100字范文 > 风缸 the vessel英语短句 例句大全

风缸 the vessel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-18 13:48:12


风缸 the vessel英语短句 例句大全

风缸,the vessel

1)the vessel风缸

1.In this paper,the soft ware and the hard ware ofthe vessel"s automatic welding control system in which PLC was regarded as the control center were introduced,and specially the driving circuit of the direct-current motor was disscussed in detail.简要介绍了采用PLC 为控制核心的风缸自动焊控制系统的软件和硬件,并探讨了自动焊控制系统中的电机调速电路,该控制系统在实际生产中的应用表明:控制系统软硬件设计合理,具有较高的可靠性,能够满足高质量风缸自动化生产的要


1.triple valve nipple三通阀与辅助风缸联接短管

2.Design and strength calculation of main air reservoir for HX_D3B locomotiveHX_D3B型机车总风缸设计及强度计算

3.Effect of hydrostatic test on material properties of air cylinder for metro vehicle水压试验对地铁车辆储风缸材料性能的影响

4.pneumatic cylinder cock valve风动汽缸排水阀阀门

5.And then there"s the woman who hid from a tornado in her bathtub.还有一位女士,她在浴缸里躲龙卷风。

6.Research of Small Air-cooled Diesel in Fault Diagnosis System;单缸风冷柴油机故障诊断系统的研究

7.Design and Development of the Cooling Conveyor Line for Casting Cylinder Heads in Dongfeng Honda Automobile Company东风本田铸造缸盖冷却输送线设计研制

8.Analysis of blast fault at the tail of high pressure cylinder in 600 MW turbine and countermeasures600MW汽轮机高压缸尾部鼓风故障分析及对策

9.Oxygen rich blast can make gas decrease, theory burning temperature high.富氧鼓风后引起炉缸煤气量减少,使风口前理论燃烧温度明显升高。

10.The air outside the engine tries real hard to move into the area of negative pressure in the cylinder.通风在外边发动机尝试真正艰难进入负压的地区在方面汽缸。

11.A projecting vane used for cooling, as on a radiator or an engine cylinder.散热片如在散热器或内燃机汽缸上的以供降温的外伸风向标

12.He paste picture postcard around goldfish bowl to make the goldfish think they are go place .他在金鱼缸周围?上了彩色风景明信片,好让金鱼们以为在游历四方。

13.Four cylinder, horizontally opposed, air cooled, two cycle engine, with solid state magneto, mixture lubrication. Suitable for pusher and tractor installations.四缸,水平对置,风冷,两冲程,磁电机,混合润滑.适合于推式或拉式安装.

14.Reason analysis and prevention measures of the brake shoe of individual brake cylinder holding the wheel for DF 4 diesel locomotives东风_4型内燃机车单个制动缸上闸抱轮的原因分析及防止措施

15.Reason analysis and improvement measures of cracks of cylinder heads for DF_4 locomotive diesel engines东风_4型机车柴油机气缸盖开裂原因分析和改进措施

16.Reason analysis and prevention measures of cracks of cylinder heads for diesel engines of DF_7 locomotives东风_7型机车柴油机气缸盖裂纹原因分析及预防措施

17.A Shallow Discussion of Full Tuyere Preheating Successfully in BF Blow-in and Fast Reaching Production浅谈全风口预热炉缸开炉法成功开炉及快速达产

18.Determination of support point position for hydraulic cylinder from hydraulic turnover mechanism for wind turbine"s blade mold风电叶片模具液压翻转机构液压缸支点位置的设计


air-cooled cylinder liner风冷缸套

3)pick housing of pneumatic pick风镐缸体

4)main air reservoir总风缸

1.Analysis of material selection formain air reservoir in low temperature and its in tensity calculation;低温下总风缸的选材分析及强度计算

2.Design and strength calculation ofmain air reservoir for HX_D3B locomotiveHX_D3B型机车总风缸设计及强度计算

5)inclining cylinder倾斜风缸

1.According to the actual problem that the upward inclination angle of the big wing of the domestic KT-1 earth pushing plough is too small to raze the high kinetic line of stope,the vertical inclination angle control mechanism(the assembly drawing of theinclining cylinder) of the big wing is analyzed in detail.根据国产KT-1型平土犁大翅向上倾角偏小不能刮出活动排岩线需要的超高这一实际难题,详细分析了大翅纵向倾角的操纵机构———大翅倾斜风缸装配图,提出在保持原倾斜风缸装配位置的前提下,缩短齿条174 mm的改造方案,使改造后平土犁的大翅向上倾角提高3°,以适应采场的需要。

6)air reservoir piston风缸活塞


