100字范文 > 永久磁体 permanent magnet英语短句 例句大全

永久磁体 permanent magnet英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-08 17:22:37


永久磁体 permanent magnet英语短句 例句大全

永久磁体,permanent magnet

1)permanent magnet永久磁体

1.To grinding part surfaces withpermanent magnet and magnetic grains is a new method of magnetic grinding.利用永久磁体及磁性磨料对零件表面进行研磨,是磁力研磨中的一种新方法。

2.Themajor performances of some new materia is ofpermanent magnets area lso described for comparison.扼要地介绍了在较低温度下制造永久磁体的机械合金化新技术,并对一些永久磁体新材料的主要性能进行了对比阐述。

3.An iron ball suspending in a cylindricalpermanent magnet is realized by modifying the magnetic field distribution with iron balls array.通过引入小铁球阵列改变圆柱形永久磁体的空间磁场分布,采用螺线管模型计算永久磁体磁场在空间的分布,再根据待悬浮小铁球与永久磁体及被磁化的小铁球阵列的相互作用,用MalLab进行数值计算并绘出其能量分布曲线,发现该体系中的确存在着待悬浮小铁球能量的极小值位置,可实现小铁球的稳态悬浮呢。


1.the lines of force surrounding a permanent magnet or a moving charged particle.围绕一个永久磁体或移动电荷颗粒的力的线。

2.Designs of Novel Permanent Magnet and Bi-planar Shielded Longitudinal Gradient Coils;新型永久磁体及双平面纵向屏蔽梯度线圈设计

3.To grinding part surfaces with permanent magnet and magnetic grains is a new method of magnetic grinding.利用永久磁体及磁性磨料对零件表面进行研磨,是磁力研磨中的一种新方法。

4.Structure and Features of Permanent Magnet Circuits for Orienting Compression of Rare Earth Magnets稀土磁体取向压制成型永久磁路的结构与特点

5."A current can also be induced by constantly moving a permanent magnet in and out of a coil of wire, or by constantly moving a conductor near a stationary permanent magnet."让永久磁铁在线圈中进出运动或让一个导体在固定的永久磁铁附近的区域移动,也会产生电流。

6.Columax permanent magnet科鲁马克斯永久磁铁

7.permanent-magnet stepping motor永久磁铁步级电动机

8.permanent magnet moving-coil type ammeter永久磁铁动圈式安培计

9.permanent magnet moving-coil type voltmeter永久磁铁动圈式伏特计

10.The process of making a substance temporarily or permanently magnetic, as by insertion in a magnetic field.磁化使一个物体具有暂时或永久性磁性的过程,例如把一个物体放入磁物中

11.the process that makes a substance magnetic (temporarily or permanently).使物质暂时或永久具有磁性的过程。

12.a rigid magnetic disk mounted permanently in a drive unit.永久地安装在驱动程序中的硬磁盘。

13.The Application of Permanent Magnets on the Easy Open End Line永久磁铁在易开盖连线生产中的应用

14.The area ( s ) on magnetic disks used for work in process ; not permanent or even semipermanent.用来进行工作的磁盘域,它不是永久性的甚至不是半永久的。

15.Analysis on Magnetic Field Homogeneity of Dual-Ring Permanent Magnets永磁体双磁环结构的磁场均匀性分析

16.Of or relating to a crystalline dielectric that can be given a permanent electric polarization by application of an electric field.铁电体的一种可通过电场的作用获得永久电磁性的透明的绝缘体的或与此有关的

17.These traction motors with Class H insulation are permanently connected in parallel.automatic field weakening is provided and multiple-unit control is fitted.这些牵引电机带有永久性串联的H级绝缘体,该机车装有自动减磁和多元控制装置。

18.A bar on horseshoe magnet is called a permanent magnet.棒形或马蹄形磁体称为永磁体。



3)permanent magnet永久磁铁,永磁体

4)ring permanent magnet环形永久磁体

1.The other type is the structually improved multipole magnetic field of which thering permanent magnets are introduced to simplify the magnetic circuit.采用环形永久磁体改进设计了考夫曼离子源的多极磁场,简化了磁路结构。

5)permanent magnet永久磁铁

1.The hybrid magnet was made by combining electromagnet withpermanent magnet(PM).通过比较永久磁铁的不同安装位置的影响,给出混合磁铁的结构方案。

2.Starting from the two operational states ofpermanent magnet, this article explains that the working point ofpermanent magnet in thepermanent magnet actuator is sited on the reversional curve, and the demagnetized curve of NFeBpermanent magnet is approximately in a straight line,and its reversional curve coincides with the demagnetized curve, moreover,its flux density has repeatability.从永久磁铁的两种工作状态出发 ,说明了永磁机构中永久磁铁的工作点位于回复线上 ,且钕铁硼永磁的祛磁曲线几乎是一条直线 ,它的回复曲线与祛磁曲线基本重合 ,磁感应强度具有重复性。

3.In this paper, an IBEM(Indirect Boundary Element Method) is presented for calculatingpermanent magnet field, and the formula of calculating magnetic field intensity is deduced.本文提出用间接边界元法计算任意界面的永久磁铁所产生的空间磁场,推导出其磁场计算公式。

6)permanet magnet永久磁钢


实验室高场超导磁体——15.5T磁体(1985)实验室高场超导磁体——15.5T磁体(1985)实验室高场超导磁体一f 5 5T磁体 r1 9851
