100字范文 > 《万国公法》 International Law英语短句 例句大全

《万国公法》 International Law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-26 13:59:52


《万国公法》 International Law英语短句 例句大全

《万国公法》,"International Law"

1)"International Law"《万国公法》

1."International Law" in the Early Meiji Japan《万国公法》在明治初期的日本


1.New revelations on the original edition of Wan-Guo-Gong-Fa and the purposes of its translator,W.A.P.Martin;丁韪良《万国公法》翻译蓝本及意图新探

2.Some Questions on W.A.P Martin Translation of Elements of International Law关于丁韪良译介《万国公法》的几个问题

3.On Ding Weiliang and International Public Law--Also on the Beginning of Eastward Spreading of International Law丁韪良与《万国公法》——兼论国际法学东渐之肇始

4.The Dissemination and Application of Wanguo Gongfa in China during the Age of Emperor Tongzhi;同治年间《万国公法》在中国的传播和应用

5.Acts of Concession of the Universal Suez Canal Company万国苏伊士运河公司特许法令

6.The influence of Multi-national Communique on the Hundred Days Reform;论《万国公报》对维新变法的舆论影响

7.A tentative Analysis of Timothy Richard s Views on Institutional Reform in Wan Guo Gong Bao;李提摩太在《万国公报》上的变法思想

8."Some 1 million British citizens live or work abroad: about 100,000 in France, 420,000 in Spain"现在,约有100万英国公民在国外生活或工作,其中10万人在法国,42万人在西班牙

9.International law (otherwise known as public international law or the law of nations) is the system of law which governs relations between states.国际法(亦称国际公法或万国公法)是用来调节国家间的关系的法律体系。

10.Citicorp International Limited万国宝通国际有限公司

11.Universal Company of Panama Canal万国巴拿马运河公司

12.Universal Suez Canal Company万国苏伊士运河公司

13.International Harvester Company国际收割机公司(万国机械公司)

14.in England they call one thousand million a milliard.十亿是英国对十万万的说法。

15.Constitution of the Universal Postal Unio万国邮政联盟组织法

16.Throughout the United States there are some 5, 270,000 kilometers of hard-surface roads, and more than 1 million kilometers of other roads.全美国有沥青公路约计527万公里,其它公路也有100万公里。

17."O let the nations be glad, and make song of joy; for you will be the judge of the peoples in righteousness, guiding the nations of the earth. (Selah.)"愿万国都快乐欢呼。因为你必按公正审判万民,引导世上的万国。(细拉)

18.Weber Shandwick China万博宣伟公关(中国)有限公司


law of nations万国公法,国际法

3)The Globe Magazine《万国公报》

1.The View on Confucianism of the Protestant Missionaries SojournedIn China during the Late Qing Dynasty:AroundThe Globe Magazine Run by Young John Allen in Shanghai;晚清寓华新教传教士的儒学观——以林乐知在上海所办《万国公报》为中心

2.The Globe Magazine s Introduction of Modern Western Education into China;《万国公报》对西方近代教育制度的植入

4)Wan Kwoh Kung Pao《万国公报》

1.The Propaganda of Opium-forbidden byWan Kwoh Kung Pao;早期《万国公报》的禁烟宣传

2.Briefly on the Nature ofWan Kwoh Kung Pao;略论《万国公报》的性质

3.On Soliciting Articles ofWan Kwoh Kung Pao;略论《万国公报》的征文

5)Wan Guo Gong Bao《万国公报》

1.A tentative Analysis of Timothy Richard s Views on Institutional Reform inWan Guo Gong Bao;李提摩太在《万国公报》上的变法思想

2.Timothy Richard had many of his Chritian articles published inWan Guo Gong Bao,and he had great effects.李提摩太在《万国公报》上发表过很多宣传基督教的文章,在当时有一定影响。

3.We analyse Timothy Richard s articles published inWan Guo Gong Bao,trying to analyse his ideas and value his influence to late Qing Dynasty?s culture impartially.我们通过李提摩大在《万国公报》上发表的文章 ,对他的思想进行分析 ,并且公允地评价他对晚清中国文化的影

6)The Globe Magazine万国公报

1.The Globe Magazine and Education Reform in Late Qing Dynasty;《万国公报》与晚清教育变革


