100字范文 > 网络学习成效 effectiveness of E-learning英语短句 例句大全

网络学习成效 effectiveness of E-learning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-11 19:27:36


网络学习成效 effectiveness of E-learning英语短句 例句大全

网络学习成效,effectiveness of E-learning

1)effectiveness of E-learning网络学习成效

1.A study of the Influential Factors on theeffectiveness of E-learning初探网络学习成效的影响因素

2)performance of network learning网络学习效果


work Structures of Overseas Subsidiaries in Host Countries and the Performance of Network Learning:Are the Network Learning Mode moderators海外子公司东道国网络结构与网络学习效果——网络学习方式是调节变量吗

2.The Scale Development and Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Network Learning Performance in Foreign Subsidiary--Exemplified by the Host Nation"s Network海外子公司网络学习效果的量表开发及其验证性因子分析——以东道国网络为例

3.An Investigation into Students Learning Strategies and Learning Outcomes in the Web-based Self-access Learning Environment;网络自主学习环境下学习策略与学习效果研究

4.Influence of College Students Learning Effect by Internet Culture;网络文化对高校学生学习效果的影响

5.Research on Surveillance and Evaluation of Web Courses’ Learning Effect;网络课程学习效果的监督与评价研究

6.Study on the Effect of Applying Listening-Speaking Online Learning Community Ouyang Pingguo;大学英语听说网络学习社区应用效果研究

7.Analysis on the effects of college English self-learning against the background of net environment;网络环境下大学英语自主学习的效果分析

8.A Study on Multimedia Network-based Education and Study Strategies and Results in English Reading;多媒体网络环境下英语阅读学习的效果与策略

9.Analysis on Testing Scores and Autonomous Learning Effectiveness of Web-Based English Curriculum;英语网络课程测试成绩与自主学习效果分析

10.A Comparative Study on Learning-effect of Text and Video in E-learning Environment;网络学习环境中不同媒体的效果比较研究

11.An Analysis of the Importance of Interaction in Distance Learning with the Case of SLN;从SLN看网络课程中互动对学习效果的影响

12.A Correlation Study between College Students" Foreign Language Learning Styles and the Effect of Their Web-based Autonomous Learning大学生外语学习风格与网络自主学习效果的相关性研究

13.Web-Based College English Course: Instructional Effectiveness Evaluation and Online Learning Behavior Study;大学英语网络教学效果评估及在线学习行为研究

14.Rational utilization of network resources to enhance the learning outcomes of medical biochemistry合理利用网络资源,提高医学生物化学的学习效果

15.A Survey on Autonomous Learning Effects of College English大学英语网络自主学习效果的调查研究——以集美大学为例

16.A Experimental Research on Method of Lessons-Showing and Learning Style Influencing on Learning-Effect;网络教学中教学内容呈现方式与学习者学习风格对学习效果影响的实验研究

17.Students Learning Strategies in the Web-based Self-access Learning Environment: an Experiment on English Listening Instruction;网络自主学习环境下学习策略与学习效果研究——英语听力教学改革实验

18.The network study is a kind of important study form in modern society, Interactivity is a main factor that affects learning effect.网络学习是现代社会一种重要的学习形式,交互性成为影响与制约学习效果的主要因素。


performance of network learning网络学习效果

3)adult network learning成人网络学习

1.These two kinds of culture coding have intercrossing impacts onadult network learning.语言符号作为文化的内核可以分为集合型编码和整合型编码两种,不同类型的编码体现不同的社会控制程度,两种编码对于成人网络学习者的交叉影响一方面形成个体内在的意义解释框架,一方面赋予个体新的社会角色,但前者始终被后者所规导,成人网络学习依旧是一种强控制的过程。

4)network study网络学习

1.Beforenetwork study, the samples are made to have very strong characteristics by standardizing the samples, lowering the dimension of sample variable space, and filtering sample noise etc.在进行网络学习前,对样本进行标准化、变量空间的降维、过滤噪音等处理,使得样本具有很强 的特征性,可提高网络的学习能力。

2.this article beginning with thenetwork study monitoring seeks guarantees thenetwork study quality the microscopic strategy, specifically involves thenetwork study monitoring,Snecessity,the basic thought and the realization method.从网络学习监控入手,寻找确保网络学习质量的微观策略,具体论及网络学习监控的必要性及其基本思想、实现手段等。

3.Thenetwork study has already faced the teaching of middle school.网络学习已面向中学教学,中学生在网络学习中会受到多方面因素的影响,这些影响因素对中学生的网络学习又会产生不同的学习效果。


1.Inquiry on M-agent Based E-learning Evaluation System;基于M-agent的网络学习评价系统研究

2.Exploring the Aplications of the Grid Computing among the Affective Evaluation of E-learning;网格计算在网络学习情感评价中的应用初探

3.Design of E-learning System Based on MVC Model and Web Services;利用基于MVC模型的WebSerivce构建网络学习系统

6)web-based learning网络学习

1.The present situation of evaluation ofweb-based learning and countermeasures;网络学习评价现状分析及对策

work Security Consciousness Cultivate Analysis of Web-based Learning;网络学习安全意识培养分析

3.The Reasons and Strategies to Lost in Internet in Web-based Learning;网络学习中的信息迷航成因及对策


部分学习与整体学习部分学习与整体学习part learning and whole learning部分学习与整体学习(part learningand whole learning)在运动学习和记忆学习中,根据对学习内容的处理方式可以分成部分学习和整体学习。部分学习就是将材料分成几个部分,每次学习一个部分:整体学习就是每次学习整个材料。一般来讲,整体学习的效果优于部分学习。但是,课题复杂彼此没有意义联系的材料,用部分学习的效果好:课题简短或具有意义联系的材料,用整体学习的效果好。在进行学习时,可以将部分学习与整体学习结合起来,先进行整体学习再进行部分学习,或者相反。这种相互结合的学习方式叫做综合学习,效果更好些。 (周国帕撰成立夫审)
