100字范文 > 铝包钢 aluminum-clad英语短句 例句大全

铝包钢 aluminum-clad英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-30 22:52:59


铝包钢 aluminum-clad英语短句 例句大全



1.The current overhead power lines are mainly copper wire,aluminum stranded wire,strand,aluminum stranded wire,aluminum-clad steel strand,copper clad steel strand and different material composition of the composite strands.目前的架空电力线主要有铜绞线、铝绞线、钢绞线、铝合金绞线、铝包钢绞线、铜包钢绞线及不同材料构成的复合绞线。


1.The Features of A New Generation Product of ACSR/AS and Its Application新一代铝包钢芯铝绞线的特点及应用

2.The Study of the Pay-off and Take-up Control System on Aluminium Cladding Steel Wire Continous Cladding Production Line;铝包钢丝连续包覆生产线收排线控制系统研究

3.Serial communication technology applied to the production of al-cladding steel wire based on VC++基于VC++串行通信技术在铝包钢丝生产上的应用

4.Study on Bimetallic Wire of Copper Clad Aluminum and Copper Clad Steel by Clad-Drawing;包覆拉拔法铜包铝、铜包钢双金属导线的研究

5.Research on Properties of MgO-Al_2O_3 Based Castable for Ladle Slag Line;钢包渣线用镁铝质浇注料的性能研究

6.High temperature corrosion resistance of pack aluminized SUS316ss steelSUS316ss钢包埋粉末渗铝的高温腐蚀研究

7.Development and Application or Ban-cite Based High Alumina-Spinel Castables for Ladle Lining矾土基高铝—尖晶石质钢包浇注料的研制和应用

8.Research and Application of High Alumina Bauxite Based-spinel Castable for Ladles;矾土基高铝—尖晶石钢包浇注料的研究与应用

9.The Improvement Experiment and Application of Ladle Aluminum-Magnesium Spinel Castables钢包铝镁尖晶石浇注料的改进试验及应用

10.The steel in the ladle is deoxidised by adding aluminium, ferro-silicon or ferro-manganese.钢水包中的钢水还要加进铝、铁和锰铁等进行脱氧。

11.Investigation on Interaction between MgO-Al_2O_3 Refractory and Molten Steel in Refining Process;镁铝质钢包精炼用耐火材料与钢液相互作用的基础研究

12.Keys to Setting of Steel Roller Pair for Foil Embossing in YB47 Hard PackerYB47型硬盒包装机钢对钢铝箔纸压纹装置的调试要点

13.Reviews the experiment that ladle liner is built by no firing Aluminum-magnesium-carbon Fireproof Bricks instead of tar steamed clay bricks.介绍了用不烧铝镁钙砖取代焦油煮粘土砖砌筑钢包衬的实验。

14.Application of Rare Earth Alloy Cored Wire Substituting for Aluminium Bar to Effervescing Steel Making稀土合金包芯线代替铝条在沸腾钢生产中的应用研究

15.Effect of Annealing Process on Microstructure and Properties of Al-Carbon Steel-Al Sandwich Strip by Roll Cladding退火对轧制包覆碳钢/铝夹层带材组织与性能的影响

16.Alu/Stainless Steel Countersunk铝/不锈钢 沉头型

17.Alu/Stainless Steel Standard铝/不锈钢 标准型

18.Take the responsibility of re-cycle packaging design and prepare packing WI, especially for Alum parts, Zinc-plated parts, and painted parts, mirror stainless steel parts.负责周转包装设计,并准备周转包装操作指导书.特别对于铝件,镀锌件,喷漆件,镜面不锈钢件.


Al cladding steel wire铝包钢丝

1.To introduce the use of assembly pressure die inAl cladding steel wire drawing Joint ways between pressure casing pipe and pressure die are discussed The results show that the productivity,rate of useful product and quality of product can be raised,the auxiliary materials consume can be decreased by improving pressure casing pip介绍组合压力模在铝包钢丝拉拔中的使用 ,讨论压力套管与压力模的结合方式 ,结果显示通过改进压力套管可提高生产效率、成材率、产品质量 ,降低辅料消

2.To introduceAl cladding steel wire which is a kind of good conducting wire applied to electric cable and communication extensively and so on internationally at present.介绍近年来国际上广泛用于电力电缆、通讯等行业的高性能导线——铝包钢丝。

3)Al wire feeding into ladle钢包喂铝

4)aluminum covered stainless steel tube铝包钢管

1.Property and usage of OPGW withaluminum covered stainless steel tube;新型铝包钢管OPGW的特点及应用

5)AS wire铝包钢线

1.It demonstrates the superior overall properties ofAS wire and its advantageous application in overhead transmission conductor by making comparison between several common materials used in overhead transmission conductor.简述了铝包钢线的不同生产方法及结构特性等,重点介绍了铝连续挤压包覆及双金属同步拉伸工艺路线生产铝包钢线的生产技术,通过比较几种常用架空输电线材的特性,阐明了铝包钢线的优良综合性能及其应用的优越性,最后提出了铝包钢线的接头问题。

2.This article presents key technologies in the manufacture of ACSR/AS 720/50, aluminium wire andAS wire as raw materials and properties of ACSR/AS 720/50.本文叙述制造 ACSR/ AS- 72 0 / 5 0铝包钢芯铝绞线的主要技术关键 ;原材料铝线和铝包钢线、ACSR/ AS- 72 0 / 5 0的性能 ;及其试验的结果和结论。

6)all aluminum clad steel全铝包钢


