100字范文 > 加料控制模型 feeding control model英语短句 例句大全

加料控制模型 feeding control model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-13 13:53:14


加料控制模型 feeding control model英语短句 例句大全

加料控制模型,feeding control model

1)feeding control model加料控制模型

1.The LF furnacefeeding control model based on the reaction mechanism was feasible.结果显示,基于反应机理的LF炉加料控制模型,能比较准确的设计精炼渣系的配料方案,虽然在脱氧剂使用上存在一些误差,基于反应机理的LF炉加料控制模型是可行的。


1.Basic Research of LF Furnace Feeding Control Model基于反应机理的LF炉加料控制模型基础研究

2.Research on Intelligent Control Model of Mathematics in Feed Pelleting System;饲料制粒系统智能控制数学模型研究

3.Research on Raw Material Costing Control Model for Steel Enterprise;钢铁企业原材料成本控制模型的研究

4.Application of Abrasive Flow Machining in Plastic Molding Mold Manufacture磨料流加工在塑料成型模具制造中的应用

5.cybernetic model控制论模型, 模拟控制机

6.Optimation Technology on NC Machining Cutting Parameters and Strtegies Oriented to Mould Cavity;塑料模具型腔数控加工参数和策略的优化技术

7.The Design of Fuzzy Control System for Electric-heating Mini-reactor电加热微型反应器模糊控制系统设计

8.Numerical Simulation, Optimization and Control of Filling Process in Injection Molding;塑料注射成型充填过程的数值模拟、优化与控制

9.Research on Training Mode of Personel in the Specialty of Material Forming and Control Engineering;材料成型与控制工程专业人才培养模式的探索

10.The Model and System Framework of System in Quality Control of Cigarette Flavor and Perfume烟用香精香料质量控制系统的模型及架构

11.Raw materials collaborative inventory control model in iron & steel group钢铁集团原料协同库存控制模型研究与应用

12.Application of Disk Batching Calculation Model in the Automatic Control System of Stock Yard圆盘配料计算模型在原料场自动控制系统中的应用

13.A Model-Based Decision Support System for Temperature Set Point Optimisation for Greenhouse Heating;基于模型的温室加温控制目标设定系统的研究

14.Model Development of Temperature for Heating Fire Way in Coke Stove and Control of Coke Stove;焦炉加热火道温度模型的建立及焦炉控制研究

15.Study on Rapid Moulding Process Based on Numerical Control Prototype;基于数控加工原型的快速模具制造工艺研究

16.Study on EWMA Controller with Variable Gain;变模型增益指数加权移动平均控制器研究

17.Research on Access Control of Encrypted CAD Model Based on Task and Role;基于任务和角色的加密CAD模型的访问控制研究

18.Self-adapting Control of Computer Optimun Model in Furnace;加热炉计算机最佳化模型的自适应控制


acceleration and deceleration control model加减速控制模型

1.To satisfy high speed Numerical Control(NC) machining,anacceleration and deceleration control model was proposed,and the speed curve was also constructed by the cubic polynomial.为满足高速数控加工的要求,提出了一种三次多项式加减速控制模型。

2.Anacceleration and deceleration control model was proposed to avoid the occurrence of intense vibration in high speed numerical control(NC) machining,and the speed curve was constructed by the cubic polynomial.为此提出了一种三次多项式加减速控制模型。

3)charging control加料控制

1.Application ofcharging control technique in120t converter of Jinan Iron and Steel Co;加料控制技术在济钢转炉炼钢工程中的应用

4)control model for coke oven heating焦炉加热控制模型

5)Furnace automatic combustion control model加热炉燃烧控制模型

6)control model控制模型

1.Application and improvement of laminar coolingcontrol model in Steckel mill of Anyang Iron and Steel Co;层流冷却控制模型在安钢炉卷轧机的应用及改进

2.Control strategy andcontrol model for an accelerate cooling control system of plates after rolling;中厚板轧后快速冷却系统控制策略与控制模型

3.Thecontrol model research and realization of microcomputer observation and control systems which is in air conditioning unit of the train;客车空调机组微机测控系统控制模型的研究与实现


加料把原料装进操作的容器之中;添加原料 :~工人 ㄧ自动~。
