在我国处于“无根”栽培状态,从而导致了民事诉讼法律逻辑与生活逻辑的分野。


1.The Research on the Schism and Corporation between the Architect and the Civil Engineer;建筑师和工程师的分野与合流研究

2.Based on introducing all Thomas Telford s life and his outstanding works, this paper discusses some reasons that why Telford chose civil engineering as his profession but not architecture, which try to interpret theschism between architect and civil engineer in the period of Industrial Revolutionary.托马斯·特尔福德是英国历史上最伟大的土木工程师之一,本文基于对其生平的探究及主要作品的考察, 通过对英国当时的历史背景及其思想观念的转变加以分析,研究他由一位建筑师转变为一位伟大的工程师的过程,从而对于当时建筑师和工程师的分野倾向作出探讨, 以揭示近代化进程中建筑所经历的蜕变过程。

4)dividing line分野

1.Dividing Line between the Traditional Literature and the New Literature——Division between Neo-Confucianism and People-oriented Literature;传统文学与“五四”新文学的文质分野——“道学”与“人学”视介

5)visual field score视野计分

6)Wild distribution野生分布

1.The author summarized the geographical distribution and wild distribution of O.因此本文在实地调查和查阅资料的基础上,整理出桂花的地理分布及其野生分布。


