100字范文 > 铜包钢 copper clad steel英语短句 例句大全

铜包钢 copper clad steel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-03 11:00:15


铜包钢 copper clad steel英语短句 例句大全

铜包钢,copper clad steel

1)copper clad steel铜包钢

1.Thecopper clad steel contact wire used for high-speed railway of trains is developing in China.铜包钢接触线属于高速铁路建设急需的产品,该产品的制造在中国尚属起步阶段。

2.Introduces the characteristics and performance of a new type ofcopper clad steel material, compares and describes four processing techniques forcopper clad steel and analyzes the actual application status of copper clad material in connection with the application of it in the project.介绍了新型的铜包钢材料的特点和性能指标,对铜包钢的4种加工工艺方法进行了对比说明,并结合铜包钢材料在工程实际中的使用情况进行了分析。


1.Study on Bimetallic Wire of Copper Clad Aluminum and Copper Clad Steel by Clad-Drawing;包覆拉拔法铜包铝、铜包钢双金属导线的研究

2.Structure design and tube-weld cladding manufacturing technology for copper-clad steel wire包覆焊接法铜包钢线的结构设计和生产工艺

3.Research on the On-line copper-clad steel diameter measuring instrument based on linear CCD基于线阵CCD在线铜包钢线径测量仪的研究

4.drawing-pin, of iron or steel (excl. coperheaded)绘图钉,铁或钢制(不包括铜头的)

5.nail wire of iron or steel (excl. copper headed)销钉,铁或钢制(不包括铜头的)

6.hook nail of iorn or steel (excl. copperheaded)钩钉,铁或钢制(不包括带铜头的)

7.Surface Coating of Copper on Iron Powder from Converter Sludge in Panzhihua Iron & Steel Company;攀钢转炉污泥铁粉表面包覆铜的研究

8.copper clad包铜的,铜包的,敷铜箔的

9.To coat or finish with a layer of copper.镀铜于给…包铜或镀铜

10.All internals have been selected for their anti-corrosion properties; include chromium plated mild steel, brass and stainless steel parts.所有内部零件均以防蚀性质参考选用,包括镀铬钢、铜与不??件。

11.nail of iron or steel (excl. copper-headed nails, pointed screw nails with slotted heads and unpointed screw nails)铁或钢制钉,(不包括铜头钉、槽头端螺钉和非尖映螺钵

12.copper chloride (excl. nantokite)铜的氯化物(不包括铜盐)

13.cupric oxide (excl. tenorite)氧化铜(不包括黑铜矿)

14.Copper/Stainless Steel Countersunk铜/不锈钢 沉头型

15.Copper/Stainless Steel Standard铜/不锈钢 标准型

16.copper sulphide (excl. covellite, chalcocite)铜的硫化物(不包括铜蓝、辉铜矿)

17.Barrel and bottom of large size ladles and refining ladles.大型钢包和精炼钢包的包壁和包底。

18.copper headed nail of iron or steel带铜头的钉,铁或钢制


copper cladding steel wire铜包钢线

1.The paper presents an investigation on microstructure and metallurgical behavior ofcopper cladding steel wire produced by liquid and solid bonding and rolling process at certain process condition.以液固相复合-轧制工艺生产的铜包钢线为研究对象,研究了在特定工艺条件下铜/钢界面的组织组成及其界面区的冶金行为。

2.The paper presented an investigation on microstructure and metallurgical behavior ofcopper cladding steel wire produced by inverted casting method at certain process condition.本文以反向凝固法生产的铜包钢线为研究对象,研究了在特定工艺条件下铜/钢界面的组织组成及其界面区的冶金行为。

3)copper clad steel wire铜包钢线

1.The influences of preheating temperature and surface treatment method on interface ofcopper clad steel wire produced by liquid-solid bonding process were studied.研究了液-固相复合工艺制备铜包钢线时,钢线预热温度和表面处理对界面结合质量的影响。

2.The paper presents an study ofcopper clad steel wire produced by liquid and solid bonding method.以液固相复合法生产的铜包钢线为研究对象 ,利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜的能谱等手段分析了铜 /钢界面区的组织形态和成分组成 。

3.The characteristics and technical status quo of manufacturing process for four types ofcopper clad steel wires are presented.本文介绍了四种铜包钢双金属线生产工艺的特点和现状 ,指出了水平连铸铜包钢工艺中的关键问题 ,以期为我国铜包钢线实现国家化 ,降低成本提供一点有益的参

