100字范文 > 国际金融危机 international financial crisis英语短句 例句大全

国际金融危机 international financial crisis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-21 18:26:51


国际金融危机 international financial crisis英语短句 例句大全

国际金融危机,international financial crisis

1)international financial crisis国际金融危机

1.A Review of the International Financial Crisis:Origin,Prospect and Impact国际金融危机成因、发展及启示的研究综述

2.Oninternational financial crisis"s influence on eletronic enterprise and its countermeasures试述国际金融危机对电网企业的影响及对策

3.International Financial Crisis and Marxism国际金融危机与马克思主义


1.Accumulation of Finance Capital and the Financial Crisis金融资本的积累与当前国际金融危机

2.On Regulatory Capital Arbitrage and International Financial Crisis监管资本套利和国际金融危机——对~国际金融危机成因的分析

3.Under the Impact of International Financial Crisis of the Financial Supervision of China"s Legal Response to国际金融危机背景下我国的金融监管法律应对

4.On Adjustments of China"s Tax Policies for Financial Sector in the International Financial Crisis国际金融危机下的中国金融业税收政策调整

5.A Discussion on China"s Tax Policies for Financial Sector in the Context of International Financial Crisis国际金融危机背景下我国金融业税收政策探讨

6.The reasons for the international financial crisis and China"s countermeasures国际金融危机的原因及中国应对之策

7.The Strike of Financial Crisis and the Feedback of Chinese Industry国际金融危机冲击下中国工业的反应


9.International Financial Crisis and Buy American Provisions国际金融危机与“购买美国货”条款

10.The Financial Crisis"s Implications on International Trade and Finance Order国际金融危机与国际贸易、国际金融秩序的发展方向

11.In the International Financial Crisis Research on the Financial (Accounting) Physics Theory国际金融危机中金融(会计)物理理论研究

mentary on Russian economic security under international financial crisis国际金融危机下俄罗斯经济安全述评

13.On Tax Havens from the Perspective of International Financial Crisis国际金融危机视角下的“避税天堂”

14.The Governance Innovation of Local Government Under the International Financial Crisis国际金融危机下的地方政府治理创新

15.Lessons From the International Financial Crisis从国际金融危机中应汲取的经验教训

16.The Influence of the International Financial Crisis on Vietnam"s Economic Policies国际金融危机对越南经济政策的影响

17.Thoughts on the Reform of International Financial System during the Financial Crisis金融危机下国际金融体系改革的思考

18.Research of International Financial Market Volatility Spillover Effect under Financial Crisis金融危机下国际金融市场间波动溢出效应研究


Global financial crisis国际金融危机

1."The Political Economy of Crisis":from Russia-Georgia Conflict to the Global Financial Crisis——Changes of Relations between Russia and Great Powers and Lessons for China从俄格冲突到国际金融危机的“危机政治经济学”——俄罗斯与大国关系的变迁及其对中国的启示

2.The global financial crisis broke out in , the Chinese financial system was not impacted directly, however the real economic sectors suffered, especially the foreign trade sectors.国际金融危机爆发,中国金融部门虽然没有受到危机的严重冲击,但是真实经济部门,尤其是外贸部门遭受了巨大冲击,中国严重依赖外需的经济增长模式受到前所未有的挑战,保增长,稳定外需成为中国在危机时期的重要任务。

3)The international financial crisis国际金融危机

1.Indian Strategies against the International Financial Crisis and the Analysis of Its Future Economy印度应对国际金融危机的对策及其经济前景分析

2.This article focus on building the Jidong economic zones on the basis of having a scientific understanding to the international financial crisis, to mitigate impact and negative effects which the financial crisis carried to the economic and social, ensure the operation of socioeconomic smooth and creat the new economic growth pole of Hebei province.本文在科学认识国际金融危机的基础上,提出着力建设冀东经济区,来减轻金融危机对经济社会的冲击和负面作用,保证社会经济平稳运行,并打造河北经济新的增长极。

3.In order to have a correct understanding of the current international financial crisis,it is necessary to use the scientific method of Marxismt dialectical materialism to interpret the causes of the global financial crisis by seeing through the appearance to grasp the essence and also have a clear understanding of the influences of the international financial crisis on China\"s economy.正确认识当前国际金融危机,就要运用马克思辩证唯物主义的科学方法,从多层面透过现象看本质来解读国际金融危机的成因,认清国际金融危机对我国经济是有影响有冲击的,某些影响和冲击甚至很严重,但它又是有限的,不是决定性的。

4)international finance crisis国际金融危机

1.To cope with the firstinternational finance crisis on the 21th centry,China\"s central government decisively carried out "10 new deals "to expand the domestic demand,to guarantee the enconomy growth.为了应对新世纪的第一场国际金融危机,中央政府果断出台了扩内需、保增长的"十项新政",这预示着中国从以来实施的稳健财政政策向更加积极的财政政策转型。

2.To expand China\"s domestic demand is one of the most effective methods in the face of the currentinternational finance crisis.扩大内需是我国应对国际金融危机的最有效途径之一。

5)International Financial Crisis Impact国际金融危机冲击

1.Administrative Guidance Measure:An Active Role in Coping WithInternational Financial Crisis Impact——Concurrent Discussion on Improving Government Crisis Intervention Ability by Administrative Method Innovation应积极发挥行政指导措施在应对国际金融危机冲击中的作用——兼论通过行政管理方式创新提升政府的危机干预能力

6)Thai financial crisis泰国金融危机

1.But with the influence ofThai financial crisis on its own land and the world, we must keep much caution on the open policy of capital projects, so as to keep up with the open level and developing level of economics in China.但泰国金融危机对本国乃至世界经济造成的巨大冲击,使我们必须十分审慎对待资本项目开放,使之与我国经济发展水平、开放程度相适应。


1929年~1933年世界金融危机1929年~1933年世界金融危机【1929年一1933年世界金触危机】1929-1933 1929年10月,美国证券市场发生危机,拉开世界经济危机的序幕。由于股票价格暴跌,物价下降,特别是原料价格暴跌,盛产初级产品的巴西、阿根廷、澳大利亚等国遭受严重打击,出口剧减,国际收支情况恶化,黄金大t外流。随后大危机的风暴席卷欧洲大陆。1931年初,奥地利因经济危机而发生金融危机,实力雄厚的奥地利信用银行倒闭。同年5月,德国因受奥地利影响也发生金融危机,达木士塔尔和国民银行两大银行破产,后又引起大批银行倒闭,德国政府因此禁止黄金输出并实行外汇管制,1931年7月,德奥两国的金融危机波及英国。由于在20世纪初期英国的统治地位已开始削弱,它在出口商品市场和国际金融市场上遭受到美、法、德、俄等国的竞争和挑战,尤其在第一次世界大战后,英国因战争损失和国际收支逆差,已从债权国变为债务国,黄金极为缺乏,在受到抢购压力之后,被迫于同年9月停止实行金本位制。与此同时,美国大批银行倒闭,大量黄金外流,仅在1950一1933年中,倒闭的银行高达9108家,倒闭浪潮几乎把美国金融体制推向崩溃的边缘。
