100字范文 > 国际金融秩序 international financial order英语短句 例句大全

国际金融秩序 international financial order英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-23 04:14:01


国际金融秩序 international financial order英语短句 例句大全

国际金融秩序,international financial order

1)international financial order国际金融秩序

1.From American subprime crisis to global financial tsunami and to world economic deterioration,the essence of this crisis is a kind of foam game and exposes the basic inner defects ofinternational financial order,which is that US dollar hegemony and American hegemony give the opportunity to the United States to shift the crisis.从美国次贷危机到全球金融海啸,再到世界经济衰退,本次危机的实质就是一种泡沫游戏,暴露出国际金融秩序内在的根本缺陷,即美元霸权和美国的金融霸权给了美国转嫁危机的机会。

2.The global financial crisis caused by the sub-prime crisis triggered the countries to reconstruct a newinternational financial order.我们利用博弈论的基本方法对参与各方的行为动机及可能选择进行分析,得出的结论是:由于国际金融秩序是一种结构性权力,其根本变革需要一个具有主导能力的新权力主体,但这种权力主体目前并未出现,因此国际金融秩序的变革只能是有限变革。


1.The Financial Crisis"s Implications on International Trade and Finance Order国际金融危机与国际贸易、国际金融秩序的发展方向

2.The Disorder of the International Finance Is the Source of Deflation;国际金融秩序的无序是通货紧缩的根源

3.Origin of the US Subprime Mortgage Crisis and Its Influence on International Financial Order美国次贷危机的成因及其对国际金融秩序的影响

4.The Sub-prime Crisis and the International Financial Order Reconstruction with Game Analysis次贷危机与国际金融秩序重构的博弈分析——兼论我国对全球性资源布局的战略

5.The Financial Crisis,U.S.Dollar Supremacy and the Reconstruction of International Financial Order金融危机、美元霸权与国际金融新秩序的构建

6.International Financial Crisis and Establishing New International Economic and Political Order国际金融危机与建立国际经济政治新秩序

7.New International Order, World Order and New World Order;国际新秩序、世界秩序与世界新秩序

8.Third, financial order will be thoroughly rectified.三是深入整顿金融秩序。

9.Forming a New Order to the Global Economy and to Innovate in the Financial Institution for China;全球经济秩序形成中的中国金融制度创新

10.Youth Movement for a New International国际新秩序青年运动

11.international information and communication order国际新闻和传播秩序

12.New international humanitarian order国际人道主义新秩序

13.New International Information and Communication Order国际新闻和传播新秩序

14.Political Declaration: Strengthening the International Order政治宣言:加强国际秩序

15.Establish a new international economic order建立国际经济新秩序

16.Working Group on the New International Economic Order国际经济新秩序工作组

17.Second, working to establish a new international political order and a new international economic order.第二条是建立国际政治新秩序和经济新秩序。

18.And the only aim for Bank of China was to keep financial sequence in perfect order.中国银行积极参与代兑的原因是为了维持稳定的金融秩序。


new international financial order国际金融新秩序

1.Therefore,changes must be made so as to suit to the demand of current international financial relations,and to establish a justified,appropriatenew international financial order.影响国际经济金融秩序的因素发生了新变化,目前的国际金融秩序已经不能适应国际政治格局和经济、技术发展趋势,不能适应调整当前国际金融关系的需要,必须进行变革,并建立公正、合理的国际金融新秩序。

3)the old international financial order国际金融旧秩序

1.The current international financial crisis has resulted from the old international economic and political order,especiallythe old international financial order.这次国际金融危机是国际经济政治旧秩序特别是国际金融旧秩序的产物。

4)financial order金融秩序

1.The unjust competitive behavior has disturbed greatly the normalfinancial order, damaged the goodwill of bank, which is easy to cause financial venture.银行业的不正当竞争严重扰乱了正常的金融秩序,损害了银行的信誉,并极容易造成金融风险。

2.Nowadays,overdrawing action with credit card tends to be more and more common,which has not only caused loss to banks,but also broken nationalfinancial order.当前利用信用卡套取现金的行为有扩大化趋势,它不仅使银行遭受了费用损失,也扰乱了国家的金融秩序。

5)International order国际秩序

1.Thoughts on “The Death of Saddam” ——international order and global justice;从“萨达姆之死”看国际秩序与全球正义

2.Analysing the Culture and System in the International Order;论国际秩序中的文化与制度

3.The Tides of the 20th Century Nationalism And the Development of the International Order;20世纪民族主义与国际秩序的变迁

6)new international order国际新秩序

1.The Conception of Harmonious World and Establishing a New International Order;和谐世界理念与国际新秩序的构建

2.Hence it has great guiding meaning for coordinating the relations between man and nature and reconstructingnew international order.恩格斯的观点即使与今天相比仍居前沿,对重建国际新秩序、协调天人关系仍有巨大的指导意义。

3.The connotation is a fusion of the five principles on peaceful coexistence,anti-supremacy,power politics,maintenance of the world multiformity,the notion of buildingnew international order,accelerating the international cooperation,strengthening the function U.江泽民国际关系民主化思想是顺应世界发展要求的产物,是以“和平共处五项原则”和反霸思想为理论基础的;其内涵融会在弘扬“和平共处五项原则”、反对霸权主义和强权政治、维护世界多样性、主张建立国际新秩序、促进国际合作、加强联合国作用、树立新安全观等国际战略思想之中;作为我国国际关系理念的创新,在实践上具有重要的现实意义。