4)copper-clad steel wire铜包钢丝

pared with the steel wire entwined with copper wire conductor or screening layer normally used in the armed equipment, thecopper-clad steel wire has better corrosion resistance, electronic, magnetic and mechanistic properties.与装备电缆通用的钢丝、铜丝混绞或混编导体或屏蔽层相比,铜包钢丝还兼有更好的耐蚀性、导电性、导磁性和力学性能,是一类优良的电磁屏蔽用导体材料,为装备线缆的设计采用和性能提高提供了防腐依据。

2.To sum up the production method ofcopper-clad steel wire,analyze the problems existed in domestic production,introduce the standard and application of products.概述铜包钢丝的生产方法,分析国内生产存在的问题,介绍产品标准及其应用。

5)copper clad steel wire包铜钢线

1.The paper presents an study ofcopper clad steel wire produced by liquid and solid bonding method.以液固相反向凝固法生产的包铜钢线为研究对象,利用有限差分法分析了铜在钢线芯体上的浸覆过程;得出了特定工艺条件下铜层包覆比的理论变化规律。

2.The model of dealing with the heat resistance at the interface of Cu/Fe in the numerical simulation of temperature fields ofcopper clad steel wire produced by liquid and solid inverted solidification process is presented.以液固相反向凝固法生产的包铜钢线为研究对象,提出了反向凝固过程中在数值模拟时铜-钢界面处接触热阻的处理模型。

3.Based on the production ofcopper clad steel wire, the characteristic of inversion casting is introduced, and the rule of parameter influencing cladding specific value systematically value studied.以包铜钢线为研究对象, 介绍了反向凝固复合工艺特点, 系统地研究了各工艺参数对包复比的影响, 并对实验结果作了理论分

6)copper-clad steel wire铜包钢线

1.Structure design and tube-weld cladding manufacturing technology forcopper-clad steel wire;包覆焊接法铜包钢线的结构设计和生产工艺

2.The processing and properties ofcopper-clad steel wire produced by pipe-weld cladding technique were studied.研究了铜包钢线的包覆焊接工艺及所得复合导线的性能。

3.Characteristics as well as the production ofcopper-clad steel wire were described.阐述了铜包钢线的特点及生产工艺。


包钢无缝钢管收集装置降噪和防冲击研究包钢无缝钢管厂作为国家大型骨干企业,面临着激烈的市场竞争,因此在保有原有优势的基础上,迫切需要全面提升产品的质量,争取更大的市场份额。包钢无缝钢管厂的设备是五十年代从前苏联引进的,主要生产直径140mm至直径426mm的无缝钢管。在收集过程中,钢管的落差大,产生了噪音和冲击 。冲击使钢管发生了塑性变形,噪音损害了工人的身体健康。作为面向二十一世纪的现代化企业,必须考虑如何在优质高效生产的前提下,创造一个清洁、无污染的生产环境。因此,对于无缝钢管收集装置的深入研究势在必行。包钢无缝钢管厂与高效轧制国家工程研究中心合作,研究降低钢管收集装置冲击的方案;受现场条件所限,不能在现场进行实验研究。所以采用大型有限元分析软件ANSYS,模拟现有生产条件下钢管的变形情况,然后改变主要参数,找到使钢管不发生变形的条件,为下一步改造方案提供理论依据。 采用ANSYS/LS-DYNA对钢管运动冲击问题进行模拟。钢管在碰撞前的运动由两个阶段组成:第一阶段钢管在导轨上的滚动;第二阶段钢管脱离导轨落到收集槽中。根据实际生产情况,钢管在导轨上的滚动距离L和钢管在收集槽中的落差H2,是决定钢管冲击变形的主要因素,计算了不同工况下,L和H2对于钢管冲击变形的影响。综合不同工况的计算结果,得出钢管落差与塑性变形的关系和钢管导轨运动距离与塑性变形的关系。计算模型图使用ANSYS软件进行无缝钢管的变形模拟,其数据真实性得到了现场的认可,且在获得数据的同时并未影响生产。模拟的最终结果为新型无缝钢管收集装置的设计提供了理论依据,目前依据这一模拟结果设计的第一种方案已完成,正在进行第二种方案的设计。分析结果1分析结果2
