100字范文 > 面磁化电流密度 dual-ring permanent magnets英语短句 例句大全

面磁化电流密度 dual-ring permanent magnets英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-25 01:25:00


面磁化电流密度 dual-ring permanent magnets英语短句 例句大全

面磁化电流密度,dual-ring permanent magnets

1)dual-ring permanent magnets面磁化电流密度

2)magnetization critical current density磁化临界电流密度

3)surface current density面电流密度

1.Based on the approximation of the surface distribution of the ground current due to the skin effects and of the equivalence between the surface magnetic field andsurface current density, this paper designs a novel magnetic field measurement apparatus which is applied to the test of th.基于地电流因集肤效应而分布于钢板表面,钢板表面磁场为面电流密度的近似结论,本文设计了一种适用于舰船钢板地电流检测的磁场测量仪器。


1.The changs of aerosol concentration and cosmic ray also affects the electric field in fair weather regions, the ground current density and the electric field.气溶胶浓度和宇宙射线的变化也会影响到晴天区电场以及雷暴区地面电流密度和电场;

2.Current density distribution of a PEMFC with big active area大活性面积PEMFC的电流密度分布

3.Choosing Cross-Section of Cable According to Economic Current Density and Economic Cross-Section基于经济电流密度和经济截面的电缆截面设计

4.Area Source Filament Thermion Emission Flow Density And Uniformity Analysis面源灯丝的热电子发射电流密度和均匀性分析

5.potential-current density curve电位-电流密度曲线

6.Discussion of the Wall Current Contribution in the Rectangular Waveguide under TE_(10) Mode矩形波导中TE_(10)波面壁电流密度分布讨论

7.The Study on the Effect of Altitude on the Corona Current and ion Current Density Electric Fielde Intesity at Ground in HVDC Power Transmission Line海拔高度对直流输电线路电晕电流地面离子流密度及地面场强影响的研究

8.Current density in tissue, that is, the intensity of HF current per unit of area,is even more important than electrical resisance.组织中的电流密度(也就是流过每单位面积的高频电流强度)甚至比电阻抗更重要。

9.high-current pulse generators高电流密度脉冲发生器

10.Calculate the Surface Field Strength and Emission Current Density of Field Emitter Cathode with Coefficient Method待定系数法计算场致发射体阴极表面场强和发射电流密度

11.The Effects of Current Density to Surface Morphology and Corrosion Resistance of Bright Ni-Fe Alloy Coating电流密度对光亮镍-铁合金镀层表面形貌及耐蚀性的影响

12.It is well established that facet damage is caused by the optical flux density at the laser facet and that it is not a function of the operating current.业已明确肯定,端面损伤是由激光器端面的光流密度引起的,并且不是工作电流的函数。

13.The3- D Vector and Pattern of Electromagnetic Field and Power Density on a Sphere from an Array of Time Harmonic Current.弦变线电流阵列在球面上电磁场及功率密度流之时变向量与三维场形。


15.Research on Measuring Device of Plate Current Density in ESP电除尘器板电流密度检测装置的研究

16.Summary on the overhaul of natural circulation electrolyzers with high current density高电流密度自然循环电解槽检修总结

17.Effect of electrorefining with high current density on cathode copper高电流密度电解对阴极铜质量的影响

18.Design on Aluminum Electrolytic Cell at High Anodic Current Density高阳极电流密度铝电解槽的设计思路


magnetization critical current density磁化临界电流密度

3)surface current density面电流密度

1.Based on the approximation of the surface distribution of the ground current due to the skin effects and of the equivalence between the surface magnetic field andsurface current density, this paper designs a novel magnetic field measurement apparatus which is applied to the test of th.基于地电流因集肤效应而分布于钢板表面,钢板表面磁场为面电流密度的近似结论,本文设计了一种适用于舰船钢板地电流检测的磁场测量仪器。

4)current surface density电流面密度

1.Distribution of electromagnetic field between plates and electric charge surface density andcurrent surface density on plates of a parallel plate capacitor in alternating current circuit are calculated by Maxwell′s equations and boundary conditions, the results are discusse应用麦克斯韦方程和边界条件,计算了交流电路中平行板电容器极板间的电磁场、极板电荷面密度和电流面密度的分布,并对结果进行了讨

5)surface polarization current density表面极化电流密度

6)magnetized surface current磁化面电流


