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翅膀 Wing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-28 18:41:52


翅膀 Wing英语短句 例句大全



1.Coupling Mechanism of Hydrophobicity of DragonflyWing Surface蜻蜓翅膀表面疏水性能耦合机理

2.This thesis research some important problem related to the tow points: structure of insect wing, material.昆虫正是通过主动的控制飞行以及翅膀自身的被动变形两者方式的结合来达到优化空气动力性能的目的,并从而实现其高超的飞行技能。

3.Doppler vibrometer which was based on the Doppler principle is used to stimulate the wing of dragonfly.使用扫频声波信号对激光照射下的蜻蜒翅膀激振,用基于多普勒原理的测振仪记录并分析其反射光波的速度谱,得到翅膀的各阶固有频率及模态分布。


1.To wound the wing of(a game bird, for example).伤翼打伤…的翅膀,如打伤猎鸟的翅膀

2.the wings of a bee and those of a hummingbird are analogous.蜜蜂的翅膀和蜂鸟的翅膀是相似的。

3.Some drew a horse with wings while others drew fish that could fly.有人画带翅膀的马,有人画带翅膀的鱼,

4.scraping its wings with its hind legs and smoothing them to its body as if they had been coat-tails;它又用后腿拨弄翅膀,把翅膀向身上拉平,好像翅膀是它礼服的后摆;

5.small butterflies having striped markings under the wings.翅膀下有条纹的小蝴蝶。

6.What do birds do with their wings ?鸟类的翅膀干什么用?

7.The bird beat its wings rapidly.鸟快速地拍打翅膀。

8.The hen tucked her head under her wing.那母鸡把头缩在翅膀下.

9.A cock flaps his wings.一只公鸡鼓动着翅膀。

10.The big bird clapped its wings.那只大鸟轻拍它的翅膀。

11.birds with clipped wings cannot fly.被减了翅膀的鸟不能飞。

12.darken with a brownish tinge, as of insect wings.昆虫的翅膀变成暗褐色。

13.The bird plucked at the down under its wing.鸟儿啄啄翅膀下的绒毛。

14."and every one had four faces, and every one of them had four wings."各有四个脸面,四个翅膀。

15.bright yellow songbird with black wings.黑色翅膀的亮黄色歌鸟。

16.How I wish for a pair of wings!我要是有一对翅膀多好

17.The eagle plumed its wing.这只鹰整理它的翅膀。

18.The bird broke its wing.那只鸟折断了一只翅膀。


insect wing昆虫翅膀

1.Extraction of subpixelinsect wing features in images;昆虫翅膀图像特征的亚像素级提取方法

3)wing edges翅膀边缘

1.Extraction of sub-pixelwing edges in images of high-speed insects;昆虫高速运动图像翅膀边缘亚像素提取

4)wing deformation翅膀变形

5)dragonfly wing蜻蜓翅膀

1.Microstructure and wettability ofdragonfly wings蜻蜓翅膀微观结构及其润湿性

2.Firstly, the high resolution pictures ofdragonfly wings from sample tests were studied, the unique feature of the reticulate vein structure and the details of dragonfiy wings were figured out.再利用ANSYS分析软件建立了蜻蜓翅膀结构的计算模型,采用三节点等参数梁单元beam189模拟翅脉和八节点等参数曲壳单元she1193模拟翅膜,以满足翅脉和翅膜间的变形协调性要求。

6)butterfly wing蝴蝶翅膀


翅膀1.鸟翅的通称。 2.物体上形状或作用像翅膀的部分。
