100字范文 > 铜包铝废导线 waste copper clad aluminum wire英语短句 例句大全

铜包铝废导线 waste copper clad aluminum wire英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-22 16:08:26


铜包铝废导线 waste copper clad aluminum wire英语短句 例句大全

铜包铝废导线,waste copper clad aluminum wire

1)waste copper clad aluminum wire铜包铝废导线

1.This paper studies the separation and recovery of copper and aluminum fromwaste copper clad aluminum wire with HNO3 or H2SO4-H2O2 solution.利用化学方法,使用硝酸、硫酸与双氧水两组反应试剂分别处理铜包铝废导线,使废导线外层的铜转化为相应的可溶性铜盐,而铝因钝化作用不参与反应或与酸反应速度比较缓慢,从而达到废导线中铜铝分离的目的,提升了废导线的经济价值,实现了贵重资源的再生利用。


1.Separation and Recovery of Copper and Aluminum from Waste Copper Clad Aluminum Wire铜包铝废导线中的铜铝工业化分离及回收方法的研究

2.Study on Bimetallic Wire of Copper Clad Aluminum and Copper Clad Steel by Clad-Drawing;包覆拉拔法铜包铝、铜包钢双金属导线的研究

3.The Analysis of the Appearance and Composition about Copper at the Connect of Copper Wire and Aluminum Wire;铜铝导线搭接处铜导线形貌和成分分析

4.The paper covered wire is made by covering conductors of aluminium or copper with telephone paper or cable paper, and used to make oil-immersed transformers.纸包线是在铜或铝导体上绕包电话纸或电缆纸,是制造油浸式变压器的绕组用线。

5.Research on the New Casting-Extrusion Technology to Fabricate Aluminum/Copper Clad Composite Wire铜包铝线铸造—挤压成形新工艺研究

6.Effects of running conditions on the conductivity of copper cladding aluminum flat bars工作条件对铜包铝扁排导电性能的影响

7.Manufacture Process and Mechanical Performance of CCA Bimetal Wire;双金属铜包铝线的制备工艺与力学性能

8.Performance testing and analyzing of CCA multiple metal wire;铜包铝复合金属线材的性能测试与分析

9.Study on the Fabrication of Aluminum/Copper Clad Composite by Low-pressure Compression Casting-cold Extrusion Technology低压压铸—冷挤压法制备铜包铝线的研究

10.Detection and control of pool width in TIG welding of copper clad aluminum wire铜包铝线材TIG焊熔池宽度的最佳检测与控制

11.Effects of sectional form and configuration on the conductivity of copper cladding aluminum bars with a rectangle section矩形截面铜包铝导电排的导电性能及断面形状结构的影响

12.Welding Procedure and Welded Seam Tracking and Pool Width Control for Copper-clad Aluminum Cable Billet in TIG High-Speed Welding;铜包铝线坯高速TIG焊工艺与焊缝跟踪及熔宽控制

13.Numerical simulation and experimental investigation on rolling behaviors of copper cladding aluminum flat wires铜包铝复合扁线轧制变形行为的数值模拟与实验研究

pression type terminal lugs and ferrules for power cables with copper or aluminium conductorsGB/T14315-1993电力电缆导体用压接型铜、铝接线端子和连接管

15.How to calculate the weight percentage accounted for paper insulation to nakedness wire in single paper-wrapping flat copper wire, double-core complex wire and three-core complex wire has been introduced in this article.介绍了单根纸包扁铜线、根复合导线、根复合导线绝缘纸占裸导线重量的百分数的计算方法。

16.Copper or aluminum and its alloy bus bars for electrical purposes--Part 3: Aluminum bus barGB5585.3-1985电工用铜、铝及其合金母线第3部分:铝母线

17.Copper or aluminum and its alloy bus bars for electrical purposes--Part 2: Copper bus barGB5585.2-1985电工用铜、铝及其合金母线第2部分:铜母线

18.Deep Processing Technology of Continuous Casting Copper Cladding Aluminum Bar连铸铜包铝棒深加工工艺的试验研究


Aluminium conductor sheathed by copper铜包铝导线

3)copper-clad aluminium conductor铜包铝导体[线]

4)copper clad aluminum wire铜包铝线

1.Microstructure and mechanical properties ofcopper clad aluminum wire by drawing at room temperature;铜包铝线材室温拉变形后的显微组织和力学性能

2.The microstructure ofcopper clad aluminum wire by drawing at room temperature is vimineous grain as fibril shape from prime equiaxed grain.经室温拉拔的铜包铝线的显微组织是纤维状细长晶粒,晶界面积增大系数与形变量近似地成正比。

3.The basic properties ofcopper clad aluminum wire are introduced.介绍了铜包铝线的基本特性,在此基础上论述了铜包铝线的的类型、状态、线径和质量的选择方法,以及线缆加工过程中铜包铝线的正确使用方法。

5)copper-clad aluminium wire铜包铝线

1.This paper presents the specification,characteristics,uses ofcopper-clad aluminium wires,and the questions during manufactures which should be pay attention to,and points out,under the situation of copper price soaring,the copper-clad aluminium conductor cables have a good market prospect in the field of city communication system.介绍铜包铝线的规格、性能、用途及生产铜包铝线应注意的问题。

2.The main characteristics and mechanical and screening performance ofcopper-clad aluminium wire were presented.介绍了铜包铝线的特点、主要机械和屏蔽性能,并分析采用铜包铝线替代圆铜线用于控制电缆编织屏蔽的可行性。

6)copper clad aluminum铜包铝线

1.The characteristic and merit ofcopper clad aluminum composite metal wire(CCA) are introduced,skin effect-trait of CCA used in transmitting high frequency signal is analyzed.介绍了铜包铝复合金属线(简称铜包铝线)的特点和优点,分析了铜包铝线在高频信号传输中的特性-趋肤效应,阐述了铜包铝线与纯铜线在高频信号传输质量上的一致性。

2.The characteristic ofcopper clad aluminum bimetal wire(for short CCA)are introduced,and the skin effect-the trait of CCA used in transmitting high frequency signal is analyzed.介绍了铜包铝线的特点及其在高频信号传输中的集肤效应。


