100字范文 > 釜 Vessel英语短句 例句大全

釜 Vessel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-11 21:13:54


釜 Vessel英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on the Split Seal Gland Unlubricated forVessels;釜用剖分式无油润滑密封装置的研究


1.polymerization autoclave聚合高压釜高压聚合釜

2.Yes, I just had to burn my boats behind me.是的,我只得破釜沉舟了。

3.burn one"s bridges破釜沉舟,自断后路

4.super high pressure polyethylene reaction pot超高压聚乙烯反应釜

5.steam-bubbling type autoclave蒸汽鼓泡搅拌式高压釜

6.HT dyeing autoclaves高温高压釜式染色机

7.continuous stirred tank reactor连续搅拌釜式反应器

8.Pods burned to cook peas, Peas weep in the pot:煮豆燃豆箕, 豆在釜中泣.

9.How can you take hot embers out from under a pot if you are afraid of burning your fingers?釜底抽薪,焉能惧怕烫手,

10.Development and application of overhead condenser technology for domestic 70 m~3 polymerizers国产70m~3聚合釜釜顶冷凝器技术的开发与应用

11.In such graves,copper axes,iron axes or copper drums were put round the heads of the dead. Some of the dead were even put an iron axes round feet simultaneously.墓中用铜釜或铁釜或铜鼓套在死者头部 ,个别还同时在死者足部套一件铁釜。

12.A pilot test of reusing washing water of butadiene polymerizer and grafting polymerizer in the production process of ABS resinABS树脂装置丁二烯聚合釜及接枝釜洗涤水回用中试研究

13.autoclave for high temperature dyeing and bleaching高温染色和漂白用高压釜

14.Surrounded heavily by our troops, the enemy were like a fish in the pot.敌军被我军重重包围,已成为釜底游鱼。

15.She is intelligent, ardent and ready to burn her boats.她聪明热情,且随时准备破釜沉舟。

16.There was not a sound but the grumbling of the boiling water in the cauldrons and pans.只有沸水在釜里盆里低声呻吟。

17.To eliminate the possibility of return or retreat.破釜沉舟消除返回或撤退的可能性

18.North Korea"s Asian Games delegates arrived in Busan, South Korea北韩亚运代表团抵达南韩釜山


clean up autoclave清釜

3)Autoclave Body釜体

1.Development of the Rotator Special forAutoclave Body Polish;釜体抛光专用转罐机的研制

4)coating kettle涂釜

1.Improvement oncoating kettle in PVC production;PVC生产中涂釜的改进措施


1.Progress of antifouling agents for production of PVC via suspension polymerization;悬浮法聚氯乙烯生产用防粘釜剂的进展


1.Test research of anti-vibration performance ofriving on the structure of concrete pavementsp;水泥混凝土路面结构破釜抗振性能试验研究


玻璃釜用途和特点: 玻璃釜是用于玻璃深加工即生产夹层玻璃的关键设备,通过加压、加温等热处理工艺手段,使夹层玻璃达到安全性的要求,该设备已普遍应用于汽车工业,航天航空、国防军工、建筑装饰等行业。 该产品是与专业科研单位合作研制的,结构合理,除带有电机、手动开门外,还装有开门安全联锁装置,釜内设有加温加压电热元件及冷却装置等,通过人工或电脑操作控制,对釜门开启、关闭、釜内温度、压力即夹层玻璃的加工过程进行自动控制与检测。二、主要性能参数:名称 单位 型号规格 blf1.65×4 blf2×5 blf2.5×5 blf2.85×5.5 釜内径 m 1.65 2 2.5 2.85 有效长度 m 4 5 5 5.5 设计压力 mpa 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.6 设计温度 ℃ 150 150 160 160 工作压力 mpa 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 工作温度 ℃ 150 150 150 160 介质 空气 空气 空气 空气 釜内轨距 mm 900 1050 1000 1000 有效容积 m3 9.8 18 25 31 电加热功率 kw 54 72 144 210 电机总功率 kw 8 14.5 30.5 22 总重量 t 6 8.8 15.4 21.3 外形尺寸 m 5.7×2.36×2.73 6.73×2.59×3.19 7×2.97×3.87 8.8×3.4×4.7
