100字范文 > 电流感应磁化翻转效应 current-induced magnetic switching英语短句 例句大全

电流感应磁化翻转效应 current-induced magnetic switching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-01 13:54:35


电流感应磁化翻转效应 current-induced magnetic switching英语短句 例句大全

电流感应磁化翻转效应,current-induced magnetic switching

1)current-induced magnetic switching电流感应磁化翻转效应


1.An improved ensemble model on current induced magnetic switching effect电流感应磁化翻转效应的改进的系综模型

2.The Magnetic-field-induced Electric Polarization Flop in Multiferroics;多铁性材料中磁场感应的电极化翻转

3.converts mechanical energy into electrical energy by electromagnetic induction.通过电磁感应把机械能转化为电能。

4.Stress-induction EMF effects and associated principle of magnetic moment deflection for steel tube钢管应力-感应电动势效应及其磁矩偏转原理

5.Fiber Bragg Grating Current Sensor Based on Magnetostrictive Effect基于磁致伸缩效应的FBG电流传感器

6.Study of Main Flux Saturation Influence in Speed Estimating of Induction Machine;磁饱和效应对感应电动机转速辨识影响的研究

7.Research of Giant Magnetoimpedance Effect Based in Current Sensor;巨磁阻抗(GMI)效应在电流传感器上的应用研究

8.Influence of Current Limiting Resistance on the Magnetic Induction Effect of FeSiB Amorphous Ribbons限流电阻对FeSiB非晶薄带磁感应效应的影响

9.The chief effects of electric currents are the magnetic, heating and chemical effects.电流的主要效应有磁效应、热效应和化学效应三种。

10.To produce(an electric current or a magnetic charge) by induction.感应通过感应而产生(电流或电磁)

11.Study of Current Sensor Based on Magnetic-Optic Effect of Magnetic Fluid and GRIN Lens;基于磁流体磁光效应的GRIN透镜型电流传感器的研究

12.Study on an inductive steering speed sensor电磁感应式转向盘转速传感器的研究

13.Novel current sensor based on GMI effect in serial laminated amorphous ribbons embedded in the air gap of a toroidal core磁芯气隙中串联层叠非晶带GMI效应电流传感器

14.Maximum Torque Control Strategy in Field-Weakening Region of Induction Motors for Electric Vehicles电动汽车用感应电机弱磁区电磁转矩最大化控制

15.Research on Signal Processing of Direct Current Transformer Based on GMR Effect;基于巨磁电阻效应的直流电流互感器信号处理电路的设计研究

16.RE-TM antiferromagnetic coupling and laser induced ultrafast magnetization reversal dynamics in GdFeCo magneto-optical filmsGdFeCo磁光薄膜中RE-TM反铁磁耦合与激光感应超快磁化翻转动力学研究

17.Study on Current Sensor Utilizing Giant Magneto-impedance Effect in Co-based Amorphous Ribbon Annealed by Pulse Current;脉冲电流退火的Co基非晶带巨磁阻抗效应电流传感器

18.Analysis of Impacts on Geomagnetically Induced Current Level Evaluation by Power Network DC Equivalent Model采用电网直流等效模型评估地磁感应电流水平的影响因素分析


current induced magnetization switching电流感应磁化翻转

1.Thecurrent induced magnetization switching (CIMS) in a nano-scale pseudo-spin-valve (PSV) structure at low external magnetic filed is investigated using a macroscopic phenomenological model based on the magneto-dynamic equation.应用基于磁动力学方程的宏观唯象模型,研究了弱外磁场下纳米尺度赝自旋阀结构的电流感应磁化翻转效应。

2.A macroscopic phenomenological model based on the magnetic dynamic equation was proposed to investigate spin-polarizedcurrent induced magnetization switching in a nano-scale pseudo-spin-valve structure.提出了一个基于磁动力学方程的宏观唯象理论模型,对纳米级赝自旋阀结构的电流感应磁化翻转效应给出了明晰的物理解释:流入自由层的净自旋流和自由层内的自旋弛豫过程的共同作用,导致自由层总磁矩随时间的改变,甚至产生磁化方向的翻转。

3)Current-induced magnetization switching电流诱导磁化翻转效应

4)magnet-inductive effect磁电感效应

1.Influences of AC frequency,magnetic density and ribbon length on themagnet-inductive effect and the rangeability ofmagnet-inductive effect of Fe73.5B9非晶薄带的磁电感效应及磁电感效应变化幅度的影响。

5)electromagnetic influence effect电磁感应效应

1.Theelectromagnetic influence effect of material for amorphous alloy and expression on various magnetic field is presented.描述了非晶态合金材料的电磁感应效应并推出反映被测磁场变化的输出电压关系式。

6)magnetic effect of electric current电流磁效应


