100字范文 > 果翅 winged perianth英语短句 例句大全

果翅 winged perianth英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-26 16:11:15


果翅 winged perianth英语短句 例句大全

果翅,winged perianth

1)winged perianth果翅

1.Role ofwinged perianth in germination of Haloxylon (Chenopodiaceae) seeds;果翅对梭梭属(Haloxylon)种子萌发行为的调控

2.Present research studied the effects ofwinged perianth of Z.本研究以荒漠生态系统关键植物种霸王(Zygophyllumxanthoxylum)为研究对象,结合室内、盆栽和田间埋藏实验,探讨了霸王种子果翅对其种子萌发及田间贮藏寿命的影响,取得了以下主要结果:1适宜萌发条件下,具果翅霸王种子萌发率为0,而剥去果翅后种子萌发率达91%,说明果翅是引起霸王种子休眠的主要原因。

3.Seeds with thewinged perianth intact and without thewinged perianth were buried in different soil depth(0 cm,2 cm,5 cm)in Alashan on October, and sampled once every 2 months.于10月将具有果翅(具翅)和剥去果翅(去翅)的霸王种子埋于阿拉善左旗不同深度(0 cm2、cm、5cm)土壤中,1年内每2月取样1次,调查其萌发情况。


1.Oil content and accumulation of Acer truncatumsamara were studied.对元宝枫翅果油脂含量和累积规律进行了研究。


1.Winged fruit of some trees, eg the ash and elm翅果(如 、榆等树的果实)

2.A revision of Clematis sect.Pterocarpa (Ranunculaceae)铁线莲属翅果铁线莲组修订(英文)

3.Extaraction of Rubber from the Seed Shells of Eucommia ulmoides从杜仲翅果中提取杜仲胶的工艺研究

4.Analysis on the Endangered Causes From Anatomy of Elaeagnus Mollis Leaves翅果油树濒危成因的叶片解剖学浅析

5.Optimization of Aqueous Enzymatic Extraction of Elaeagnus mollis Seed Oil水酶法提取翅果树种子油的工艺优化

6.Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Fruit Setting Rate of Elaeagnus Mollis植物生长调节剂对翅果油树坐果率的影响

7.Extraction, Isolation and Structure Analysis of Phytosterols in Key Fruit Oil;翅果油中植物甾醇的提取分离与结构分析

8.Study on the Cutting Propagation Techniques and Rooting Mechanism of Elaeagnus Mollis;翅果油树扦插繁殖技术及生根机理研究

9.Study on physiological characteristics of Elaeagnm mollis Diels. seedlings under various soil water content;不同土壤水分条件下翅果油树幼苗生理特性

10.Photosynthetic Characteristics of Endemic and Endangered Plant Elaeagnus mollis濒危植物翅果油树的光合生理特性研究

11.Optimization of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Eucommia Seed Oil with Response Surface Methodology超临界萃取杜仲翅果仁油工艺的响应面优化

12.Improving Germination of Elaeagnis mollis Diels Seed by Low Temperature and PEG PretreatmentPEG预处理和低温促进翅果油种子萌发的研究

parison of Genomic DNA Extraction Methods and Determination of the Endangered tree Species Elaeagnus mollis濒危植物翅果油树DNA的提取方法及纯度检测

14.Diurnal variation in net photosynthetic rate and influencing environmental factors of Elaeagnus mollis Diels leaf翅果油树净光合速率日变化及其主要影响因子

15.One laboratory stock of Drosophila melanogaster has very reduced or vestigial wings.果蝇的一种实验品系,翅膀缩小,称为残翅。


17.North American shrub with light green leaves and winged nuts.北美的一种灌木,叶浅绿色,坚果有翅。

18.an ornamental shrub or tree of the genus Laburnum.欧洲的一种灌木或乔木,荚果上缝有翅。



1.Oil content and accumulation of Acer truncatumsamara were studied.对元宝枫翅果油脂含量和累积规律进行了研究。

3)Elaeagnus mollis翅果油树

1.Fatty acid compositions analysis ofElaeagnus mollis seed oil;翅果油树种子油的脂肪酸成分分析

2.Effects of Seed Soaking with Exogenous Nitric Oxide on the Seed Germination and the Seedling Growth ofElaeagnus mollis;外源一氧化氮供体浸种对翅果油树种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响

4)Camptotheca acuminata samara喜树翅果

5)Elaeagnus mollis Diels翅果油树

1.Antioxidant Activities of Total Alkaloids from the Laminae ofElaeagnus mollis Diels;翅果油树叶片中总生物碱抗氧化活性研究

2.RAPD Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Populations of the Endangered Plant ofElaeagnus mollis Diels;濒危植物翅果油树种群遗传多样性的RAPD分析

6)Myriopteron extensum (Wight) K Schum翅果藤


昆明神衰果素 ,豆腐果甙 ,豆腐果苷药物名称:豆腐果甙英文名:Helicid别名: 昆明神衰果素 ,豆腐果甙 ,豆腐果苷外文名: Helicid药理作用:具有较强的止痛、镇静、安眠作用,对神经衰弱综合征效果显著,对血管性头痛有十分显著疗效,对于中枢神经紧张具有明显镇静催眠作用,同时对记忆力、思维力具有较好改善和调节作用。适应症: 用于神经衰弱,神经衰弱综合征,血管性头痛,三叉神经痛。特别对神衰引起的头痛、头昏、睡眠障碍显效较快。 用量用法: 口服:每日75~100mg,3~7日后显效。饭后服,重病者可饭前加服1片。一般1个月为1疗程。 注意事项: 常有口干、嗜睡等,但不影响治疗。 应饭后服药。 规格: 片剂:每片25mg。 类别:镇痛药
