100字范文 > 国际金融法 International Financial Law英语短句 例句大全

国际金融法 International Financial Law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-14 00:04:08


国际金融法 International Financial Law英语短句 例句大全

国际金融法,International Financial Law

1)International Financial Law国际金融法

1.Reflection aboutInternational Financial Law Derived From the Global Financial Storm透过全球金融风暴反思国际金融法

2.ConceringInternational Financial Law,there are six aspects should be considered:1.对国际金融法应有一些新的思考:一是在总纲中要明确建立起一个全球公平、公正、有效的国际金融新秩序。


1.Research on the International Finance Operation Mechanism and Development of the International Finance Law;论国际金融运行机制与国际金融法的发展

2.Financial Globalization and International Financial Law--Also on the Readjustments in Chinese Financial Law;金融全球化与国际金融法——兼论中国金融法治之因应

3.Varied opinions exist in the field of study of international finance and international financiallaws concerning the nature of Basle Agreement.在国际金融学和国际金融法学界,对《巴塞尔协议》的性质都存有异议。

4.A Study on the Reform of International Financial Legal System Under the Background of Globalization全球化背景下国际金融法制改革研究

5.Dr Li mainly centers on the research& teaching of international economic law, domestic and international financial law, and law practice.主要从事国际经济法、内与国际金融法的教学、究及法律实务。

ment on the Academic Research publications of Chinese International Financial Law Since New Century;新世纪中国国际金融法学术研究成果评析

7.International Finance Corporation国际金融公司(金融公司)

8.Under the Impact of International Financial Crisis of the Financial Supervision of China"s Legal Response to国际金融危机背景下我国的金融监管法律应对

9.Legal Research on Financial Holding Companies in the International Financial Market;国际金融市场金融控股公司法律问题研究

10.Financial Innovation and the Development of International Financial Supervision and Control Legal System;金融创新与国际金融监管法律制度新发展

11.The Mergence of International Finace and the Legal Prevention of Financial Risks;国际金融一体化趋势与金融风险的法律防范

12.When finance goes international, it is then an international finance.当金融国际化了,就成了国际金融。

13.Research on Legal Issues of Internationalization of Financial Privacy Right Protection;金融隐私权保护国际化法律问题研究

14.The International Comparison of Import and Export Policy Financial Institutional Act;进出口政策性金融机构法的国际比较

15.The Nature, Course Name and System of InternationalFinancial and Monetary Law;论国际货币金融法的性质名称和体系

16.The Multilateralization of Laws on International Trade in Financial Serveces;国际金融服务贸易法律的多边化与中国金融服务贸易法制

17.Lessons from the International Financial Crisis for China’s Legislation of Financial Supervision论国际金融危机对完善我国金融监管法制的警示

18.Challenges Presented by the International Financial Crisis to the Social and Economic Legal Relationships as Well as the Foreign-related Financial Legal Relationships国际金融危机对我国社会经济和涉外金融法律关系的挑战


International Financial and Monetary Law国际货币金融法

1.Asa new subject,International Financial and Monetary Law has a short history, and there are many different views on its nature, course name and system in our country.国际货币金融法是一门新兴的法律学科 ,其发展历史较短 ;有关这门学科的性质、名称和体系 ,法学界存在着较大的分歧 ,没有形成统一的认识。

3)international financial law system国际金融法制

1.It is imperative to carry on theinternational financial law system reform.国际金融法制改革势在必行。

4)international finance国际金融

1.With the globalization ofinternational finance, the requirements of the economic and financing departments for the high-quality and utility-type talents is increasing day by day.以现代《国际金融》理论为基础,以“实际、实用、实践”为原则改革专业教学内容、课程体系及教学方法和手段,大力加强实践教学环境与实训基地建设,积极研究《国际金融》学科发展的新动向,并尽可能地将国际金融学科的最新研究成果反映到教学中去,加强现代化教学技术的应用,努力培养适应未来、适应人才竞争国际化需求的高素质实用型专门人才。

2.In ,new trends have appeared ininternational finance for American subsuperime mortgaged loan bond problem and global liquidity surplus,i.,美国次级债问题和全球流动性过剩现象,使国际金融出现了新动向,即价格风险、金融产品风险、经济全球化已经转变为制度风险、资源价格风险和投资全球化。

3.The outstanding feature ofinternational finance market in is apparent increase of prices,focusing on American policy and American stock prices and China Renminbi appreciation.国际金融市场的特点突出表现为价格同涨明显,焦点集中于美国政策与美国股票价格以及中国人民币升值。

5)financial internationalization金融国际化

1.The existing strategic theory offinancial internationalization in the development of China s enterprises does not explain very well why China s enterprises are not competitive in the international market.中国企业发展过程中现有金融国际化的理论与策略尚不能充分的解释为什么中国企业在国际市场竞争中竞争力不强的原因。

2.One of the commitments made by the Chinese government when applying for entry to WTO is to open its financial market gradually and systematically, which is in fact an inherent requirement offinancial internationalization and market-oriented development.渐进有序地开放金融市场,是我国政府在加入世界贸易组织时所作的承诺,也是金融国际化、市场化发展规律的内在要求。

3.Based on the analysis on Shanghai s financial development in recent years and the choice of future development strategy,the author suggests that four aspects should be the focuses offinancial internationalization in Shanghai.本文在分析上海金融业的发展现状及未来发展策略的基础上 ,阐述了上海金融国际化的四个重点领域 :金融机构国际化的重点———外资金融机构的准入 ;金融业务国际化的重点———离岸金融业务的开办 ;金融市场国际化的重点———证券市场国际化 ;金融监管国际化的重点———银行业监管的国际化。

6)International Finance国际金融学

1.On the basis of analyzing and using the experience of different views which domestic and foreign scholars have about the object of study of the subjectInternational Finance, the article puts forward its own opinion, which is to study how to attain the external parity in the situation of opening economy from the view point of currency finance.文章在分析、借鉴国内外学者对《国际金融学》研究对象的不同看法的基础上 ,提出了自己的见解 ,即“从货币金融角度研究经济开放下实现外部均衡问题”的观点。

2.With the rapid development of world economic integration,an endless stream of new issues in the field of international finance arise growing international concern.随着世界经济一体化的飞速发展,国际金融领域中的新问题层出不穷,引起了国际范围内越来越多的关注,国际金融学因此成为整个经济学的前沿领域。


