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外翼 outboard wing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-23 23:55:57


外翼 outboard wing英语短句 例句大全

外翼,outboard wing

1)outboard wing外翼


1.Mandibular elevators include the masseter, temporalis, and medial pterygoid muscles, while the lateral pterygoid protrudes the mandible.下颔包含嚼肌、颞骨肌和内翼肌,而外翼肌则是使下颔突出。

2.The outer rear edge of the wing of a bird, containing the primary feathers.翼尖,前翼鸟翼的外后缘,包括初生毛

3.By contrast, the pars alaris is the primary dilatory muscle of the ala and is responsible for alar flaring.相反,鼻肌翼部是鼻翼的主要扩张肌,使鼻翼外张。

4.Shape Parameter Optimization for Wing and Wingtip Based on RBF基于径向基函数的机翼和翼梢小翼外形优化

5.They guard this relationship jealously against all outsiders.他们小心翼翼地维护这种关系,防范一切外来者。

6.one of the main flight feathers projecting along the outer edge of a bird"s wing.突出在鸟翼外边缘的一种主要的飞羽。

7.the person who plays right field.在外场右翼进行比赛的人。

8.Conception of “New Socialism” of Independent Leftists Abroad;国外独立左翼人士的“新社会主义”观

9.Shape Optimization of Cruise Missile Based on the Concept of Telescopic Wing伸缩弹翼巡航导弹气动外形优化研究

10.Then he descended with cautious and slow step, for he dreaded lest an accident similar to that he had so adroitly feigned should happen in reality.他小心翼翼地慢步下来,深怕他假装出来的那种意外会真的发生。

11.Creeping to the window, he peeped cautiously between casing and blanket.他蹑手蹑脚走到窗口,小心翼翼地从窗框和毡子之间向外张望。

12.Guerrero had also laid out several other items, carefully, on the ragged coverlet of the bed.格雷罗小心翼翼地还在破烂的床罩上面摊开了另外几样东西。

13.Along Broadway men picked their way in ulsters and umbrellas.在百老汇大街上,人们都身穿长外套,手擎雨伞,小心翼翼地走路。

14.He walked awkwardly and gingerly around outside his hut without the crutches.他没有拄双拐,笨拙地、小心翼翼地在木屋外面走了一圈。

15.It is often necessary to determine the satisfactory release characteristics of tip tanks, underwing stores, bombs, or other devices.经常有必要测定翼尖油箱,翼下外挂物,炸弹或其它装置的投放特性。

16.A single flap replaces the previous double design and the additional winglets over the main profile have increased in length, almost reaching the side of the nosecone.单襟翼取代了原本双襟翼的设计,同时主体上方额外的翼端帆长度也增加,现在几乎要碰到鼻锥。

17.a flap on the underside of the wing that is lowered to slow the plane for landing.低的为飞机减速降落的在飞机外边的副翼。

18.old fashioned; two wings one above the other.旧式的;两个机翼的一个在另外一个的上面。


lateral pterygoid muscle翼外肌

1.Distribution of intramuscular nerves and spindles in humanlateral pterygoid muscle;人翼外肌肌内神经肌梭的分布及其意义

2.Histological changes oflateral pterygoid muscles of SD rats in unilateral mastication;偏侧咀嚼条件下SD大鼠翼外肌的组织学研究

3.Results: Contrast to thelateral pterygoid muscle, there exist the prominent venous plexus both deeply and superficially to it, the internal maxillary artery (IMA) which runs horizontally crosses superficially (more.结果:以翼外肌为参照,其浅深面均有丰富的静脉丛,颌内动脉多水平行走其浅面,下颌神经及分支多垂直行走其深面。

3)outboard aileron外侧副翼


5)Double-winged Diplomacy双翼外交

6)wing contour机翼外形


