100字范文 > 《古船》 Ancient Vessel英语短句 例句大全

《古船》 Ancient Vessel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-27 13:41:07


《古船》 Ancient Vessel英语短句 例句大全

《古船》,Ancient Vessel

1)Ancient Vessel《古船》

plicated Space-time Processing Technique——Comparison of "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and "Ancient Vessel";错综复杂的时空处理手法——《百年孤独》与《古船》比较


1.Qian Zhongshu Mysterious Meaning in Zhang Wei s An Old Boat;论张炜小说《古船》意象的隐秘含义

2.Water·Madness·Modernity --For example Xiaobao Village、Old Ship and Rice;水·疯癫·现代性——解读《小鲍庄》、《古船》和《米》

3.Zhangwei Discusssion--The allegory of the ancient ship to Chinese society张炜论——《古船》对中国社会的寓言

4.The fullest part of the bow of a ship.(古)船首弯曲的部分

5.The ships were destined for Cuba.那些船是开往古巴的。

6.ancient Greek or Roman galley or warship having three tiers of oars on each side.有三个船桨的古希腊或古罗马的军舰或战船。

7.(classical antiquity) a crescent-shaped seagoing vessel propelled by oars.(古典的)用船桨推动的新月形状的海船。

8.Antique vessels, including vessels embryo and picture frames and other products processing and production.包括仿古船的船胚和相框等产品的加工和制作!

9.A large galleon used in the14th, 15th, and16th centuries.古代大战船用于14、15和16世纪的西班牙大帆船

10.Speelman next sailed to the Moluccas.施贝尔曼接着乘船来到马鲁古。

11.Like those Nicean barks of yore,像古代奈西亚德那些帆船,

12.The Ruins of an Ancient Ship Lock for the Grand Canal between Beijing and Hanzhou Found in Pizhou City,Jiangsu Province邳州市发现京杭大运河古船闸遗址

13.shipbuilding and navigation in ancient China中国古代的造船和航海术

14.Lichuan locates along the Yi River, headstream of Qingjiang River.夷水河畔、清江源头、龙船古韵、风情种种。

15.A Study of the Tonnage of the Zheng He Fleet in the Light of Archaeological Experiment;从考古文物实验辨析郑和宝船的吨位

16.Colorful Painting, Decoration and Aesthetic Art of Chinese Ancient Ships;中国古代船舶的彩绘、装饰与审美艺术

17.On busy Pearl River canalage, the sailor all of associate with ship runs to board to contend for see this antique wooden carapace sailing boat.繁忙的珠江水路上,过往船只的船员全都跑到甲板上争看这艘古色古香的木壳帆船。

18.An ancient Mediterranean seagoing vessel propelled by oars.远洋轮船一种古时在地中海内靠桨推进的远洋轮船


Old Boat古船

1.Multiform Expression of Folk Culture——On the Folk Culture Forms Expression in Zhangwei sOld Boat;民间文化的多态呈现——论张炜《古船》中的民间文化形态

3)Ancient Sinking Ship古代沉船

4)ancient boat仿古船

5)Chinese ancient ship中国古船

1.Chinese ancient ships continued several thousands or approximately ten thousand years.但作为延续几千年以至近万年历史的中国古船,它的独特意义更加深刻——具有丰富的深层次高品位的历史文化的内涵,也就是说它还承载着历史,是体现特定时代的一种文化标志,即便从制造角度来考察,也处处闪耀着劳动人民的智慧,是特定时代科技、工艺以及建筑学、美学、民俗学的集大成者。



古船书名:古船isbn:70248作者:张炜 著出版社:人民文学出版社定价:19出版日期:2000-07-01版次:1简介:本书是《百年百种优秀中国文学图书》系列之一,本小说讲述的是洼狸镇上李家、赵家、还有隋家数十年的恩怨和变化,是中国农村在历史转型中的阵痛典范。本文试图就《古船》中贯穿始终,时隐时现的女性声音用叙事学与巴赫金(bakhtin)的对话理论进行分析,将作者有意或无意表现的女性声音放到历史与现实的环境中讨论,并结合男性的话语权威进行浅析,从而获得古船的象征意义,得出历史与现实中。女性话语过分依赖男性话语权威所造成的悲哀与无奈,以及女性的真正出路在于两性对话的结论。
