100字范文 > 金融风暴 Financial Crisis英语短句 例句大全

金融风暴 Financial Crisis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-01 20:44:34


金融风暴 Financial Crisis英语短句 例句大全

金融风暴,Financial Crisis

1)Financial Crisis金融风暴

1.Financial crisis causes China’s economic fluctuations as well as great opportunities.本文主要介绍了金融风暴中中国经济的发展及其对中国通信产业和RFID产业发展的影响。

2.nfluence of global financial crisis on toys manufacturing industry of Guangdong province studied.通过对金融风暴带给广东玩具业影响的现状研究,剖析探讨该阶段设计业的优势与困境,指出金融风暴必将是珠三角"三来一补"代工模式的终结者,只有创新设计与品牌才能引导企业突破重围、寻求发展契机。


1.To Study on the Security Problems of Chinese Finance under the Financial Storming金融风暴下的中国金融安全问题研究

2.Dealing with Financial Crisis and Bringing Geological and Prospecting Fund into Control Play应对金融风暴 发挥基金调控作用

3.A New Inspiration of Wall Street Financial Strom and Financial Supervision Pattern华尔街金融风暴与金融监管模式的新启示

4.The regional financial turmoil has resulted in a drastic adjustment of property prices.亚洲金融风暴令物业价格大幅调整。

5.When will the Asian financial crisis end?这场亚洲金融风暴何时会结束?

6.Southeast Asian stock market climbs from the financial storm shade;东南亚股市 从金融风暴阴影中爬升 ;

7.The Wall Street Financial Crisis and China s External Economic Environment;华尔街金融风暴与我国外部经济环境

8.The Vitality of Marxism in the Current Financial Crisis金融风暴与马克思学说的当代生命力

9.Amplification and Conduction of Global Financial Risk:Role of Hedge Funds in Financial Storm国际金融系统风险的放大与传导:对冲基金在金融风暴中的作用

10.China under the global financial turmoil and a way out to explore the financing of SMEs全球金融风暴下我国中小企业融资出路探讨

11.The Financial Innovation Is Really Disassimilated By Finance?--Deep Decipherment About Financial Innovation and Financial Supervision Under Financial Storm金融创新真的被金融异化了吗——金融风暴背景下深入解读金融创新与金融监管

12.I will talk about the Asian financial turmoil and its impact on Hong Kong.我也想谈谈亚洲金融风暴和这次风暴对香港所造成的影响。

13.Let me now talk about the Asian financial turmoil and how it has affected Hong Kong.现在让我谈谈亚洲金融风暴和香港在这次风暴中所受到的影响。

14.Currently, the non-performing loans held by the big four banks is a main impediment for China"s financial account convertibility.亚洲金融风暴的发生,也使中国对金融帐开放的态度趋于保守。

15.The Southeastern Asian Financial Turbulance shows that the excessive capital flight is likely to lead to financial crisis.东南亚金融风暴表明,过度的资本外逃可能会引发金融危机。

16.The Asian financial turmoil which indeed has become increasingly global has given us additional degree of instability.亚洲金融风暴使本港的情况更不稳定,事实上,这场金融风暴已经影响了全世界。

17.In recent weeks, the financial turmoil in Asia has preoccupied the mind of many people.亚洲近数星期的金融风暴,惹来不少人的关注。

18.Hong Kong"s economy has been greatly affected by the turmoil around us.本港的经济一直大大受到区内金融风暴的影响。


financial storm金融风暴

1.Amplification and Conduction of Global Financial Risk:Role of Hedge Funds in Financial Storm国际金融系统风险的放大与传导:对冲基金在金融风暴中的作用

2.The Financial Innovation Is Really Disassimilated By Finance?——Deep Decipherment About Financial Innovation and Financial Supervision Under Financial Storm金融创新真的被金融异化了吗——金融风暴背景下深入解读金融创新与金融监管

3.Unfortunately, thefinancial storm onset in has badly threat the employment market and the threat will continue in the near future.同时,席卷全球的金融风暴还将在相当长一段时间里对毕业生的就业造成极大的冲击。

3)Financial turmoil金融风暴

1.The current financial turmoil sweeping through the world, there is a tremendous impact on China’s economy, especially some small and medium-sized labor-intensive and export-oriented enterprises, almost is fatal blowing.目前,席卷全球的金融风暴,对我国经济影响巨大,特别是一些劳动密集型中小企业和外向型企业,几乎受到致命性打击。

2.It wass the first financial agency in Japan which collapsed in the American financial crisis,indicating that global financial turmoil was coming to hit the Asian insurance businesses.这是日本首家在金融危机中倒下的金融机构,也预示着这场肆虐全球的金融风暴正在向亚洲保险行业袭来。

4)the great financial storm金融大风暴

1. was a global crisis year,and the world economy suffered a severe attack fromthe great financial storm.是一个全球危机年,世界经济遭受了金融大风暴的无情袭击,美日欧等国经济遭受重创,中国经济在这场金融风暴中也难以避免地受到了影响。

5)Asian Financial Storm in 199797金融风暴

1.China Banking Facing more Opportunities in Subprime Crisis thanAsian Financial Storm in 1997次贷危机对中国银行业的影响及对策——从与97金融风暴对比的视角

6)the Asian Finical Storm亚洲金融风暴

1.Challenge tothe Asian Finical Storm:Look Forword to the Future of the Chinese Socioeconomic Policy;挑战亚洲金融风暴:中国宏观社会经济政策走势前瞻


